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By B. S. Kamps et al.

  Thoracic Surgery

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Articles published in Scand Cardiovasc J

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    December 2025
  1. SONG TX, Sun YD, Zhang B, Xuan Y, et al
    Multivariate and survival analysis of prognosis and surgical benefits in infective endocarditis.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2025;59:2429994.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2024
  2. EL-AKKAWI AI, Media AS, Eykens Hjornet N, Nielsen DV, et al
    Timing of Chest Tube Removal Following Adult Cardiac Surgery: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2294681.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  3. AN Z, Tian J, Zhao X, Zhang M, et al
    PET evaluation of myocardial perfusion function after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with chronic total occlusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2302174.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  4. VAN DER LINDEN J, Fux T, Kaakinen T, Rutanen J, et al
    In Nordic countries 30-day mortality rate is half that estimated with EuroSCORE II in high-risk adult patients given aprotinin and undergoing mainly complex cardiac procedures.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2330347.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  5. WICKBOM A, Fengsrud E, Alfredsson J, Engdahl J, et al
    Atrial fibrillation incidence after coronary artery bypass graft surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention: the prospective AFAF cohort study.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2347297.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  6. QIU J, Li L, Wang W, Li X, et al
    Jailed high-pressure balloon technique is superior to jailed wire technique in protecting side branch of coronary bifurcation lesions.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2347295.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  7. MULLER M, Hanssen TA, Johansen D, Jakobsen O, et al
    Validity of a smartwatch for detecting atrial fibrillation in patients after heart valve surgery: a prospective observational study.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2353069.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  8. LARSSON M, Nozohoor S, Ede J, Herou E, et al
    Biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation after minimally invasive mitral valve surgery: a prospective comparison to conventional surgery.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2347293.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  9. LIU Y, Li X, Liu Z, Lu C, et al
    A nomogram for prediction of early mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery for infective endocarditis: a retrospective single-center study.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2373084.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  10. ZHU T, Li D, Qiao J, Li Q, et al
    Accuracy of subtraction fractional flow reserve with computed tomography in identifying early revascularization in patients with coronary artery disease.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2373082.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  11. KAVLIE TL, Kildahl HA, Dalen H, Nordhaug DO, et al
    Five-year outcomes of mitral valve repair for leaflet prolapse at a medium-sized Norwegian university hospital.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2379336.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  12. WESTERDAHL E, Bergh C, Urell C
    Patient-reported physical activity, pain, and fear of movement after cardiac surgery: a descriptive cross-sectional study.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2393311.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  13. KLEMENTSSON V, Bhat M, Steding-Ehrenborg K, Hedstrom E, et al
    Non-invasive pressure-volume loops show high arterial elastance in children with repaired tetralogy of Fallot.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2418085.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2024
    Common practice of underreporting and downplaying adverse events and exaggerating benefits in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusions.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2373070.

  15. MANSIKKANIEMI L, Miyashita H, Sinisalo J, Stewart J, et al
    A reply to the letter to the editor "Common practice of underreporting and downplaying adverse events and exaggerating benefits in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusions".
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2024;58:2373102.

