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The 20K Word Road to Mandarin Proficiency

By B. S. Kamps et al.


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Articles published in J Acoust Soc Am

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    February 2025
  1. MURPHY WJ, Flamme GA, Losonczy KG, Themann CL, et al
    Hearing threshold quartiles from the 1999-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:940-946.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  2. JIA Y, Hu Q, Li S
    Enhanced underwater three-dimensional imaging using acoustic orbital angular momentum waves and mode matching beamforming.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:880-896.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  3. THILAKAN J, B T B, Colella Gomes O, Chen JM, et al
    Exploring the role of room acoustic environments in the perception of musical blending.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:738-754.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  4. WEI Z, Han Y, Liu Q, Zhao S, et al
    Efficient and accurate feature-aided active tracking for underwater small targets in highly cluttered harbor environments using a full motion acoustic flow field solution.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:630-646.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  5. SPRENGER K, Brand T
    Modelling context processing during sentence recognition in noise and reverberation for listeners with and without hearing loss.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:1126-1140.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  6. FERNANDEZ J, Hyvarinen P, Kressner AA
    Localization accuracy of phantom sound sources on the horizontal plane by bilateral hearing aid users in aided free-field and non-free-field conditions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:1151-1161.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  7. YANG GB, Huang P, Zhang X, Xiao B, et al
    Enhancing marine acoustic field prediction in shallow seas using an ocean-sediment coupled model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:1027-1044.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  8. SUN Y, Ge H, Wang B, Wang K, et al
    Acoustic vector sensor based multi-sources localization in reverberant environment using acoustic polarization state analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:1019-1026.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  9. RICHARDSON BN, Kainerstorfer JM, Shinn-Cunningham BG, Brown CA, et al
    Magnified interaural level differences enhance binaural unmasking in bilateral cochlear implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:1045-1056.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2025
  10. IMAI M, Kita S, Akita K, Saji N, et al
    Does sound symbolism need sound?: The role of articulatory movement in detecting iconicity between sound and meaninga).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:137-148.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  11. LABOURY S, Parmentier E, Lobel PS
    Are there individual acoustic signatures in the damselfish Dascyllus albisella?
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:48-56.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  12. LOO YY, Lee MY, Shaheed S, Maul T, et al
    Temporal patterns in Malaysian rainforest soundscapes demonstrated using acoustic indices and deep embeddings trained on time-of-day estimationa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:1-16.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  13. LIANG X, Luo J, Li Q, Ye Y, et al
    Ultra-wide range control of topological acoustic waveguidesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:289-301.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  14. VAN DEN BERG FGP, Bakker RH
    Sound enrichment helps persons suffering from low frequency phantom sounds.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:343-354.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  15. BHARDWAJ A, Erturk A, Sabra KG
    Broadband wireless battery-free acoustic identification tags for high data-rate underwater backscatter communication.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:445-458.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  16. SUN Z, Wang Y, Liu W
    End-to-end underwater acoustic transmission loss prediction with adaptive multi-scale dilated network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:382-395.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  17. SHIN D, Kim HS
    Neural estimation of mutual information in speech signals processed by an auditory model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:355-368.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  18. TOUGAARD J, Beedholm K, Madsen PT
    Comment on "Similar susceptibility to temporary hearing threshold shifts despite different audiograms in harbor porpoises and harbor seals" [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 396-404 (2024)] (L).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:538-541.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  19. GRANSIER R, Kastelein RA
    Response to "Comment on 'similar susceptibility to temporary hearing threshold shifts despite different audiograms in harbor porpoises and harbor seals' " [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 157, 538-541 (2025)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:618-621.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  20. LIU Y, Li H, Zou H, Lin Z, et al
    Active headrest combined with a depth camera-based ear-positioning system.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2025;157:519-526.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2024
  21. LOMTE A, Xue Y, Johnston W, Song G, et al
    Acoustic modeling of three-dimensional-printed fibrous sound absorbersa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3757-3771.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  22. JOHNSON EM, Healy EW
    An ideal compressed mask for increasing speech intelligibility without sacrificing environmental sound recognitiona).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3958-3969.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  23. VISWANATHAN V, Heinz MG, Shinn-Cunningham BG
    Impact of reduced spectral resolution on temporal-coherence-based source segregation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3862-3876.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  24. CASTRO C, Cortes JP, Rivera LZ, Prado P, et al
    Modeling voice production and self-perception in noise: Understanding the Lombard effect in non-phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunctiona).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3772-3779.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  25. GARROBE FONOLLOSA L, Webber T, Brotons JM, Cerda M, et al
    Comparing neural networks against click train detectors to reveal temporal trends in passive acoustic sperm whale detections.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4073-4084.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  26. COULOUVRAT F, Delalande R, Ducousso M
    Nonlinear interaction of an acoustical wave with a counter-propagating weak shock.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4085-4098.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  27. DUMONT PA, Auclair F, Stephan Y, Dumas F, et al
    Modelling acoustic propagation in realistic ocean through a time-domain environment-resolving ocean model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4099-4115.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  28. GUYER RA, Marty S, Marone C, Johnson PA, et al
    On the anatomy of acoustic emission.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4116-4122.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Inversion for water column sound speed profile from acoustic travel times using empirical orthogonal functions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4061-4072.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  30. JOHNSON MD, Cuenca J, Lahivaara T, Dolcetti G, et al
    Bayesian reconstruction of surface shape from phaseless scattered acoustic data.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4024-4036.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  31. ZHU X, Shen C
    An acoustic metamaterial with space-time modulated densitya).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3984-3991.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Circuit models for thermoviscous acoustics in waveguides of various cross sections via continued fractions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3930-3942.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  33. GUEST DR, Carney LH
    A fast and accurate approximation of power-law adaptation for auditory computational models.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3954-3957.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  34. KITAYAMA I, Hosokawa K, Iwaki S, Yoshida M, et al
    Robust fundamental frequency-detection algorithm unaffected by the presence of hoarseness in human voice.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4217-4228.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  35. MALAKHOVA TV, Budnikov AA, Ivanova IN, Khurchak AI, et al
    Passive acoustic monitoring for seabed bubble flows: Case of shallow methane seeps at Laspi Bay (Black Sea).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4202-4216.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  36. BERG K, Goldsworthy R, Noble J, Dawant B, et al
    The relationship between channel interaction, electrode placement, and speech perception in adult cochlear implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4289-4302.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  37. GUEST DR, Cameron DA, Schwarz DM, Leong UC, et al
    Profile analysis in listeners with normal and elevated audiometric thresholds: Behavioral and modeling results.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:4303-4325.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2024
  38. LIN J, He R, Tang Q, Zhang L, et al
    Measurement of ocean currents by seafloor distributed optical-fiber acoustic sensing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2974-2981.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  39. WEST B, Deuchars A, Ali-MacLachlan I
    Office soundscape assessment: A model of acoustic environment perception in open-plan officesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2949-2959.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  40. JEONG KM, Kim YH, Kim MJ
    Influence of variable sound-absorbing devices on room acoustical parameters of reverberation and intelligibility in medium-to-large multipurpose halls.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3006-3020.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  41. DENG Z, Ma Z, Liu X
    Nonlinear acoustic modulation utilizing designed acoustic bubble array.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3080-3087.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  42. WANG S, Zheng W, Yang Z, Zhou Q, et al
    Realization of Airy pattern acoustic bullets by depth of focus synthesis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3033-3038.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  43. BALLARD MS, Lee KM, Capistrant-Fossa KA, McNeese AR, et al
    A multi-year study of acoustic propagation and ambient sound in a Thalassia testudinum seagrass meadow in a shallow sub-tropical lagoona).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3039-3055.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  44. OH Y, Dean N, Gallun FJ, Reiss LAJ, et al
    Sequential auditory grouping reduces binaural pitch fusion in listeners with normal hearing, hearing aids, and cochlear implantsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3217-3231.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  45. HUSSAIN H, Dutilleux G
    Erratum: Linear sweeps and the characterisation of linearly time-varying acoustical systems [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 2794-2802 (2024)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3140-3142.

  46. WANG L, Peng Z, Chen B, Ma Z, et al
    Acoustic imaging of geometrically shielded sound sources using tailored Green's functions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3102-3111.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  47. KELLY ME, McKinley M, Liu G, Shi C, et al
    Evaluation of inner product-based demultiplexing of vortex-based underwater acoustic communications signals in realistic environments.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3112-3117.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  48. XU C, Moore BCJ, Diao M, Li X, et al
    Predicting the intelligibility of Mandarin Chinese with manipulated and intact tonal information for normal-hearing listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3088-3101.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  49. MARGOLIS RH, Sanchez V, Hunter LL, Rao A, et al
    Air-conduction and bone-conduction reference threshold levels-A multicenter studya).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3545-3553.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  50. DE POORTERE N, Keshishzadeh S, Keppler H, Dhooge I, et al
    Intrasubject variability in potential early markers of sensorineural hearing damage.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3480-3495.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  51. HUANG Z, An L, Ye Y, Wang X, et al
    A broadband modeling method for range-independent underwater acoustic channels using physics-informed neural networks.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3523-3533.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Acoustic scattering and "failure" of the optical theorem.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3496-3501.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  53. GUO R, Lu W, Lan Y
    Underwater acoustic spiral wavefront transducer with low phase directionality error.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3459-3467.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  54. LEI Z, Dong X, Zuo X, Wang C, et al
    Evolutionary mechanism of Y-branches in acoustic Lichtenberg figures just below the water surface.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3373-3383.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  55. CHEN W, Wang Y, Liu S
    Modified analytical model for predicting the nonlinear acoustic characteristics of perforated sound-absorption structures at high sound pressures.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3396-3410.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  56. SANG Y, Zhang Y, Wu S
    Deep water characteristics of electrodynamic transducers based on distributed-parameter equivalent circuit of acoustic cavity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3384-3395.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  57. MA X, Wang Y, Zhu X, Zhou X, et al
    A Chebyshev collocation method for directly solving two-dimensional ocean acoustic propagation in linearly varying seabed.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3260-3274.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  58. CHIANG HT, Fu SW, Wang HM, Tsao Y, et al
    Multi-objective non-intrusive hearing-aid speech assessment model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3574-3587.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  59. WU Q, Gray M, Smith CAB, Bau L, et al
    Challenges in classifying cavitation: Correlating high-speed optical imaging and passive acoustic mapping of cavitation dynamics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:3608-3620.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2024
  60. CHAN PY, Tang SK, Cheung CC, Mui KW, et al
    A feasibility study on active sound reduction across an acoustic plenum window by cancelling source clusters on internal periphery of the window cavity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2155-2168.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  61. WU SF
    Integral formulations for predicting acoustic radiation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:R7-R9.