    December 2023
  16. UYANIK M, Yildirim U, Avci B, Soylu K, et al
    Assessment of silent brain injury in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention due to chronic total occlusion.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:25-30.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  17. YANG H, Song Y, Cao J, Chen J, et al
    A novel hybrid strategy of drug coated balloon and stent for coronary bifurcation lesions.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2161620.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  18. IVERT T, Dalen M, Friberg O
    Effect of COVID-19 on cardiac surgery volumes in Sweden.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2166102.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  19. SAVIC L, Mrdovic I, Asanin M, Stankovic S, et al
    Sudden cardiac death in long-term follow-up in patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2176919.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  20. ILKJAER C, Hoffmann T, Heiberg J, Hansen LS, et al
    The effect of early follow-up after open cardiac surgery in a student clinic.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2184861.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  21. MYRMEL T, Lamoy Bjoru A, Cappelen Endresen P
    Survival after PCI or CABG for left main stem coronary stenosis. A single institution registry from the NOBLE study period.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2197184.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  22. ATAR D, Rosseland LA, Jammer I, Aakre KM, et al
    Implementing screening for myocardial injury in non-cardiac surgery: perspectives of an ad-hoc interdisciplinary expert group.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:31-39.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  23. NIELSEN WH, Gustafsson F, Olsen PS, Hansen PB, et al
    Short-term outcomes after heart transplantation using donor hearts preserved with ex vivo perfusion.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2267804.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  24. QIAN H, Piuhola J, Kiviniemi H, Niemela M, et al
    Evaluation of cerebrovascular events via retinal angiography during transcatheter aortic valve implantation.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2278279.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  25. HAMALAINEN L, Kohonen M, Laurikka J
    Health-related quality of life is improved after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a 1-year follow-up study.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2284083.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  26. CHEN GC, Huang X, Ruan ZB, Zhu L, et al
    Fasting blood glucose predicts high risk of in-stent restenosis in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a cohort study.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2023;57:2286885.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2022
  27. ABROMAITIENE V, Greisen J, Kimose HH, Karaliunaite Z, et al
    Comparison of free arterial and saphenous vein grafting in outcomes after coronary bypass surgery.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:42-47.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  28. NELSON LM, Rossing K, Boesgaard S, Moller-Sorensen H, et al
    Three decades of heart transplantation: experience and long-term outcome.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:65-72.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  29. ALDUJELI A, Haq A, Hamadeh A, Stalmokaite A, et al
    A comparison of risk scores' long-term predictive abilities for patients diagnosed with ST elevation myocardial infarction who underwent early percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:56-64.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  30. AGNINO A, Graniero A, Gerometta P, Giroletti L, et al
    Less invasive aortic valve replacement using the trifecta bioprosthesis.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:79-84.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  31. HENTTUNEN R, Kohonen M, Laurikka J
    Improved health-related quality of life in patients 6 and 12 months after surgical aortic valve replacement.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:121-126.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  32. MALMBERG M, Anttila V, Rautava P, Gunn J, et al
    Long-term outcomes of mechanical versus biological valve prosthesis in native mitral valve infective endocarditis.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:132-137.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  33. HU MJ, Li XS, Yang YJ
    Impact of percutaneous coronary intervention on chronic total occlusion in the non-infarct-related artery in patients with STEMI: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:157-165.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  34. SIBILITZ KL, Tang LH, Berg SK, Thygesen LC, et al
    Long-term effects of cardiac rehabilitation after heart valve surgery - results from the randomised CopenHeartVR trial.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:247-255.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  35. SIGUSCH HH, Geisler W, Surber R, Schonweiss M, et al
    Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy: efficacy in a series of malignant and nonmalignant cases.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:331-336.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  36. FEILBERG RASMUSSEN L, Andreasen JJ, Riahi S, Lip GYH, et al
    Prediction of postoperative atrial fibrillation with postoperative epicardial electrograms.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:378-386.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  37. CHEN W, Han Y, Wang C, Chen W, et al
    Association between periprocedural myocardial injury and long-term all-cause mortality in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022;56:387-393.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2022
  38. KUNO T, Ueyama H, Takagi H, Bangalore S, et al
    The risk of stent thrombosis of dual antithrombotic therapy for patients who require oral anticoagulant undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: insights of a meta-analysis of randomized trials.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2022 Jan 8:1-3. doi: 10.1080/14017431.2021.2025264.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2021
  39. MYLLYKANGAS HM, Berg LT, Husso A, Halonen J, et al
    Negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of deep sternal wound infections - a critical appraisal.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2021;55:327-332.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2021
  40. FAZLINOVIC S, Wallinder A, Dellborg M, Furenas E, et al
    Outcome and survival after open heart surgery for adults with congenital heart disease - a single center experience.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2021 Oct 21:1-9. doi: 10.1080/14017431.2021.1983639.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  41. SHI R, Wu Q, Tie H
    Renal protection of transaxillary/subclavian accesses for transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with impossible femoral access.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2021;55:297-299.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  42. BERG K, Bjerre KP, Clemmensen TS, Logstrup BB, et al
    Burden of arrhythmia and silent ischemia in heart transplant patients with cardiac allograft vasculopathy.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2021;55:300-307.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2021
  43. HUUSKONEN A, Valo J, Kaarne M, Ropponen J, et al
    Outcome of valve sparing root replacement for diverse indications.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2021;55:173-179.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    April 2021
  44. KARDUZ G, Yaman MO, Altan M, Sahin G, et al
    St. Thomas and del Nido cardioplegia are superior to Custodiol cardioplegia in a rat model of donor heart.
    Scand Cardiovasc J. 2021;55:122-128.
    PubMed     Abstract available

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