  62. MURSALINE MA, Stanton TK, Lavery AC
    Acoustic scattering by smooth and rough elastic cylinders insonified by directional sonars: Bistatic experiments.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2106-2118.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  63. ZHANG H, Xu L, Ma W, Han J, et al
    High variability phonetic training facilitates perception-to-production transfer in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants: An acoustic investigation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2299-2314.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  64. ABDALA C, Benjamin T, Stiepan S, Luo P, et al
    Detection of mild sensory hearing loss using a joint reflection-distortion otoacoustic emission profile.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2220-2236.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  65. JEZEQUEL Y, Mooney TA
    Impulsive pile driving sound does not induce hearing loss in the longfin squid (Doryteuthis pealeii)a).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2200-2210.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    A theoretical model of excess attenuation of acoustic signals propagating under cracked sea-ice landscapes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2360-2375.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  67. WU FY, Yang HZ, Liu S
    A low-complexity error-feedback lattice-equalizer with phase tracking for underwater acoustic communications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2250-2264.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  68. SHEN Z, Wu W, Lin YT
    High-resolution observations of shallow-water acoustic propagation with distributed acoustic sensing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2237-2249.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  69. DA SILVA AR, Duarte VM
    Towards an optimal design of acoustic Luneburg lenses.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2211-2219.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  70. LIANG MH, Zheng CJ, Zhang YB, Wang S, et al
    An equivalent source method for acoustic problems with thermoviscous effects.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2177-2188.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  71. FOLKERTS ML, Picou EM, Stecker GC
    Spectral weighting functions for localization of complex sound. III. The effect of sensorineural hearing lossa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2434-2447.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  72. ZHU X, Wang Y, Fang Z, Cheng L, et al
    Strategic deployment in the deep: Principled underwater sensor placement optimization with three-dimensional acoustic map.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2668-2685.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  73. KHURJEKAR I, Gerstoft P
    Distribution-free prediction intervals with conformal prediction for acoustical estimation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2656-2667.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Linear-acoustic effects of asymmetrical undercutting of toneholes of woodwind instruments.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2644-2655.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  75. MESO C, Franklin H, Ogam E, Fellah ZEA, et al
    Observation of micropolar modes in the transmission of acoustic waves at oblique incidence by polystyrene plates.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2606-2618.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  76. BRANSTETTER BK, Felice M, Robeck T, Holt MM, et al
    Auditory masking of tonal and conspecific signals by continuous active sonar, amplitude modulated noise, and Gaussian noise in killer whales (Orcinus orca).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2527-2537.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Dynamic acoustic vowel distances within and across dialects.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2497-2507.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  78. HELAL KM, von Oppeln-Bronikowski N, Moro L
    Advancing glider-based acoustic measurements of underwater-radiated ship noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2467-2484.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  79. BAEK H
    Acoustics of the alignment of narrow focus prosody and lexical stress in native and nonnative English productions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2340-2350.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  80. FENG S, Jiang X
    Acoustic encoding of vocally expressed confidence and doubt in Chinese bidialectics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2860-2876.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  81. TINNEMORE AR, Doyle E, Goupell MJ
    Temporal speech cue perception in listeners with cochlear implants depends on the time between those cues and previous sound energy.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2851-2859.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  82. HARE J, Lyons AP, Catoire M, Venegas GR, et al
    Measurements of temporal variability of acoustic scattering from the seafloor in shallow-water sandy sites.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2727-2742.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  83. TANG T, Zhang Y, Dong B, Huang L, et al
    Computation of acoustic scattered fields and derived radiation force and torque for axisymmetric objects at arbitrary orientations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2767-2782.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  84. HORNBERG J, Hemker F, Schroer K, Hinse M, et al
    Association between perceived sound type dominance and overall assessment of the acoustic environment using ISO 12913 soundwalksa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2827-2837.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  85. PAVAN G, Singh S
    Porous acoustic metamaterial for simultaneous control of high and low frequency machinery noise: Case study of a water pump.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2794-2804.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  86. AKER SC, Faulkner KF, Innes-Brown H, Marozeau J, et al
    Perceived auditory dynamic range is enhanced with wrist-based tactile stimulation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2759-2766.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2024
  87. BEST V, Conroy C
    Relating monaural and binaural measures of modulation sensitivity in listeners with and without hearing loss.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1543-1551.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  88. KOU Y, Liu H, Wang J, Guo W, et al
    Speech intelligibility prediction based on a physiological model of the human ear and a hierarchical spiking neural network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1609-1622.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  89. PETERSEN EA, Shen Y
    Multispecies initial numerical validation of an efficient algorithm prototype for auditory brainstem response hearing threshold estimation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1674-1687.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  90. SHAO M, Lu Y, Xu X, Lu J, et al
    Global prediction and analysis for helicopter noise footprint based on acoustic modes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1862-1876.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Plane-wave and cylindrical-wave acoustic reflection from a marine sediment with layering representative of the New England Mud Patch.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1839-1849.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  92. MASAPOLLO M, Nittrouer S
    Immediate auditory feedback regulates inter-articulator speech coordination in service to phonetic structure.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1850-1861.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  93. LI WZ, Han X, Wei L, Yin JW, et al
    Robust symbol detection for single-carrier underwater acoustic communication in impulsive noise environment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1782-1795.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  94. MA F, Zhao S, Burnett IS
    Sound field reconstruction using a compact acoustics-informed neural network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2009-2021.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  95. LI K, Sidorovskaia N
    Marine compressed air source array acoustic field characterization from at-sea measurements: Long-range propagationa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2022-2033.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  96. COMINELLI S, Braghin F
    Optimal design of broadband, low-directivity graded index acoustic lenses for underwater communication.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1952-1963.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  97. MANTSEVICH SN, Kostyleva EI
    Temperature impact on acoustic wave reflection in quasi-collinear acousto-optic devices.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1964-1972.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  98. RAMIREZ-ESPARZA N, Jiang S, Garcia-Sierra A, Skoe E, et al
    Effects of cultural dynamics on everyday acoustic environmentsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1942-1951.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  99. ZOU HY, Qian J, Xia J, Gu S, et al
    Refraction/reflection reversal in two-dimensional acoustic metagratingsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1920-1928.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  100. DE GROOTE E, Carlyon RP, Deeks JM, Macherey O, et al
    Effects of selective stimulation of apical electrodes on temporal pitch perception by cochlear implant recipients.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:2060-2076.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2024
  101. ZHANG YB, Liang MH, Zheng CJ, Zhang XZ, et al
    Analytical method for studying acoustic fields radiated by general spherical sound sources in thermoviscous fluids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:912-921.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Ground-truth validation of the "earbuds method" for measuring acoustic nasalance.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:851-864.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  103. YU J, Zhang J
    Acoustic bright solitons propagation in bubbly liquids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:839-850.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  104. LU C, Tang S, Yao J, Song J, et al
    Customizable beam splitting in planar adiabatic acoustic couplers composed of cylindrical scatterers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:830-838.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  105. VECCHIOTTI A, Ryan TJ, Stengrim MD, Foeller JR, et al
    Experimental characterization of littoral atmospheric acoustics: Concurrent meteorological and acoustic observations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:740-751.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  106. PARRA JA, Calvache C, Alzamendi GA, Ibarra EJ, et al
    Asymmetric triangular body-cover model of the vocal folds with bilateral intrinsic muscle activation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:939-953.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  107. PAUL VS, Nelson PA
    Efficient design of complex-valued neural networks with application to the classification of transient acoustic signals.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1099-1110.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  108. MACHADO RB, Amorim TOS, de Castro F, Andriolo A, et al
    Use of whistles for acoustic classification of delphinids (odontoceti: Delphinidae) in the Western South Atlantic Ocean.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1070-1080.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  109. ZHAO Y, Liu H, Guo W, He Z, et al
    Research on sound quality prediction of vehicle interior noise using the human-ear physiological model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:989-1003.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  110. ARCONDOULIS EJG, Ragni D, Fiscaletti D, Merino-Martinez R, et al
    Acoustic response of structured and randomized porous blunt trailing edges subject to turbulent boundary layers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1029-1040.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  111. KIM N, Kim HJ, Kim SH
    Speakers-Used as sensors for detecting acoustic loads with artificial intelligence.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1319-1323.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  112. SOLAZZI SG, Castroman GA, Barbosa ND, Holliger K, et al
    Acoustic response of patchy-saturated porous media: Coupling Biot's poroelasticity equations for mono- and biphasic pore fluids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1324-1342.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  113. SAHITHI K, Gupta P
    Thermoviscous dissipation of nonlinear acoustic waves in channels with wavy walls.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1343-1354.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  114. SAENGDUEAN P, Yang J, Shragge J, Snieder R, et al
    Multi-source wavefield reconstruction of distributed acoustic sensing data using compressive sensing and seismic interferometry.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1309-1318.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  115. SIMON BE, Hamilton MF
    Analytical solution for acoustic radiation force and torque on a spheroid near a rigid or free planar boundary.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1269-1282.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  116. SUN Z, Jin G, Ye T, Chen Y, et al
    Interior three-dimensional acoustic modeling and modal analysis using wavelet-based finite-element approach.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1252-1268.
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  117. TAN J, Cheer J, House C
    Realisation of broadband two-dimensional nonreciprocal acoustics using an active acoustic metasurface.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:1231-1240.
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  118. PURIA S, Rosowski JJ
    High frequency hearing: A uniquely mammalian trait for sound localization.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:R3-R4.

  119. SEKIMOTO S, Yamagishi Y, Otomo T, Ueda Y, et al
    Spatiotemporal evolution of molar fraction in acoustic-resonance tube filled with He-Ar mixture.
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    July 2024
  120. FOGERTY D, Ahlstrom JB, Dubno JR
    Attenuation and distortion components of age-related hearing loss: Contributions to recognizing temporal-envelope filtered speech in modulated noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:93-106.
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  121. FONTANA F, Jarvelainen H, Papetti S, De Pra Y, et al
    Acoustic cues of keyboard mechanics enable auditory localization of upright piano tones.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:164-175.
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  122. LEONE MT, Warren JD
    Acoustic monitoring of artificial reefs reveals Atlantic cod and weakfish spawning and presence of individual bottlenose dolphins.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:137-150.
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  123. HIGGINS A, Siderius M
    Underwater acoustic propagation and scattering from a dynamic rough sea surface using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:119-136.
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  124. ZANG Y
    Momentum and angular momentum reciprocity theorems for acoustic fields.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:86-92.
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  125. SKVORTSOV AT, MacGillivray IR, Moore S, Manasseh R, et al
    Collective acoustic modes of a bubble plume.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:81-85.
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  126. YOKOTA K, Kurahashi T, Abe M
    Physics-informed neural network for acoustic resonance analysis in a one-dimensional acoustic tube.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:30-43.
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  127. SHEN Y, Petersen EA, Neely ST
    Toward parametric Bayesian adaptive procedures for multi-frequency categorical loudness scaling.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:262-277.
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  128. GUEST DR, Rajappa N, Oxenham AJ
    Limitations in human auditory spectral analysis at high frequencies.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:326-340.
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  129. XIE Y, Xu J, Ren J, Li J, et al
    Adversarial multi-task underwater acoustic target recognition: Toward robustness against various influential factors.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:299-313.
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  130. GIBSON AJ, Yee XC, Calvisi ML
    Data-driven acoustic control of a spherical bubble using a Koopman linear quadratic regulator.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:229-243.
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  131. XIE Y, Ren J, Li J, Xu J, et al
    Advancing robust underwater acoustic target recognition through multitask learning and multi-gate mixture of experts.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:244-255.
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  132. JOSLYN NJ, Dahl PH, Dowling DR
    Coherence of the frequency-difference autoproduct deduced from high-frequency acoustic fields scattered from a rough sea surfacea).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:600-609.
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  133. CAPSHAW G, Diebold CA, Sterbing SJ, Lauer AM, et al
    Echolocating bats show species-specific variation in susceptibility to acoustic forward masking.
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  134. TAILLEUR M, Aumond P, Lagrange M, Tourre V, et al
    Sound source classification for soundscape analysis using fast third-octave bands data from an urban acoustic sensor networka).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:416-427.
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  135. SPENCER NJ, Sherlock LP, Pryor N, Iyer N, et al
    The effects of extended-wear hearing aids on the localization accuracy of listeners with normal audiometric thresholds.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:475-488.
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  136. ZHAO S, Ma F
    A circular microphone array with virtual microphones based on acoustics-informed neural networks.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:405-415.
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  137. GOUESBET G, Ambrosio LA
    Rigorous justification of a localized approximation to encode off-axis Gaussian acoustical beams.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:672-682.
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  138. GUO C, Chen F, Kuang C, Dong L, et al
    An investigation of acoustic cues to tonal registers and voicing in Donglei Kama).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;156:655-671.
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  139. THOIDIS I, Goehring T
    Using deep learning to improve the intelligibility of a target speaker in noisy multi-talker environments for people with normal hearing and hearing loss.
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    June 2024
  140. WANG R, Zheng YR
    Channel utilization of media access control protocols for underwater acoustic networks with propagation delay and mobilitya).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3782-3793.
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  141. XIANG Y, Chen J, Shi Z, Bao Y, et al
    A complex boundary wave superposition method for solving external acoustic problems.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3760-3773.
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  142. LIU R, Gerstoft P
    Spatial acoustic properties recovery with deep learning.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3690-3701.
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  143. DOUGLASS AS, Abadi S, Phrampus BJ, Wood WT, et al
    Reflected acoustic energy from geological layers during seismic reflection surveys.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3665-3677.
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  144. DE LA TORRE A, Sanchez I, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, et al
    Multi-response deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials in a reduced representation space.
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  145. LEWIS JD, Rutherford A, Stanford KE
    Differential effects of mass-loading the eardrum and stiffening the middle ear on wideband absorbance.
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  146. YU Q, Zhang W, Zhu M, Shi J, et al
    Surface and underwater acoustic target recognition using only two hydrophones based on machine learning.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3606-3614.
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  147. SHERA CA, Oxenham AJ
    Discovery of the cochlear traveling wave.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:R11-R12.
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  148. BERGER EH
    Comments on "What is silence? Therefore, what is sound?" - A discussion of Brownian motion and the threshold of hearing (L).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3604-3605.
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  149. YOON YS, Whitaker R, White N
    Frequency importance functions in simulated bimodal cochlear-implant users with spectral holes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3589-3599.
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  150. VIROVLYANSKY AL, Kazarova AY
    Phase space representation of sound field excited by a noise source in underwater acoustic waveguide.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3930-3941.
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  151. MULLER-GIEBELER M, Berzborn M, Vorlander M
    Free-field method for inverse characterization of finite porous acoustic materials using feed forward neural networks.
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  152. ZHANG Y, Chen F, Xu F, Guo C, et al
    Acoustic characteristics of infant- and foreigner-directed speech with Mandarin as the target language.
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  153. GAULTIER C, Goehring T
    Recovering speech intelligibility with deep learning and multiple microphones in noisy-reverberant situations for people using cochlear implants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3833-3847.
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  154. ROY A, Bradlow A, Souza P
    Effect of frequency compression on fricative perception between normal-hearing English and Mandarin listeners.
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    May 2024
  155. ZENG Q, Liu S, Tang L, Li Z, et al
    Theoretical and numerical study on transient acoustic wave propagation across ice layers in the Arctic Ocean.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3132-3143.
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  156. AKER SC, Faulkner KF, Innes-Brown H, Vatti M, et al
    Some, but not all, cochlear implant users prefer music stimuli with congruent haptic stimulation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3101-3117.
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  157. FENG H, Wang L
    Acoustic analysis of English tense and lax vowels: Comparing the production between Mandarin Chinese learners and native English speakers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3071-3089.
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  158. NYLEN F, Holmberg J, Sodersten M
    Acoustic cues to femininity and masculinity in spontaneous speech.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3090-3100.
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  159. GAUTIER F, Pelat A
    Broadband vibration mitigation using a two-dimensional acoustic black hole phononic crystala).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3051-3059.
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    The link between the acoustic characteristics of worship spaces and their emotional impact.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3027-3036.
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  161. ZHAO X, Yang X
    Aging affects auditory contributions to focus perception in Jianghuai Mandarina).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2990-3004.
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  162. JACKSON D, Thorsos E
    Eckart's contribution to modern treatments of scattering in ocean acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:R9-R10.

  163. SALAS AK, Capuano AM, Harms CA, Piniak WED, et al
    Frequency-dependent temporary threshold shifts in the Eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys picta picta).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3254-3266.
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  164. DANCE S, Zepidou G
    Face the (unamplified) music: Key findings for musicians.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3267-3273.
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  165. DUAN J, Zhao H, Song J
    Spatial domain decomposition-based physics-informed neural networks for practical acoustic propagation estimation under ocean dynamics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3306-3321.
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  166. DAHL PH, Bonnel J, Dall'Osto DR
    On the equivalence of scalar-pressure and vector-based acoustic dosage measures as derived from time-limited signal waveformsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3291-3301.
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  167. TURHAN B, Jawahar HK, Gautam A, Syed S, et al
    Acoustic characteristics of phase-synchronized adjacent propellers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3242-3253.
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  168. LI L, Liu B, Guo Z
    Robust orbital-angular-momentum-based underwater acoustic communication with dynamic modal decomposition method.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3195-3205.
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  169. MANGIN B, Gabard G, Daroukh M
    In-duct flow computation and acoustic propagation using the admittance multimodal formulation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3461-3474.
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  170. HANSEN K, Sorokin SV
    Asymptotic analysis of acoustic black hole effect in cylindrical shells.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3426-3435.
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  171. LIU C, Xiong W, Liu W, Wang Y, et al
    Pseudospin-dependent acoustic topological edge and corner states in silica aerogel metamaterialsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3436-3446.
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  172. WU WY, Zhang XZ, Zhang YB, Bi CX, et al
    Real-time nearfield acoustic holography using particle velocity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3394-3409.
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  173. CLARK AH, Olson DR, Swartz AJ, Starnes WM, et al
    An explicit granular-mechanics approach to marine sediment acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:3537-3548.
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    April 2024
  174. LLADO P, Hyvarinen P, Pulkki V
    The impact of head-worn devices in an auditory-aided visual search task.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2460-2469.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  175. SHOJI E, Maddi A, Penelet G, Biwa T, et al
    Time-resolved measurement of acoustic density fluctuations using a phase-shifting Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2438-2444.
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  176. DASH N, Tamadapu G
    Nonspherical oscillations of an encapsulated microbubble with interface energy under the acoustic field.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2445-2459.
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  177. CYCHOSZ M, Winn MB, Goupell MJ
    How to vocode: Using channel vocoders for cochlear-implant research.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2407-2437.
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  178. POPPER AN, Amorim C, Fine ML, Higgs DM, et al
    Introduction to the special issue on fish bioacoustics: Hearing and sound communicationa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2385-2391.
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  179. YANAI H, Kuzuu K, Hasegawa S
    Verification of acoustic streaming measurement accuracy via particle image velocimetry considering the interrogation window aspect ratio.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2371-2384.
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    Articulatory and acoustic dynamics of fronted back vowels in American English.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2285-2301.
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  181. POLACK JD, Dujourdy H, Badeau R
    Absorptive nature of scattering coefficients in stress-energy tensor formalism for room acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2339-2346.
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  182. BEST V, Ahlstrom JB, Mason CR, Perrachione TK, et al
    Talker change detection by listeners varying in age and hearing loss.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2482-2491.
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  183. REGEV J, Relano-Iborra H, Zaar J, Dau T, et al
    Disentangling the effects of hearing loss and age on amplitude modulation frequency selectivity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2589-2602.
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  184. KIM K, Kim S, Sun S
    Domain-adaptation method between acoustic-response data using different insert earphones.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2577-2588.
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  185. LAI J, Farahikia M, Karimi M, Liu Z, et al
    Effect of size on the thermal noise and acoustic response of viscous-driven microbeams.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2561-2576.
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  186. MICHEL M, Torterotot M, Royer JY, Samaran F, et al
    Effects of duty cycle on passive acoustic monitoring metrics: The case of blue whale songs.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2538-2548.
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  187. LI H, Gao Z, Song Z, Su Y, et al
    Investigation on the contribution of swim bladder to hearing in crucian carp (Carassius carassius).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2492-2502.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Conducting high-quality and reliable acoustic analysis: A tutorial focused on training research assistants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2603-2611.
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  189. RATHCKE TV, Smit EA, Lin CY, Kubozono H, et al
    Testing an acoustic model of the P-center in English and Japanese.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2698-2706.
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  190. ECHTERNACH M, Burk F, Kirsch J, Traser L, et al
    Articulatory and acoustic differences between lyric and dramatic singing in Western classical music.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2659-2669.
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  191. BARKLEY YM, Merkens KPB, Wood M, Oleson EM, et al
    Click detection rate variability of central North Pacific sperm whales from passive acoustic towed arrays.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2627-2635.
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  192. AZAMI RH, Forsberg F, Eisenbrey JR, Sarkar K, et al
    Acoustic response and ambient pressure sensitivity characterization of SonoVue for noninvasive pressure estimation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2636-2645.
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  193. TORRES C, Li W, Escudero P
    Acoustic, phonetic, and phonological features of Drehu vowels.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2612-2626.
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  194. NORGAARD KM, Motallebzadeh H, Puria S
    The influence of tympanic-membrane orientation on acoustic ear-canal quantities: A finite-element analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2769-2785.
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  195. YOSHIZUMI Y, Yokota Y, Ishikawa T, Nagae K, et al
    Quantitative identification of causes of instrumental acoustic signal distortion in Global Navigation Satellite System-Acoustics Combination observations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2786-2793.
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  196. HUSSAIN H, Dutilleux G
    Linear sweeps and the characterisation of linearly time-varying acoustical systems.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2794-2802.
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  197. MAGNATERRA AK, Rose EM, Ball GF, Dooling RJ, et al
    Hearing and vocalizations in a small songbird, the red-cheeked cordon bleu (Uraeginthus bengalus) (L).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2724-2727.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  198. GOKANI CA, Haberman MR, Hamilton MF
    Paraxial and ray approximations of acoustic vortex beams.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2707-2723.
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  199. MACGILLIVRAY I, Skvortsov A
    Acoustic radiation from multilayered materials using the reciprocity principle.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2891-2902.
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    March 2024
  200. KVASHENNIKOVA AV, Yuldashev PV, Khokhlova VA, Esipov IB, et al
    Fully nonlinear three-dimensional modeling of parametric interactions in the field of a dual-frequency acoustic array.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1682-1693.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  201. CHANG YJ, Han JY, Chu WC, Li LP, et al
    Enhancing music recognition using deep learning-powered source separation technology for cochlear implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1694-1703.
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  202. MARTIN-MARTIN L, Clair V, Bogey C, Gabard G, et al
    Numerical study of the scattering of acoustic waves by an elliptic vortex.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1707-1718.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  203. TAMATI TN, Jebens A, Baskent D
    Lexical effects on talker discrimination in adult cochlear implant usersa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1631-1640.
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  204. BORJIGIN A, Bakst S, Anderson K, Litovsky RY, et al
    Discrimination and sensorimotor adaptation of self-produced vowels in cochlear implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1895-1908.
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    High-speed noncoherent underwater acoustic communication using permutation alphabets and sliding hypothesis-tree decoding.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1840-1855.
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  206. XU G, Harcourt RR, Tang D, Hefner BT, et al
    Subsurface acoustic ducts in the Northern California current system.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1881-1894.
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  207. FAUBION SL, Park RK, Lichtenhan JT, Jennings SG, et al
    Effects of contralateral noise on envelope-following responses, auditory-nerve compound action potentials, and otoacoustic emissions measured simultaneously.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1813-1824.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  208. TEMBOURY-GUTIERREZ M, Encina-Llamas G, Dau T
    Predicting early auditory evoked potentials using a computational model of auditory-nerve processing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1799-1812.
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  209. IGLESIAS-MERCHAN C, Llusia D, Marquez R
    Importance of the receiver's height for transmission studies in acoustic ecology.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2065-2074.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  210. THODE AM, Blackwell SB
    A statistical acoustics approach for estimating population-scale bowhead whale migration speed and direction.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1969-1981.
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  211. PEDERGNANA T, Orchini A, Moeck J, Noiray N, et al
    Bridging the gap between annular and can-annular acoustic spectra.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2192-2198.
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  212. KOPONEN E, Leskinen J, Tarvainen T, Pulkkinen A, et al
    Erratum: Acoustic pressure field estimation methods for synthethic schlieren tomography [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 2470-2479 (2019)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2169.

  213. SHAHIDI LK, Collins LM, Mainsah BO
    Objective intelligibility measurement of reverberant vocoded speech for normal-hearing listeners: Towards facilitating the development of speech enhancement algorithms for cochlear implants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2151-2168.
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  214. SABEV M, Andreeva B
    The acoustics of Contemporary Standard Bulgarian vowels: A corpus study.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2128-2138.
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  215. FINNERAN JJ, Lally K, Mulsow J, Houser DS, et al
    Dolphin short-term auditory fatigue and self-mitigation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:2241-2246.
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    February 2024
    On the validity of periodic boundary conditions for modelling finite plate-type acoustic metamaterials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:837-845.
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  217. CHARLTON PE, Burke K, Kobrina A, Lauer AM, et al
    The perception of ultrasonic vocalizations by laboratory mice following intense noise exposures.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:867-878.
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  218. LI WZ, Han X, Zhu GJ, Yin JW, et al
    Time domain turbo equalization based on vector approximate message passing for multiple-input multiple-output underwater acoustic communications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:854-866.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  219. MARQUES CS, Marques DA, Blackwell SB, Heide-Jorgensen MP, et al
    Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) echolocation click rates to support cue counting passive acoustic density estimation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:891-900.
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  220. HUANG Y, Zhao S, Lu J
    Acoustic contrast control with a sound intensity constraint for personal sound systems.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:879-890.
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  221. ABILDTRUP NIELSEN N, Dawson SM, Torres Ortiz S, Wahlberg M, et al
    Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) produce both narrowband high-frequency and broadband acoustic signals.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1437-1450.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  222. MERRITT B, Bent T, Kilgore R, Eads C, et al
    Auditory free classification of gender diverse speakersa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1422-1436.
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  223. CHUNG L, Wong AOY, Leaver LA, He Y, et al
    An acoustical environment survey of student music practice.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1368-1378.
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  224. OLLIVIER E, Touret RX, McKinley M, Jin J, et al
    Performance study of ray-based ocean acoustic tomography methods for estimating submesoscale variability in the upper ocean.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1315-1335.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  225. AQUINO W, Rouse J, Bonnet M
    Active design of diffuse acoustic fields in enclosures.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1297-1307.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  226. JIA Y, Hu Q, Li Z, Wang H, et al
    High resolution imaging of acoustic orbital angular momentum wave based on orthogonal matching tracking.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1240-1252.
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  227. BILLOT G, Marinus BG, Harri K, Moiny F, et al
    Evolution of acoustic nonlinearity in outdoor blast propagation from firearms: On the persistence of nonlinear behavior.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1021-1035.
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    Connecting poro- and visco-elastic acoustic models of marine sediments: Salinity, force chains, creep, and permeability.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1005-1020.
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  229. DENNER F
    Acoustic pressure modulation driven by spatially non-uniform flow.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:984-989.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  230. HOOVER KA
    The formula for acoustical privacy.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:R3-R4.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  231. GOUESBET G, Ambrosio LA
    Description of acoustical Gaussian beams from the electromagnetic Davis scheme of approximations and the on-axis localized approximation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1583-1592.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  232. FERNANDEZ J, McCormack L, Hyvarinen P, Kressner AA, et al
    Investigating sound-field reproduction methods as perceived by bilateral hearing aid users and normal-hearing listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:1492-1502.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2024
  233. SATHE NC, Kain A, Reiss LAJ
    Fusion of dichotic consonants in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listenersa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:68-77.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  234. KERSTEN S, Sgard F, Vorlander M
    Impact of the ear canal motion on the impedance boundary conditions in models of the occlusion effect.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:56-67.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  235. FERGUSON SH, Morgan SD, Hunter EJ
    Within-talker and within-session stability of acoustic characteristics of conversational and clear speaking stylesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:44-55.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  236. WEIDNER E, Weber TC
    Broadband acoustic characterization of backscattering from a rough stratification interface.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:114-127.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  237. SUNDBERG J, Salomao GL, Scherer KR
    Emotional expressivity in singing. Assessing physiological and acoustic indicators of two opera singers' voice characteristics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:18-28.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  238. BOUCHENDOUKA A, Fellah ZEA, Nguyen CT, Ogam E, et al
    Improving acoustic wave propagation models in highly attenuating porous materials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:206-217.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  239. CHIDE B, Blanc-Benon P, Bertrand T, Jacob X, et al
    An acoustic investigation of the near-surface turbulence on Mars.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:420-435.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  240. GRANSIER R, Kastelein RA
    Similar susceptibility to temporary hearing threshold shifts despite different audiograms in harbor porpoises and harbor seals.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:396-404.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  241. FROST BL
    Foundations of the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation for models of cochlear mechanics in 1- and 2-D.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:358-379.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  242. NIE W, Yang Z, Ye L, Xu J, et al
    Multi-target direction-of-arrival estimation of deep models with frame-level permutation invariant training in marine acoustic environment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:315-327.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  243. PERRY SJ, Kelley MC, Tucker BV
    Documenting and modeling the acoustic variability of intervocalic alveolar taps in conversational Peninsular Spanish.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:294-305.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  244. SCHRAUT T, Schutzenberger A, Arias-Vergara T, Kunduk M, et al
    Machine learning based estimation of hoarseness severity using sustained vowelsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:381-395.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  245. XIA Y, Guo Z, Tiana-Roig E, Henriquez VC, et al
    Effect of curvature on sound propagation in the ear canal.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:695-706.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  246. SEKIMOTO S, Yamagishi Y, Ueda Y
    Revisiting acoustical gas-mixture separation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:673-680.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  247. LOPEZ M, Dupont T, Panneton R
    Mass-spring model for acoustic metamaterials consisting of a compact linear periodic array of dead-end resonators.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:530-543.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  248. NEW EM, Hurd JA, Alarcon GA, Miller CS, et al
    Hearing ability of prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:555-567.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  249. MOORE DB, Starkey TA, Chaplain GJ
    Acoustic metasurfaces with Frieze symmetriesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:568-574.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  250. UNGNAD S, Sachau D, Zerbs C, Muller A, et al
    Active control of target sound fields using structural-acoustic brightness applied to a ship model's acoustic signature.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:600-614.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  251. PAVAN G, Singh S
    In-depth investigations into symmetrical labyrinthine acoustic metamaterial with two micro-slit entries for low-frequency sound absorption.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:496-510.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  252. MOUSAVI A, Berggren M, Hagg L, Wadbro E, et al
    Topology optimization of a waveguide acoustic black hole for enhanced wave focusing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:742-756.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  253. BABAOGLU G, Rachman L, Erturk P, Ozkisi Yazgan B, et al
    Perception of voice cues in school-age children with hearing aids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2024;155:722-741.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2023
  254. CUSANO DA, Wiley D, Zeh JM, Kerr I, et al
    Acoustic recording tags provide insight into the springtime acoustic behavior of sei whales in Massachusetts Bay.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3543-3555.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Effects of entropy in real-world noise on speech perception in listeners with normal hearing and hearing lossa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3627-3643.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  256. FARHADI A, Jennings SG, Strickland EA, Carney LH, et al
    Subcortical auditory model including efferent dynamic gain control with inputs from cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3644-3659.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  257. GU W, Wang S, Tao J, Zou H, et al
    A further study on coherence between virtual signal and physical signals in remote acoustic sensing (L).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3737-3740.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  258. KREFT HA, Oxenham AJ
    Auditory enhancement in younger and older listeners with normal and impaired hearinga).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3821-3832.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  259. FENG ZJ, Lin TR, Cheng L
    An adaptive algorithm for acoustic feedback compensation and secondary path identification of an active noise control system.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3851-3867.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  260. LI YH, Joris PX
    Case reopened: A temporal basis for harmonic pitch templates in the early auditory system?a).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3986-4003.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  261. TRONCHIN L, Xiang N
    Introduction to the special issue on 3D sound reconstruction for virtual auditory displays: Applications in buildingsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3941-3942.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Anatomical adventures in the fish auditory medullaa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3696-3708.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  263. VINCENT S, Marchiano R, Thomas JL
    Filtered Lebedev quadrature method for robust and efficient beam shape coefficient estimation in acoustic tweezers calibration.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:4016-4027.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2023
  264. WAECHTER S, Brannstrom KJ
    Magnitude of extended high frequency hearing loss associated with auditory related tinnitus distress, when controlling for magnitude of hearing loss at standard frequenciesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2821-2827.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Fractional derivative-based approximation of acoustic waveform dispersion measured in bubbly water beyond resonance frequency.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2812-2820.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  266. NISSEN AC, Mensinger AF
    Sound frequencies detectable by grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and black (Mylopharyngodon pisceus) carp determined with auditory evoked potentialsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2772-2778.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  267. GOLABBAKHSH M, Funnell WRJ
    Use of simulated data to explore the application of optical coherence tomography for classifying middle-ear pathologies.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2790-2799.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  268. LATA TD, Deymier PA, Runge K, Uehara GS, et al
    Underwater acoustic sensing using the geometric phase.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2869-2877.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  269. LIPOR J, Gebbie J, Siderius M
    On the limits of distinguishing seabed types via ambient acoustic sound.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2892-2903.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  270. FRITZSCH B, Elliott KL
    Fish hearing revealed: Do we understand hearing in critical fishes and marine tetrapods.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3019-3026.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    The role of acoustic signals in fish reproductiona).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2959-2973.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  272. MAY NA, Scherer RC
    The effects of vocal tract constrictions on aerodynamic measures in a synthetic vocal fold model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3310-3320.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  273. FOGERTY D, Ahlstrom JB, Dubno JR
    Sentence recognition with modulation-filtered speech segments for younger and older adults: Effects of hearing impairment and cognition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3328-3343.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  274. ZHANG W, Clayards M
    Contribution of acoustic cues to prominence ratings for four Mandarin vowels.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3364-3373.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  275. ZHANG X, Tao J, Li D, Wu Y, et al
    Expectation-maximization vector approximate message passing-based frequency-domain turbo equalization for underwater acoustic communications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3344-3353.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  276. FAN X, Zhang L
    Born approximation of trapping forces by acoustical Bessel and vortex fields.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3354-3363.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  277. JAIN S, Narne VK, Nataraja NP, Madhukesh S, et al
    Erratum: The effect of age and hearing sensitivity at frequencies above 8 kHz on auditory stream segregation and speech perception [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152(1), 716-726 (2022)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3251.

  278. EBRAHIM SAIB ZM, Croxford AJ, Drinkwater BW
    Envelope correction for shear-longitudinal collinear wave mixing to extract absolute nonlinear acoustic parameters.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3237-3250.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  279. LOOBY A, Bravo S, Juanes F, Rountree R, et al
    The importance of context in the acoustic behaviors of marine, subtropical fish speciesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3252-3258.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  280. BOUNTOURAKIS V, Pulkki V
    Underwater soundfield visualisation using directionally constrained acoustic parameters.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3259-3275.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  281. JACEWICZ E, Alexander JM, Fox RA
    Introduction to the special issue on perception and production of sounds in the high-frequency range of human speecha).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:3168-3172.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2023
  282. HOU GH, Falola AA, Wang XK, Liang LP, et al
    Application of acoustic spectroscopy and neural networks to on-line size measurement of pharmaceutical nanocrystals.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2112-2123.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  283. ROUP CM, Ferguson SD, Lander D
    The relationship between extended high-frequency hearing and the binaural spatial advantage in young to middle-aged firefightersa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2055-2059.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  284. NAKANO AY, Falkovski AA, Ribeiro MI, Pfrimer FWD, et al
    Apparatus for three-dimensional emission pattern estimation of acoustic emitters.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2036-2043.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  285. MACAULAY JDJ, Rojano-Donate L, Ladegaard M, Tougaard J, et al
    Implications of porpoise echolocation and dive behaviour on passive acoustic monitoring.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1982-1995.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  286. BALAN JR, Rodrigo H, Saxena U, Mishra SK, et al
    Explainable machine learning reveals the relationship between hearing thresholds and speech-in-noise recognition in listeners with normal audiograms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2278-2288.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  287. LUGLI M
    Toward a general model for the evolution of the auditory sensitivity under variable ambient noise conditionsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2236-2255.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  288. REDMAN YG, Glasner JD, D'Orazio D, Bottalico P, et al
    Singing in different performance spaces: The effect of room acoustics on singers' perception.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2256-2264.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  289. BEVILACQUA A, Iannace G
    Acoustic study of the Roman theatre of Pompeii: Comparison between existing condition and future installation of two parametric acoustic shellsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2211-2226.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    A reference for ear-canal absorbance based on semi-anechoic waveguides.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2227-2235.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  291. RICHARDS EL, Colosi JA
    Observations of ocean spice and isopycnal tilt sound-speed structures in the mixed layer and upper ocean and their impacts on acoustic propagation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2154-2167.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  292. FULLGRABE C, Fontan L, Vidal E, Massari H, et al
    Effects of hearing loss, age, noise exposure, and listening skills on envelope regularity discrimination.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2453-2461.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  293. GANTI A, Martinez M, Hickman G, Krolik J, et al
    A wavefront adaptive sensing beamformer for ocean acoustic waveguides.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2398-2409.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  294. MILLOT M, Faria AM, Amorim MCP
    Mating sounds in the two-spotted goby, Pomatoschistus flavescens: Effects of water temperature on acoustic featuresa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2642-2652.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  295. SAENGER R, Lenain L, Hodgkiss WS
    Mid-frequency acoustic localization of breaking waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2564-2571.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  296. HUMES LE
    Hearing thresholds for "otologically normal" adults from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2011-12 and 2015-16.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2512-2529.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  297. VAN SCHOONHOVEN J, Rhebergen KS, Dreschler WA
    A context-based approach to predict intelligibility of meaningful and nonsense words in interrupted noise: Model evaluation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2476-2488.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  298. ZHANG Z
    The influence of source-filter interaction on the voice source in a three-dimensional computational model of voice production.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2462-2475.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  299. ROBERTS L, Rice AN
    Vibrational and acoustic communication in fishes: The overlooked overlap between the underwater vibroscape and soundscape.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:2708-2720.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2023
    Trapping in acoustic standing waves: Effect of liquid drop compressibility.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:R5-R6.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  301. MACHUCA-TZILI FA, Padilla-Ortiz AL, Martinez-Gutierrez D
    Mechanical-acoustical analogy: From laboratory to home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1448-1458.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  302. ATAY G, Su Gul Z, Onen O
    The acoustical characterization of clay pots in Ottoman architecture through experimental and numerical analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1389-1400.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  303. XIE B, Liu L, Jiang J, Zhang C, et al
    Auditory vertical localization in the median plane with conflicting dynamic interaural time difference and other elevation cues.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1770-1786.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  304. WANG D, Zhang Y, Tai Y, Wu L, et al
    Cluster-aware channel estimation with deep learning method in deep-water acoustic communications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1757-1769.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  305. WILS I, Geerardyn A, Putzeys T, Denis K, et al
    Lumped element models of sound conduction in the human ear: A systematic review.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1696-1709.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  306. JONES RA, Sills JM, Synnott M, Mulsow J, et al
    Auditory masking in odobenid and otariid carnivoresa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1746-1756.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  307. MARQUES TA, Marques CS, Gkikopoulou KC
    A sperm whale cautionary tale about estimating acoustic cue rates for deep divers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1577-1584.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  308. CHAPUIS L, Yopak KE, Radford CA
    From the morphospace to the soundscape: Exploring the diversity and functional morphology of the fish inner ear, with a focus on elasmobranchsa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1526-1538.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  309. ZHANG H, Wang H, Liang X, Yan Y, et al
    Remote passive acoustic signal detection using multi-scale correlation networks and network spectrum distance in marine environment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1563-1576.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  310. NETHERCOTE MA, Kisil AV, Assier RC
    Diffraction of acoustic waves by multiple semi-infinite arraysa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1493-1504.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  311. LIU W, Wang T, Huang X
    The influences of forward context on stop-consonant perception: The combined effects of contrast and acoustic cue activation?
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1903-1920.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  312. LORENZINI I, Labendzki P, Basire C, Hababou-Bernson M, et al
    Neural processing of auditory temporal modulations in awake infants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1954-1962.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2023
  313. EBRAHIMIAN A, Mohammadi H, Maftoon N
    Relative importance and interactions of parameters of finite-element models of human middle ear.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:619-634.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  314. ZHAO L, Tang L, Liu Y, Sun Z, et al
    Passive directivity detection of acoustic sources based on acoustic Luneburg lens.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:594-601.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  315. SCHENKE S, Sewerin F, van Wachem B, Denner F, et al
    Amplitude modulation of acoustic waves in accelerating flows quantified using acoustic black and white hole analogues.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:781-791.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  316. MULSOW J, Finneran JJ, Strahan MG, Houser DS, et al
    Input compensation of dolphin and sea lion auditory brainstem responses using frequency-modulated up-chirps.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:739-750.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  317. PENG ZE, Burg EA, Thakkar T, Godar SP, et al
    Web-based psychoacoustics of binaural hearing: Two validation experiments.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:751-762.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  318. ROHDE CA, Naify CJ
    Detecting acoustic chirality with matched metamaterial vortex wave antennas.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:721-729.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  319. MAURER N, Baltzer J, Schaffeld T, Ruser A, et al
    Effects of amplitude and duration of noise exposure on the hearing and anti-predator behaviour of common roach (Rutilus rutilus) and sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:671-681.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  320. LEWIS JD
    Model-based prediction of otoacoustic emission level, noise level, and signal-to-noise ratio during time-synchronous averaging.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:709-720.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  321. SIMARD Y, Giard S, Roy N, Aulanier F, et al
    Mesoscale habitat use by St. Lawrence estuary beluga over the annual cycle from an acoustic recording network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:635-649.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  322. SALAS AK, Capuano AM, Harms CA, Piniak WED, et al
    Temporary noise-induced underwater hearing loss in an aquatic turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1003-1017.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  323. MCCREERY RW, Grindle A, Merchant GR, Crukley J, et al
    Predicting wideband real-ear-to-coupler differences in children using wideband acoustic immittance.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:991-1002.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  324. KRONOWETTER F, Pretsch L, Chiang YK, Melnikov A, et al
    Sound attenuation enhancement of acoustic meta-atoms via coupling.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:842-851.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  325. BILBAO S
    Modeling impedance boundary conditions and acoustic barriers using the immersed boundary method: The three-dimensional case.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:874-885.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  326. LIBIANCHI P, Shabalina E, Kelly M, Brunskog J, et al
    Sensitivity of the predicted acoustic pressure field to the wind and temperature profiles in a conventionally neutral boundary layer.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:763-771.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  327. BENDIG TA, Dycha GM, Bull EM, Ayala-Osorio R, et al
    A comparative analysis of form and function in Centrarchidae hearing ability: Does otolith variation affect auditory responsiveness?
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:772-780.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  328. BENJAMIN AJ, Siedenburg K
    Exploring level- and spectrum-based music mixing transforms for hearing-impaired listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1048-1061.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  329. SAFDAR M, Ahmed N, Afzal M, Wahab A, et al
    Acoustic scattering in lined panel cavities with membrane interfaces.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1138-1151.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  330. GOUESBET G, Ambrosio LA
    Rigorous justification of a localized approximation to encode on-axis Gaussian acoustical waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1062-1072.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  331. RUECKNER W, Peidle J, Crockett A, Davis D, et al
    Particle size effects on stable levitation positions in acoustic standing waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:1339-1346.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2023
  332. BUSHONG W, Jaeger TF
    Erratum: Dynamic re-weighting of acoustic and contextual cues in spoken word recognition [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146(2), EL135-EL140 (2019)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:48-49.

  333. XU K, Xu Q, You K, Zhu B, et al
    Self-supervised learning-based underwater acoustical signal classification via mask modeling.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:5-15.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  334. BARCLAY DR, Martin BS, Hines PC, Hamilton JM, et al
    Observed transmissions and ocean-ice-acoustic coupled modelling in the Beaufort Sea.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:28-47.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  335. LIU Y, Zhao Y, Gerstoft P, Zhou F, et al
    Deep transfer learning-based variable Doppler underwater acoustic communications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:232-244.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  336. NAGATHIL A, Bruce IC
    WaveNet-based approximation of a cochlear filtering and hair cell transduction model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:191-202.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  337. DREIER C, Vogt X, Schroder W, Vorlander M, et al
    Acoustic source characterization of simulated subsonic jet noise using spherical harmonics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:167-178.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  338. MA L, Cheng L
    Vibration and sound radiation of an acoustic black hole plate immersed in heavy fluid.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:179-190.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  339. BEVILACQUA A, Iannace G
    From discoveries of 1990s measurements to acoustic simulations of three sceneries carried out inside the San Carlo Theatre of Naplesa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:66-80.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  340. LACHENMAYR W, Meyer-Kahlen N, Colella Gomes O, Kuusinen A, et al
    Chamber music hall acoustics: Measurements and perceptual differences.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:388-400.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  341. KOERNER TK, Gallun FJ
    Speech understanding and extended high-frequency hearing sensitivity in blast-exposed veteransa).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:379-387.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  342. FRIZADO AP, O'Reilly MA
    Erratum: A numerical investigation of passive acoustic mapping for monitoring bubble-mediated focused ultrasound treatment of the spinal cord [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 153, 2271-2284 (2023)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:361-362.

  343. ROBERTS B, Haywood NR
    Asymmetric effects of sudden changes in timbre on auditory stream segregation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:363-378.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  344. OSTASHEV VE, Wilson DK, Hart CR
    Influence of ground blocking on the acoustic phase variance in a turbulent atmosphere.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:346-360.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  345. PRICE SEN, Hansen R, Gjennestad MA
    A volume-averaged model for acoustic streaming induced by focused ultrasound in soft porous media.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:334-345.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  346. MCKENNA VS, Roberts RM, Friedman AD, Shanley SN, et al
    Impact of naturalistic smartphone positioning on acoustic measures of voicea).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:323-333.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  347. MURSALINE MA, Stanton TK, Lavery AC, Fischell EM, et al
    Acoustic scattering by smooth elastic cylinders insonified by directional transceivers: Monostatic theory and experiments.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:307-322.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  348. BHATT IS, Lichtenhan J, Tyler R, Goodman S, et al
    Influence of tinnitus, lifetime noise exposure, and firearm use on hearing thresholds, distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and their relative metric.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:418-432.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  349. MALLARY C, Berg CJ, Buck JR, Tandon A, et al
    Listening for rain: Principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis for broadband acoustic rainfall detection.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:556-570.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  350. POPPER AN, Haxel J, Staines G, Guan S, et al
    Marine energy converters: Potential acoustic effects on fishes and aquatic invertebrates.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;154:518-532.
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  351. A N W, Jha A, Kumar A, Cenkeramaddi LR, et al
    Estimation of number of unmanned aerial vehicles in a scene utilizing acoustic signatures and machine learning.
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  352. GLEASON ME, Eddington VM, Kloepper LN
    Acoustic behavior in the northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda): Ultrasonic click production in a novel environment.
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  353. WU X, Li D, Wu Y, Zhu M, et al
    Probabilistic constellation shaping-aided underwater acoustic communication with vector approximate message passing iterative equalization.
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    June 2023
  354. LIU R, Gerstoft P, Bianco MJ, Rao BD, et al
    Recovery of spatially varying acoustical properties via automated partial differential equation identification.
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  355. CHOTIROS NP, Bayrakci G, Sanford O, Clarke T, et al
    Simulation of acoustic reflection and backscatter from arctic sea-ice.
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  356. PHOTIADIS DM, Villa M, Dey S
    Auxiliary superfield method for statistical predictions of complex, structural acoustics systems: Saddle point approximation for the mean field.
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  357. JOHNSON KA, Babel M
    The structure of acoustic voice variation in bilingual speech.
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    Cold war era acoustics: Foundational research on ocean ambient noise.
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  359. WOHLE S, Burkhardt E, van Opzeeland I, Schall E, et al
    Exploring and verifying the acoustic presence of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) off Elephant Island, Antarctica.
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  360. LINDENBECK MJ, Majdak P, Srinivasan S, Laback B, et al
    Pitch discrimination in electric hearing with inconsistent and consistent amplitude-modulation and inter-pulse rate cues.
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  361. BURY P, Vevericik M, Cernobila F, Tomasovicova N, et al
    Surface acoustic wave investigation of magnetic nanoparticle size and concentration effect on liquid crystal behavior.
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  362. BELLOWS SD, Leishman TW
    On the low-frequency acoustic center.
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  363. FINNERAN JJ, Schlundt CE, Bowman V, Jenkins K, et al
    Dolphins reduce hearing sensitivity in anticipation of repetitive impulsive noise exposures.
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    In-channel cancellation: A model of early auditory processing.
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  365. TU H, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Wang X, et al
    A spectrally discretized wide-angle parabolic equation model for simulating acoustic propagation in laterally inhomogeneous oceans.
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  366. YANG J, Xu L
    Acoustic characteristics of sibilant fricatives and affricates in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants.
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  367. XU H, Kong D
    A thin-film acoustic metamaterial absorber with tunable sound absorption characteristics.
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  368. MORFEY CL, Wright MCM
    Acoustics of thermoviscous fluids: The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz representation in generalized form.
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  369. DENNISON SR, Thakkar T, Kan A, Litovsky RY, et al
    Lateralization of binaural envelope cues measured with a mobile cochlear-implant research processora).
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  370. GOTZ P, Tuna C, Walther A, Habets EAP, et al
    Online reverberation time and clarity estimation in dynamic acoustic conditions.
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    May 2023
  371. MISHRA SK, Fu QJ, Galvin JJ, Galindo A, et al
    Suprathreshold auditory processes in listeners with normal audiograms but extended high-frequency hearing lossa).
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  372. HEALY EW, Johnson EM, Pandey A, Wang D, et al
    Progress made in the efficacy and viability of deep-learning-based noise reduction.
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  373. APOUX F, Miller-Viacava N, Ferriere R, Dai H, et al
    Auditory discrimination of natural soundscapes.
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  374. PATEL UR, Mao Y, Michielssen E
    Wigner-Smith time delay matrix for acoustic scattering: Theory and phenomenology.
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  375. SAND O
    A journey through the field of fish hearinga).
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  376. KUCUKOSMANOGLU M, Colosi JA, Worcester PF, Dzieciuch MA, et al
    Observations of the space/time scales of Beaufort sea acoustic duct variability and their impact on transmission loss via the mode interaction parameter.
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  377. WORCESTER PF, Dzieciuch MA, Vazquez HJ, Cornuelle BD, et al
    Acoustic travel-time variability observed on a 150-km radius tomographic array in the Canada Basin during 2016-2017.
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  378. NARNE VK, Jain S, Bharani, Ravi SK, et al
    The effect of recreational noise exposure on amplitude-modulation detection, hearing sensitivity at frequencies above 8 kHz, and perception of speech in noise.
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  379. VENCOVSKY V, Novak A, Klimes O, Honzik P, et al
    Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions measured using synchronized swept-sines.
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    Why is the perceptual octave stretched? An account based on mismatched time constants within the auditory brainstem.
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  381. HU M, Shi L, Zou H, Christensen MG, et al
    Sound zone control with fixed acoustic contrast and simultaneous tracking of acoustic transfer functions.
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  382. WULBUSCH N, Roden R, Chernov A, Blau M, et al
    Using a one-dimensional finite-element approximation of Webster's horn equation to estimate individual ear canal acoustic transfer from input impedances.
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  383. RAMAMOORTHY VT, Ozcan E, Parkes AJ, Jaouen L, et al
    Multi-objective topology optimisation for acoustic porous materials using gradient-based, gradient-free, and hybrid strategies.
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  384. FUSARO G, Barbaresi L, Cingolani M, Garai M, et al
    Investigation of the impact of additive manufacturing techniques on the acoustic performance of a coiled-up resonator.
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  385. ZHU J, Chen X, Chen F, Zhang C, et al
    Distributional learning of musical pitch despite tone deafness in individuals with congenital amusia.
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  386. SABA JN, Ali H, Hansen JHL
    The effects of estimation accuracy, estimation approach, and number of selected channels using formant-priority channel selection for an "n-of-m" sound processing strategy for cochlear implants.
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  387. NASRAOUI S, Louati M, Ghidaoui MS
    High resolution acoustic identification of clusters of small blockages in fluid-filled pipe using maximum likelihood estimation.
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  388. COX SR, Huang T, Chen WR, Ng ML, et al
    An acoustic study of Cantonese alaryngeal speech in different speaking conditions.
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  389. ZHANG X, Hayward C, McComas S, Arrowsmith S, et al
    Exploring acoustic characteristics of different aircraft types by fusing with aircraft tracking data.
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    April 2023
  390. ALAMRI Y, Jennings SG
    Computational modeling of the human compound action potential.
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  391. REGEV J, Zaar J, Relano-Iborra H, Dau T, et al
    Age-related reduction of amplitude modulation frequency selectivity.
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  392. BRENNAN MA, Svec A, Farhadi A, Maxwell BN, et al
    Inherent envelope fluctuations in forward masking: Effects of age and hearing loss.
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  393. TAN SL, Chen YF, Liu CY, Chu KC, et al
    Shortened neural conduction time in young adults with tinnitus as revealed by chirp-evoked auditory brainstem response.
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  394. MARECHAL E, Geron E, Hole S
    Wide-band electrical and electromechanical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE) piezoelectric films using electro-acoustic reflectometry.
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  395. ARRANZ P, Miranda D, Gkikopoulou KC, Cardona A, et al
    Comparison of visual and passive acoustic estimates of beaked whale density off El Hierro, Canary Islands.
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  396. SALLOOM WB, Bharadwaj H, Strickland EA
    The effects of broadband elicitor duration on a psychoacoustic measure of cochlear gain reduction.
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  397. LI S, Zhang X
    Study on acoustic radiation force of a rigid sphere arbitrarily positioned in a zero-order Mathieu beam.
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  398. ZHAO M, Wang W, Ren Q, Ni H, et al
    Modified you-only-look-once model for joint source detection and azimuth estimation in a multi-interfering underwater acoustic environment.
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  399. ANDERSEN PR, Lee GT, Nielsen DG, Kook J, et al
    Experimental characterization of a shape optimized acoustic lens: Application to compact speakerphone design.
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  400. KAUSHIK A, Khan AH, Pratibha, Dalvi SV, et al
    Effect of temperature on the acoustic response and stability of size-isolated protein-shelled ultrasound contrast agents and SonoVue.
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  401. RIO R
    Acoustic recording of false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) from Mexico (L).
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  402. BILBAO S
    Modeling impedance boundary conditions and acoustic barriers using the immersed boundary method: The one-dimensional case.
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  403. GURBUZ C, Eser M, Schaffner J, Marburg S, et al
    A multi-fidelity Gaussian process for efficient frequency sweeps in the acoustic design of a vehicle cabin.
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  404. PARDO-QUILES D, Rodriguez-Rodriguez I, Rodriguez JV, Campo-Valera M, et al
    Analyzing multiple acoustic diffraction over a wide barrier using equivalent knife-edge geometries and Babinet's principle (L).
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  405. CHARAZIAK KK, Altoe A
    Estimating cochlear impulse responses using frequency sweeps.
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  406. FRIZADO AP, O'Reilly MA
    A numerical investigation of passive acoustic mapping for monitoring bubble-mediated focused ultrasound treatment of the spinal cord.
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  407. SHEN C, Cooke M, Janse E
    Speaking in the presence of noise: Consistency of acoustic properties in clear-Lombard speech over time.
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  408. LLOPIS HS, Jeong CH, Engsig-Karup AP
    Reduced order modelling using parameterized non-uniform boundary conditions in room acoustic simulations.
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    March 2023
  409. FARAN M, Furst M
    Inner-hair-cell induced hearing loss: A biophysical modeling perspective.
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  410. CHEN W, Lu C, Wang X, Liu S, et al
    The acoustic performances of a subwavelength hierarchical honeycomb structure: Analytical, numerical, and experimental investigations.
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  411. MAHALE VP, Chanda K, Chakraborty B, Salkar T, et al
    Biodiversity assessment using passive acoustic recordings from off-reef location-Unsupervised learning to classify fish vocalization.
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  412. LEIZERONOK B, Losin S, Kleiman A, Julius S, et al
    Guidelines for higher efficiency supported thermo-acoustic emitters based on periodically Joule heated metallic films.
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  413. ZHEN LQ, Pratt SR
    Perceptual, procedural, and task learning for an auditory temporal discrimination task.
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  414. BUZ E, Dwyer NC, Lai W, Watson DG, et al
    Integration of fundamental frequency and voice-onset-time to voicing categorization: Listeners with normal hearing and bimodal hearing configurations.
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  415. SERRURIER A, Neuschaefer-Rube C
    Morphological and acoustic modeling of the vocal tract.
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  416. AVERBUCH G, Houston R, Petculescu A
    Seismo-acoustic coupling in the deep atmosphere of Venus.
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  417. SORENSEN KS, Cornean HD, Sorokin S
    Optimal profile design for acoustic black holes using Timoshenko beam theory.
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    High Frequency hearing in echolocating dolphins.
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  419. BRAUN S, Nowotny H, Benes E, Groschl M, et al
    Layered piezoelectric structures with arbitrary acoustic termination impedances.
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    Weak-form homogenization of two and three-dimensional fluid acoustical systems.
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  421. HOU J, Zheng ZC, Allen JS
    Time-domain simulation of acoustic wave scattering and internal propagation from a gas bubble of various shapes.
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  422. JENNINGS SG, Aviles ES
    Middle ear muscle and medial olivocochlear activity inferred from individual human ears via cochlear potentials.
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  423. DELL A, Krynkin A, Horoshenkov KV, Sailor G, et al
    Low frequency attenuation of acoustic waves in a perforated pipe.
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  424. ELLE M, Guthikonda N, Shiva SS, Kiran PP, et al
    Acoustic shock waves emitted from two interacting laser generated plasmas in air.
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  425. THAKKAR T, Kan A, Litovsky RY
    Lateralization of interaural time differences with mixed rates of stimulation in bilateral cochlear implant listeners.
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  426. KATES JM
    Extending the Hearing-Aid Speech Perception Index (HASPI): Keywords, sentences, and context.
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    February 2023
  427. WEI Z, Han Y, Zhao S, Liu Q, et al
    Motion acoustic flow field: Underwater small target motion characterization for active sonar echograph of harbor environment.
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  428. CHAITANYA SK, Sriraman S, Srinivasan S, Srinivasan K, et al
    Machine learning aided near-field acoustic holography based on equivalent source method.
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  429. PURIA S, Guinan JJ
    The Rhode non-linearity and its impact on cochlear mechanics.
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  430. HERMAWANTO D, Ishikawa K, Yatabe K, Oikawa Y, et al
    Determination of microphone acoustic center from sound field projection measured by optical interferometry.
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  431. CALA F, Manfredi C, Battilocchi L, Frassineti L, et al
    Speaking with mask in the COVID-19 era: Multiclass machine learning classification of acoustic and perceptual parameters.
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  432. LANGFELDT F, Cheer J
    Controlling the effective surface mass density of membrane-type acoustic metamaterials using dynamic actuators.
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  433. LEMKE M, Reiss J
    Approximate acoustic boundary conditions in the time-domain using volume penalization.
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  434. GONG M, Xu X, Fei Z, Li Y, et al
    Non-invasive manipulation scheme of spherical particle in viscous fluids in a tube based on acoustic radiation force.
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  435. GAUER J, Nagathil A, Lentz B, Volter C, et al
    A subjective evaluation of different music preprocessing approaches in cochlear implant listeners.
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  436. NORGAARD KM, Bray PJ
    Comments on forward pressure and other reflectance-based quantities for delivering stimuli to the ear.
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  437. BEEDHOLM K, Ladegaard M, Madsen PT, Tyack PL, et al
    Latencies of click-evoked auditory responses in a harbor porpoise exceed the time interval between subsequent echolocation clicks.
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  438. MAMUN N, Ghosh R, Hansen JHL
    Familiar and unfamiliar speaker recognition assessment and system emulation for cochlear implant users.
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  439. SUN D, Wu J, Hong X, Liu C, et al
    Iterative double-differential direct-sequence spread spectrum reception in underwater acoustic channel with time-varying Doppler shifts.
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  440. PERIYASAMY S, Chandrayadula TK
    The broadband transport theory approach to model internal wave induced scattering across deep water acoustic time-fronts.
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    January 2023
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  442. TREVOR C, Renner M, Fruhholz S
    Acoustic and structural differences between musically portrayed subtypes of fear.
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  443. KAPADIA AM, Tin JAA, Perrachione TK
    Multiple sources of acoustic variation affect speech processing efficiency.
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  444. TRONCHIN L, Bevilacqua A
    The Royal Tajo Opera Theatre of Lisbon: From architecture to acoustics.
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  445. FINNERAN JJ, Lally K, Strahan MG, Donohoe K, et al
    Dolphin conditioned hearing attenuation in response to repetitive tones with increasing level.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;153:496.
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  446. HASKELL SC, Lu N, Stocker GE, Xu Z, et al
    Monitoring cavitation dynamics evolution in tissue mimicking hydrogels for repeated exposures via acoustic cavitation emissions.
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  447. TORRES NA, Ballard MS, Lee KS, Wilson PS, et al
    Characterizing the acoustic response of Thalassia testudinum leaves using resonator measurements and finite element modeling.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;153:678.
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  448. SIMON BE, Hamilton MF
    Analytical solution for acoustic radiation force on a sphere near a planar boundary.
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  449. JEZEQUEL Y, Aoki N, Mooney TA
    Acoustic properties and shallow water propagation distances of Caribbean spiny lobster sounds (Panulirus argus).
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  450. LIU H, Zhu W, Zhou Y, Shi L, et al
    Nonintrusive wind blade fault detection using a deep learning approach by exploring acoustic information.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2023;153:538.
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  451. SONG HC, Kuperman WA
    Time machine in ocean acoustics.
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  452. RICHARDS LA, Stride E, Cleveland RO
    Foam gratings as an alternative to customized acoustic lenses.
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  453. TREVINO M, Zang A, Lobarinas E
    The middle ear muscle reflex: Current and future role in assessing noise-induced cochlear damage.
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  454. FULOP SA
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  455. CHENG G, Liao L, Chen K, Hu Y, et al
    Semi-blind source separation using convolutive transfer function for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation.
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  456. ZYGIS M, Fuchs S
    Communicative constraints affect oro-facial gestures and acoustics: Whispered vs normal speech.
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  457. LE PRELL CG, Clavier OH, Bao J
    Noise-induced hearing disorders: Clinical and investigational tools.
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  458. CHEN V, Perez Pablos I, Chen JM
    Acoustic characterization of nanofibers for optimization with porous substrate.
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  459. KONDAUROVA MV, Zheng Q, Donaldson CW, Smith AF, et al
    Effect of telepractice on pediatric cochlear implant users and provider vowel space: A preliminary report.
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  460. WANG Q, Lan J, Deng Z, Lai Y, et al
    Acoustic source localization based on acoustic leaky-wave antenna with heterogeneous structure.
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  461. VAN DER BIEST H, Keshishzadeh S, Keppler H, Dhooge I, et al
    Envelope following responses for hearing diagnosis: Robustness and methodological considerations.
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  462. SISTO R, Belardinelli D, Altoe A, Shera CA, et al
    Crucial 3-D viscous hydrodynamic contributions to the theoretical modeling of the cochlear response.
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  463. MORAN E
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  464. MURPHY WJ, Gong W, Karch SJ, Federman J, et al
    Erratum: Personal attenuation ratings versus derated noise reduction ratings for hearing protection devices [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152(2), 1074-1089 (2022)].
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  465. WANG J, Xu H, Peng X, Liu J, et al
    Pathological voice classification based on multi-domain features and deep hierarchical extreme learning machine.
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    December 2022
  466. SCHRODE KM, Dent ML, Lauer AM
    Sources of variability in auditory brainstem response thresholds in a mouse model of noise-induced hearing loss.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3576.
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  467. BIEVER A, Kelsall DC, Lupo JE, Haase GM, et al
    Evolution of the candidacy requirements and patient perioperative assessment protocols for cochlear implantation.
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  468. JIN IK, Tyler RS
    Measuring tinnitus in pharmaceutical clinical trials.
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  469. POISSENOT-ARRIGONI B, Law CH, Berbiche D, Sgard F, et al
    Morphologic clustering of earcanals using deep learning algorithm to design artificial ears dedicated to earplug attenuation measurement.
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  470. HUMES LE, Moore BCJ
    Estimation of all-cause noise exposure for U.S. adults from national survey data.
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  471. MURATOV CB, Rogers J, Khasin M
    Acoustic modes of a spherical thin-walled tank for liquid propellant mass gauging: Theory and experiment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3260.
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  472. YANG Z, Huang X
    An acoustic cloaking design based on topology optimization.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3510.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  473. ANDERSON SR, Kan A, Litovsky RY
    Asymmetric temporal envelope sensitivity: Within- and across-ear envelope comparisons in listeners with bilateral cochlear implants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3294.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  474. AMORIM TOS, Castro FR, Ferreira GA, Neri FM, et al
    Acoustic identification and classification of four dolphin species in the Brazilian marine area affected by the largest tailings dam failure disaster.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3204.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  475. JEZEQUEL Y, Bonnel J, Elies P, Chauvaud L, et al
    Acoustic scaling in the European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3235.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  476. VON BENDA-BECKMANN AM, Ketten DR, Lam FPA, de Jong CAF, et al
    Erratum: Evaluation of kurtosis-corrected sound exposure level as a metric for predicting onset of hearing threshold shifts in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152, 295-301 (2022)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3789.

  477. TABAK G, Oelze ML, Singer AC
    Effects of acoustic nonlinearity on communication performance in soft tissues.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3583.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  478. GOZUM MM, Nasraoui S, Grigoropoulos G, Louati M, et al
    A noise-based high-resolution time-reversal method for acoustic defect localization in water pipes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3373.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  479. LINNE M, Sigray P, Lalander E, Davidsson P, et al
    Development of calibration technique for underwater transducers in free field conditions below 1000 Hz with results on an acoustical recorder.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3606.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  480. OZANICH E, Gawarkiewicz G, Lin YT
    Study of acoustic propagation across an oceanic front at the edge of the New England shelf.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3756.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  481. BRAMHALL NF, Kampel SD, Reavis KM, Konrad-Martin D, et al
    Contralateral inhibition of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in young noise-exposed Veterans.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3562.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  482. YUEN I, Xu Rattanasone N, Schmidt E, Holt R, et al
    The acoustic realization of contrastive focus by 6-year-old Australian English-speaking children.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3313.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  483. KARLIN R, Parrell B
    Speakers monitor auditory feedback for temporal alignment and linguistically relevant duration.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3142.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  484. RAWNAQUE FS, Simon JC
    The effects of elastic modulus and impurities on bubble nuclei available for acoustic cavitation in polyacrylamide hydrogels.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3502.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  485. WEI C, McCauley RD
    Numerical modeling of the impacts of acoustic stimulus on fish otoliths from two directions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3226.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  486. ZHENG C, Wang M, Li X, Moore BCJ, et al
    A deep learning solution to the marginal stability problems of acoustic feedback systems for hearing aids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3616.
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  487. JEZEQUEL Y, Bonnel J, Aoki N, Mooney TA, et al
    Tank acoustics substantially distort broadband sounds produced by marine crustaceans.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3747.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  488. LI Y, Guo R, Blu T, Zhao H, et al
    Robust sparse reconstruction of attenuated acoustic field with unknown range of source.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3523.
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  489. JIN J, Saha P, Durofchalk N, Mukhopadhyay S, et al
    Machine learning approaches for ray-based ocean acoustic tomography.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3768.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2022
  490. XIE Y, Ren J, Xu J
    Underwater-art: Expanding information perspectives with text templates for underwater acoustic target recognition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2641.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    A reciprocity method for validating acoustic ear-probe source calibrations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2652.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  492. SHEKAR RCMC, Hansen JHL
    A convolutional neural network-based framework for analysis and assessment of non-linguistic sound classification and enhancement for normal hearing and cochlear implant listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2720.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  493. DROWN L, Philip B, Francis AL, Theodore RM, et al
    Revisiting the left ear advantage for phonetic cues to talker identification.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3107.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  494. FULOP SA
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2524.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  495. DECOURCY BJ, Lin YT, Zhang WG, Ozanich ER, et al
    Real-time joint ocean acoustics and circulation modeling in the 2021 New England Shelf Break Acoustics experiment (L).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2859.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  496. ROBIN O, Plante C
    An illustrated tutorial for logarithmic scales and decibels in acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2880.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  497. SAXENA U, Mishra SK, Rodrigo H, Choudhury M, et al
    Functional consequences of extended high frequency hearing impairment: Evidence from the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2946.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  498. BRUTNELL TP, Wang X, Bao J
    Integrating pharmacogenomics into clinical trials of hearing disorders.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2828.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  499. ZHANG P, Wang S, Duan H, Tao J, et al
    A study on coherence between virtual signal and physical signals in remote acoustic sensing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2840.
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  500. WANG X, Meng J, Liu Y, Zhan G, et al
    Self-supervised acoustic representation learning via acoustic-embedding memory unit modified space autoencoder for underwater target recognition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2905.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  501. BOOTHALINGAM S, Easwar V, Bross A
    External and middle ear influence on envelope following responses.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2794.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  502. RUSSELL DA, Wilson PS
    Introduction to the special issue on education in acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:3102.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  503. LUCCHETTA DE, Schiaroli L, Battista G, Martarelli M, et al
    Experimental acoustic modal analysis of a tenor saxophone.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2629.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  504. ARAI T
    Education in basic acoustics for acoustic phonetics and speech science.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2746.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  505. THOMASSEN S, Hartung K, Einhauser W, Bendixen A, et al
    Low-high-low or high-low-high? Pattern effects on sequential auditory scene analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2758.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  506. EASTLAND GC, Curry PJ, Tolliver LC
    Investigations into acoustic dipole helical wave generation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2929.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions and middle-ear pressure gains in a finite-element mouse model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2769.
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  508. ZANG Y, Chang Q, Wang X, Su C, et al
    Natural oscillation frequencies of a Rayleigh sphere levitated in standing acoustic waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2916.
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  509. ODDO P, Falchetti S, Viola S, Pennucci G, et al
    Evaluation of different Maritime rapid environmental assessment procedures with a focus on acoustic performance.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2962.
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  510. MIMANI A, Nama S
    A perception-based study of the indoor and outdoor acoustic environments in India during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2570.
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    October 2022
  511. BERNSTEIN LR, Trahiotis C
    Intelligibility and detectability of speech measured diotically and dichotically in groups of listeners with, at most, "slight" hearing loss.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2013.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  512. SERVI AT, Davis SK, Murphy SA, Fellows AM, et al
    Prospective measurements of hearing threshold during military rifle training with in-ear, protected, noise exposure monitoring.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2257.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  513. YANG SS, Lee JW, Kim JH, Kang YJ, et al
    Effect of thermal aging on the transport and acoustic properties of partially reticulated polyurethane foams.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2369.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  514. VALDEZ MA, Yuffa AJ, Wakin MB
    On-grid compressive sampling for spherical field measurements in acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2240.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  515. HERRIN DW
    Acoustical materials: Solving the challenge of vehicle noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2105.

  516. MEYER J, Lokki T, Ahrens J
    Perceptual detection thresholds for numerical dispersion in binaural auralizations of two acoustically different rooms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2266.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  517. JEDRZEJCZAK WW, Kochanek K, Pilka E, Pastucha M, et al
    Medial olivocochlear reflex reliability: The effects of averaging and presence of synchronized spontaneous otoacoustic emissions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2150.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  518. LEE KM, Venegas GR, Ballard MS, Dorgan KM, et al
    Impacts of infauna, worm tubes, and shell hash on sediment acoustic variability and deviation from the viscous grain shearing model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2456.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  519. WELCH PJ, Li DS, Forest CR, Pozzo LD, et al
    Perfluorocarbon nanodroplet size, acoustic vaporization, and inertial cavitation affected by lipid shell composition in vitro.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2493.
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  520. PINSONNAULT-SKVARENINA A, Soucy W, Noel J, Doucet F, et al
    Supra-threshold deficits in normal hearing military recruits exposed to impulse noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2419.
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  521. ALTOE A, Dewey JB, Charaziak KK, Oghalai JS, et al
    Overturning the mechanisms of cochlear amplification via area deformations of the organ of Corti.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2227.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  522. MARTIN PA
    Acoustic scattering and the exact Green function.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2038.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  523. JEDRZEJCZAK WW, Milner R, Pilka E, Ganc M, et al
    Visual attention does not affect the reliability of otoacoustic emission or medial olivocochlear reflex.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2398.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  524. LORANGER S, Jech MJ, Lavery AC
    Broadband acoustic quantification of mixed biological aggregations at the New England shelf break.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2319.
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  525. MEN W, Zhang L, Yin JW, Han X, et al
    Blind beamforming-based strong interference suppression in underwater acoustic direct-sequence code-division multiple-access systems.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2128.
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  526. WANG J, Jiang T
    Acoustic-seismic coupling model for the Short-Distance detection of Ultra-Low-Altitude aircraft.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2475.
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  527. NORRIS AN
    Constant intensity acoustic propagation in the presence of non-uniform properties and impedance discontinuities: Hermitian and non-Hermitian solutions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2485.
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  528. DI GIULIO E, Napolitano M, Di Meglio A, Romano RA, et al
    Low frequency acoustic method to measure the complex density of porous materials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:2220.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2022
  529. SMALT CJ, Brungart DS
    Digital sampling of acoustic impulse noise: Implications for exposure measurement and damage risk criteria.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1283.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  530. MARGOLIS RH, Wilson RH
    Evaluation of binomial distribution estimates of confidence intervals of speech-recognition test scores.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1404.
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  531. REN F, Li Y, Chen L, Huang J, et al
    The sensitivity of bone conduction for dental implants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1389.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  532. ROBLER SK, Coco L, Krumm M
    Telehealth solutions for assessing auditory outcomes related to noise and ototoxic exposures in clinic and research.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1737.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  533. ASTOLFI A, Minelli G, Puglisi GE
    A basic protocol for the acoustic characterization of small and medium-sized classrooms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1646.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  534. PREMUS VE, Abbot PA, Kmelnitsky V, Gedney CJ, et al
    A wave glider-based, towed hydrophone array system for autonomous, real-time, passive acoustic marine mammal monitoring.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1814.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  535. COURCOUX-CARO M, Vanwynsberghe C, Herzet C, Baussard A, et al
    Sequential sensor selection for the localization of acoustic sources by sparse Bayesian learning.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1695.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  536. PALMER KJ, Wu GM, Clark C, Klinck H, et al
    Erratum: Accounting for the Lombard effect in estimating the probability of detection in passive acoustic surveys: Applications for single sensor mitigation and monitoring [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151(1), 67-79 (2022)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1683.

  537. KANG L, Liu B, An F, Wei D, et al
    Mechanical and vibro-acoustic performance of sandwich panel with perforated honeycomb cores.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1539.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  538. ROMERO-VIVAS E, Romero-Vivas J, Bustamante O, Leon-Lopez B, et al
    Educational open source kit for the evaluation of acoustic leaky wave antennas with metamaterials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1357.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  539. MORAN E
    Acoustical News.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1970.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  540. MCKENZIE T, Schlecht SJ, Pulkki V
    The auditory perceived aperture position of the transition between rooms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1871.
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  541. CHAI Y, Garellek M
    On H1-H2 as an acoustic measure of linguistic phonation type.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1856.
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  542. AHRENS A, Lund KD
    Auditory spatial analysis in reverberant multi-talker environments with congruent and incongruent audio-visual room information.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1586.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  543. WANG C, Wang C, Liu N, Lan Y, et al
    Optimize multilayer matching layer design for tone-burst underwater acoustic transducers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1942.
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  544. UENAKA M, Nagamura H, Okamoto A, Hiryu S, et al
    Feasibility evaluation of transtympanic laser stimulation of the cochlea from the outer ear.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1850.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  545. MALLIK W, Jaiman RK, Jelovica J
    Predicting transmission loss in underwater acoustics using convolutional recurrent autoencoder network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1627.
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  546. VETESNIK A, Vencovsky V, Gummer AW
    An additional source of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions from perturbation of nonlinear force by reflection from inhomogeneities.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1660.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  547. CHO AY, Kidd G Jr
    Auditory motion as a cue for source segregation and selection in a "cocktail party" listening environment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1684.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  548. STEFFENS H, Schutte M, Ewert SD
    Acoustically driven orientation and navigation in enclosed spaces.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1767.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  549. DE LA HOZ-TORRES ML, Aguilar AJ, Martinez-Aires MD, Ruiz DP, et al
    Modelling and visualization for the analysis and comprehension of the acoustic performance of buildings through the implementation of a building information modelling-based methodology.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1515.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  550. GRAUPE C, Van Uffelen LJ, Worcester PF, Dzieciuch MA, et al
    An automated framework for long-range acoustic positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1615.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  551. JARUSZEWSKA K, Melon M, Dazel O, Vorlander M, et al
    The ACOUCOU platform: Online acoustic education developed by an interdisciplinary team.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1922.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  552. PINSON S, Quilfen V, Le Courtois F, Real G, et al
    Shallow-water waveguide acoustic analysis in a fluctuating environment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1252.
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  553. RENNOLL V, McLane I, Eisape A, Grant D, et al
    Project-based learning through sensor characterization in a musical acoustics course.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1932.
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  554. INDALEEB MM, Ahmed H, Banerjee S
    Acoustic computing: At tunable pseudospin-1 Hermitian Dirac-like cone.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1449.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  555. FLEMING JT, Winn MB
    Strategic perceptual weighting of acoustic cues for word stress in listeners with cochlear implants, acoustic hearing, or simulated bimodal hearing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1300.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  556. REDFORD MA, Howson PJ
    Acoustic correlates and listener ratings of function word reduction in child versus adult speech.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1463.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  557. VAZIRI G, Giguere C, Dajani HR
    The effect of hearing protection worn by talker and/or target listener on speech production in quiet and noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1528.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  558. GARRETT S
    The application of acoustics to heat engines and refrigerators.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:R5.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2022
  559. LELO DE LARREA-MANCERA ES, Stavropoulos T, Carrillo AA, Cheung S, et al
    Remote auditory assessment using Portable Automated Rapid Testing (PART) and participant-owned devices.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:807.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  560. FONSECA WD, Brandao E, Mareze PH, Melo VSG, et al
    Acoustical engineering: A complete academic undergraduate program in Brazil.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1180.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  561. LI S, Shi J, Zhang X, Zhang G, et al
    Erratum: Axial acoustic radiation force on a spherical particle in a zero-order Mathieu beam [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 3233-3241 (2019)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:888.

  562. GIBBS BE 2ND, Bernstein JGW, Brungart DS, Goupell MJ, et al
    Effects of better-ear glimpsing, binaural unmasking, and spectral resolution on spatial release from masking in cochlear-implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1230.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  563. SAMPEDRO LLOPIS H, Engsig-Karup AP, Jeong CH, Pind F, et al
    Reduced basis methods for numerical room acoustic simulations with parametrized boundaries.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:851.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  564. IBRAHIM O, Yuen I, van Os M, Andreeva B, et al
    The combined effects of contextual predictability and noise on the acoustic realisation of German syllables.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:911.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  565. WHITING JK, Berardi ML, Vaughn AB, Vongsawad CT, et al
    Sounds to Astound: An acoustics outreach show.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:835.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  566. BAYDUR C, Wang X, Mao D
    The acoustics program at the Institute of Acoustics, Tongji University, China.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1058.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  567. HASELHOFF T, Hornberg J, Fischer JL, Lawrence BT, et al
    The acoustic environment before and during the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown in a major German city as measured by ecoacoustic indices.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1192.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  568. RAMSEY GP
    Integrating science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and music: Putting the arts in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) through acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1106.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  569. STIEPAN S, Goodman SS, Dhar S
    Optimizing distortion product otoacoustic emission recordings in normal-hearing ears by adopting cochlear place-specific stimuli.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:776.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  570. SMITH ME, Accomando AW, Bowman V, Casper BM, et al
    Physical effects of sound exposure from underwater explosions on Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus): Effects on the inner ear.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:733.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  571. ROCHE B, White PR, Bull JM, Leighton TG, et al
    Methods of acoustic gas flux inversion-Investigation into the initial amplitude of bubble excitation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:799.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  572. TOLKOVA I, Klinck H
    Source separation with an acoustic vector sensor for terrestrial bioacoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1123.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  573. POTEL C, Gatignol P, Bruneau M
    Using heat maps in teaching acoustics: Interaction of incident plane wave or incident beam with a solid plane structure.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:754.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  574. YUAN M, Wang C, Da L, Li Q, et al
    Signal detection method using a single vector hydrophone in ocean acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:789.
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  575. MURPHY WJ, Gong W, Karch SJ, Federman J, et al
    Personal attenuation ratings versus derated noise reduction ratings for hearing protection devices.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1074.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  576. MEYER-KAHLEN N, Schlecht SJ, Lokki T
    Clearly audible room acoustical differences may not reveal where you are in a room.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:877.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  577. IVAKIN AN, Williams KL
    Midfrequency acoustic propagation and reverberation in a deep ice-covered Arctic ocean.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1035.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  578. JAOUEN L, Robin O
    Explaining and teaching acoustics through comics, interactive web pages, and video games.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:745.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  579. SURYAKANT CN, Singh A, Ramdas R, Dighe K, et al
    Enhanced absorption in structural acoustic silencers using piezo-shunting.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1112.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  580. UEDA K, Takeichi H, Wakamiya K
    Auditory grouping is necessary to understand interrupted mosaic speech stimuli.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:970.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  581. JOHNSON MD, Krynkin A, Dolcetti G, Alkmim M, et al
    Surface shape reconstruction from phaseless scattered acoustic data using a random forest algorithm.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:1045.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2022
  582. JAHN KN
    Clinical and investigational tools for monitoring noise-induced hyperacusis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:553.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  583. JAIN S, Narne VK, Nataraja NP, Madhukesh S, et al
    The effect of age and hearing sensitivity at frequencies above 8 kHz on auditory stream segregation and speech perception.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:716.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  584. LE PRELL CG, Brewer CC, Campbell KCM
    The audiogram: Detection of pure-tone stimuli in ototoxicity monitoring and assessments of investigational medicines for the inner ear.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:470.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  585. LEVI SV
    Teaching acoustic phonetics to undergraduates in communication sciences and disorders: Course structure and sample projects.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:651.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  586. GHASEMZADEH H, Doyle PC, Searl J
    Image representation of the acoustic signal: An effective tool for modeling spectral and temporal dynamics of connected speech.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:580.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  587. PEACOCK J, Benson MA, Greene NT, Tollin DJ, et al
    The acoustical effect of the neck frill of the frill-necked lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:437.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  588. ROUX J, Hanekom JJ
    Effect of stimulation parameters on sequential current-steered stimuli in cochlear implants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:609.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  589. BOTTERO A, Sternini S, Sarkar J, Kuperman WA, et al
    Inferring the characteristics of marine sediments from the acoustic response of a known, partially buried object.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:152.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  590. VON BENDA-BECKMANN AM, Ketten DR, Lam FPA, de Jong CAF, et al
    Evaluation of kurtosis-corrected sound exposure level as a metric for predicting onset of hearing threshold shifts in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:295.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  591. BHADOURIA VS, Agrawal M, Kumar R
    An unsupervised clustering-based scale-lag receiver design approach for the doubly selective underwater acoustic channel.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:342.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Four decades of near-field acoustic holography.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:R1.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  593. LIU J, Yang H, Zhao H, Wang Y, et al
    Homogenization of an acoustic coating with a steel backing subject to an obliquely incident sound.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:624.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    The chimney tube in musical acoustics: A textbook-level formulation for students and musicians.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:540.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  595. WANG J, Zhang X, Zhang G
    Acoustic radiation force of a sphere with a hemispherically split boundary condition in a plane wave.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:501.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  596. JIAN HM, Chen YS, Bai MR
    Acoustic modal analysis of room responses from the perspective of state-space balanced realization with application to field interpolation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:240.
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  597. JASINSKI CM, Celmer RD
    Effective educational practices, assessment, and applications in acoustics and vibration at the University of Hartford.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:633.
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  598. MARTIN-CASTIZO M, Giron S, Galindo M
    A proposal for the acoustic characterization of circular bullrings.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:380.
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  599. KHANYILE NP, Alia A, Dufrenoy P, De Saxce G, et al
    Acoustic radiation simulation of forced vibrating plates using isogeometric analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:524.
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  600. FRATONI G, Hamilton B, D'Orazio D
    Feasibility of a finite-difference time-domain model in large-scale acoustic simulations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:330.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  601. KUMON RE
    Teaching an advanced undergraduate acoustics laboratory without a laboratory: Course developments enabling teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:9.
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  602. CLAVIER OH, Norris JA, Hinckley DW Jr, Martin WH, et al
    Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for the Wireless Automated Hearing Test System.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:601.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  603. LAWLESS MS, Giglia M, Wootton DM
    Acoustics@Home: Laboratories and student-led projects conducted for an undergraduate engineering experimentation course during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;152:43.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2022
  604. GONG W, Xu Y, Liu Y
    Field attenuation characteristics of hearing protectors and differences in estimating their attenuation with different methods.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3979.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  605. TOUGAARD J, Beedholm K, Madsen PT
    Thresholds for noise induced hearing loss in harbor porpoises and phocid seals.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4252.
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  606. FOSTER AC, Szobota S, Piu F, Jacques BE, et al
    A neurotrophic approach to treating hearing loss: Translation from animal models to clinical proof-of-concept.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3937.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Marine compressed air source array primary acoustic field characterization from at-sea measurements.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3957.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  608. SPIEKHOUT S, Voorneveld J, van Elburg B, Renaud G, et al
    Time-resolved absolute radius estimation of vibrating contrast microbubbles using an acoustical camera.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3993.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  609. TESHIMA Y, Nomura T, Kato M, Tsuchiya T, et al
    Effect of bat pinna on sensing using acoustic finite difference time domain simulation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4039.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  610. MORRISON A, Worland R
    Calculating the acoustic input impedance of a simplified brass instrument as an educational laboratory activity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3858.
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  611. BOTTALICO P, Lastowiecka N, Glasner JD, Redman YG, et al
    Singing in different performance spaces: The effect of room acoustics on vibrato and pitch inaccuracy.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4131.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  612. DAHL PH, Bonnel J
    Vector acoustic and polarization properties of underwater ship noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3818.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  613. ZHANG Y, Wang H, Li C, Meriaudeau F, et al
    Data augmentation aided complex-valued network for channel estimation in underwater acoustic orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4150.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  614. MOUSAVI A, Berggren M, Wadbro E
    How the waveguide acoustic black hole works: A study of possible damping mechanisms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4279.
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  615. BRUNGART DS, Sherlock LP, Kuchinsky SE, Perry TT, et al
    Assessment methods for determining small changes in hearing performance over time.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3866.
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  616. DONG H, Svensson UP, Dutilleux G, Martin SR, et al
    Developing experimental skills: A hands-on course in acoustical measurement techniques at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3919.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  617. XU H, Kong D
    Dynamic sound absorption characteristics of a series piezoelectric acoustic absorber regulated by voltage.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3807.
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  618. COUTANT A, Achilleos V, Richoux O, Theocharis G, et al
    Subwavelength Su-Schrieffer-Heeger topological modes in acoustic waveguides.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3626.
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  619. CERVENKA M, Bednarik M
    An algebraic correction for the Westervelt equation to account for the local nonlinear effects in parametric acoustic array.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4046.
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  620. KHODABANDELOO B, Ona E, Pedersen G, Korneliussen R, et al
    Mesopelagic fish gas bladder elongation, as estimated from wideband acoustic backscattering measurements.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4073.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  621. JENKINS AK, Dahl PH, Kotecki SE, Bowman V, et al
    Physical effects of sound exposure from underwater explosions on Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus): Effects on non-auditory tissues.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3947.
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  622. OZDEMIR O, Yucel H, Ucar YE, Erbas B, et al
    Green's functions for a layered high-contrast acoustic media.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3676.
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  623. DE LA TORRE A, Valderrama JT, Segura JC, Alvarez IM, et al
    Subspace-constrained deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3745.
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  624. P WEEKERS B, Rottenberg X, Lagae L, Rochus V, et al
    Rigorous analysis of the axial acoustic radiation force on a spherical object for single-beam acoustic tweezing applications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3615.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  625. STALNOV O, Faran M, Koral Y, Furst M, et al
    Auditory detection probability of propeller noise in hover flight in presence of ambient soundscape.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3719.
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  626. ZHANG R, Shao H, Lin T, Wang X, et al
    Study of an acoustic energy harvester consisting of electro-spun polyvinylidene difluoride nanofibers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3838.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  627. COOK MR, Gee KL, Sommerfeldt SD
    A coherence-based phase and amplitude gradient estimator method for calculating active acoustic intensity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4053.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  628. PALACIOS J, Calderin L, Chon A, Frankel I, et al
    Temperature-controlled spatiotemporally modulated phononic crystal for achieving nonreciprocal acoustic wave propagation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3669.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  629. UFIMTSEV PY, Apaydin G, Sevgi L
    Shadow radiation and Fresnel diffraction of acoustic waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4063.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  630. JEGER-MADIOT N, Mousset X, Dupuis C, Rabiet L, et al
    Controlling the force and the position of acoustic traps with a tunable acoustofluidic chip: Application to spheroid manipulations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4165.
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  631. SOLDEVILLA MS, Ternus K, Cook A, Hildebrand JA, et al
    Acoustic localization, validation, and characterization of Rice's whale calls.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:4264.
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    May 2022
  632. KUUSINEN A, Lokki T
    Erratum: Recognizing individual concert halls is difficult when listening to the acoustics with different musical passages [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148, 1380-1390 (2020)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2897.

  633. WILSON KC, Sirovic A, Semmens BX, Gittings SR, et al
    Grouper source levels and aggregation dynamics inferred from passive acoustic localization at a multispecies spawning site.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3052.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  634. SVEC A, Morgan SD
    Virtual audiology education tools: A survey of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3234.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  635. COX TJ, Dodgson G, Harris L, Perugia E, et al
    Improving the measurement and acoustic performance of transparent face masks and shields.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2931.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  636. TU X, Xu X, Song A
    Statistical analysis and hybrid modeling of high-frequency underwater acoustic channels affected by wind-driven surface waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3266.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    On acoustic reflection from a seabed exhibiting a non-uniform sound speed profile, with relevance to fine-grained sediments.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3535.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  638. FINNERAN JJ, Mulsow J, Strahan MG, Houser DS, et al
    Output compensation of auditory brainstem responses in dolphins and sea lions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3070.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  639. LIANG W, Brown CA, Shinn-Cunningham BG
    Cat-astrophic effects of sudden interruptions on spatial auditory attention.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3219.
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  640. FOLEY L, Schlesinger J, Schutz M
    More detectable, less annoying: Temporal variation in amplitude envelope and spectral content improves auditory interface efficacy.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3189.
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  641. GAUER J, Nagathil A, Eckel K, Belomestny D, et al
    A versatile deep-neural-network-based music preprocessing and remixing scheme for cochlear implant listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2975.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  642. DALL'OSTO DR, Tang D
    Acoustic resonances within the surficial layer of a muddy seabed.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3473.
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  643. QIN Z, Tao J, Qu F, Qiao Y, et al
    Adaptive equalization based on dynamic compressive sensing for single-carrier multiple-input multiple-output underwater acoustic communications.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2877.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Acoustic levitation of multi-wavelength spherical bodies using transducer arrays of non-specialized geometries.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2999.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  645. GARNIER J, Roux P
    Modal formulation and paraxial approximation for acoustic wave propagation in waveguides with surface perturbations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3239.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  646. MARTIN PA
    Acoustic scattering by a small obstacle in the time domain.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3066.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  647. JAEKEL BN, Weinstein S, Newman RS, Goupell MJ, et al
    Impacts of signal processing factors on perceptual restoration in cochlear-implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2898.
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  648. PENG ZE, Waz S, Buss E, Shen Y, et al
    FORUM: Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3116.
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  649. LEE Y, Kreiman J
    Acoustic voice variation in spontaneous speech.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3462.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  650. KNOWLES T, Badh G
    The impact of face masks on spectral acoustics of speech: Effect of clear and loud speech styles.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3359.
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  651. LECOULANT J, Guennou C, Guillon L, Royer JY, et al
    Numerical modeling and observations of seismo-acoustic waves propagating as modes in a fluid-solid waveguide.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:3437.
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    April 2022
  652. HUANG H, Chen YF, Hsu CY, Cheng YF, et al
    Evaluating auditory brainstem response to a level-dependent chirp designed based on derived-band latencies.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2688.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  653. LINZ JA
    Designing an introductory musical acoustics course using physics education research techniques and the impact COVID-19 pandemic had on the course structure.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2672.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  654. JOHNSON HD, Taggart CT, Newhall AE, Lin YT, et al
    Acoustic detection range of right whale upcalls identified in near-real time from a moored buoy and a Slocum glider.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2558.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  655. POLING GL, Siegel JH, Lee J, Dhar S, et al
    The influence of self-reported noise exposure on 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emission level, fine structure, and components in a normal-hearing population.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2391.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  656. SMITH KB, Leary P, Deal T, Joseph J, et al
    Acoustic vector sensor analysis of the Monterey Bay region soundscape and the impact of COVID-19.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2507.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  657. HU M, Zou H, Lu J, Christensen MG, et al
    Maximizing the acoustic contrast with constrained reconstruction error under a generalized pressure matching framework in sound zone control.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2751.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  658. BHATT EC, Viquez O, Schmidt H
    Under-ice acoustic navigation using real-time model-aided range estimation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2656.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  659. TRINH VH, Guilleminot J, Perrot C, Vu VD, et al
    Learning acoustic responses from experiments: A multiscale-informed transfer learning approach.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2587.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Oceanography by ear.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:R7.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  661. CHOI M, Kapur M
    Human-centered design in acoustics education for undergraduate music majors.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2282.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  662. DANCE S
    Teaching acoustics during a pandemic: Lab in a Box for experiments at home.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2276.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  663. WORCESTER PF, Badiey M, Sagen H
    Introduction to the special issue on ocean acoustics in the changing arctic.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2787.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  664. REEDER DB, Joseph JE, Rago TA, Bullard JM, et al
    Acoustic spectrometry of bubbles in an estuarine front: Sound speed dispersion, void fraction, and bubble density.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2429.
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  665. HARRIS KC, Bao J
    Optimizing non-invasive functional markers for cochlear deafferentation based on electrocochleography and auditory brainstem responses.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2802.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  666. CHEONG KM, Shen YL, Chi TS
    Active acoustic scene monitoring through spectro-temporal modulation filtering for intruder detection.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2444.
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  667. SU GUL Z, Caliskan M
    Acoustics for architects: A potpourri of undergraduate and graduate level teaching styles, tools and in-course projects.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2326.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  668. YANG Z, Liu B, Qi L, White PR, et al
    Measurement of bistatic sea surface scattering with a parametric acoustic source.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2474.
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  669. LI S, Shi J, Zhang X
    Study on acoustic radiation force of an elastic sphere in an off-axial Gaussian beam using localized approximation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2602.
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    Transient structural acoustics: The impact excitation of fluid loaded spherical shells via a generalized modal radiation impulse response approach.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2486.
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    March 2022
  671. LOBATO LC, Paul S, Cordioli JA
    Statistical analysis of the human middle ear mechanical properties.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2043.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  672. MARRUFO-PEREZ MI, Lopez-Poveda EA
    Adaptation to noise in normal and impaired hearing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1741.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  673. XIE Z, Anderson S, Goupell MJ
    Stimulus context affects the phonemic categorization of temporally based word contrasts in adult cochlear-implant users.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2149.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  674. NAPOLITANO M, Di Giulio E, Auriemma F, Romano RA, et al
    Low frequency acoustic method to measure the complex bulk modulus of porous materials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1545.
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  675. ALIAS F, Alsina-Pages RM
    Effects of COVID-19 lockdown in Milan urban and Rome suburban acoustic environments: Anomalous noise events and intermittency ratio.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1676.
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  676. DEVRIES L, Anderson S, Goupell MJ, Smith E, et al
    Effects of aging and hearing loss on perceptual and electrophysiological measures of pulse-rate discrimination.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1639.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  677. HEYLIGER PR, Junker C, Meier K, Johnson WL, et al
    Effects of crystalline anisotropy on resonant acoustic loss of torsional quartz viscometers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2135.
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  678. RAND ZR, Wood JD, Oswald JN
    Effects of duty cycles on passive acoustic monitoring of southern resident killer whale (Orcinus orca) occurrence and behavior.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1651.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  679. COOK ED, Barclay DR, Richards CG
    Real-time acoustic observations in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1607.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  680. HUMPHREYS LH, Van Horn EM, Scarborough DE
    A theoretical and experimental investigation of the nonlinear acoustic response of acoustic insertion elements.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1971.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  681. CORMACK JM, Ilinskii YA, Zabolotskaya EA, Hamilton MF, et al
    Nonlinear piezoelectric surface acoustic waves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1829.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  682. MERTES IB, Potocki ME
    Contralateral noise effects on otoacoustic emissions and electrophysiologic responses in normal-hearing adults.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2255.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  683. CRAIG SR, Wang B, Su X, Banerjee D, et al
    Extreme material parameters accessible by active acoustic metamaterials with Willis coupling.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1722.
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  684. SONSTROM MALOWSKI K, Gollihugh LH, Malyuk H, Le Prell CG, et al
    Auditory changes following firearm noise exposure, a review.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1769.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    On the physical origin of the electro-mechano-acoustical analogy.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2066.
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  686. LUAN Y, Sgard F, Nelisse H, Doutres O, et al
    A finite element model to predict the double hearing protector effect on an in-house acoustic test fixture.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1860.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  687. BILBAO S
    Immersed boundary methods in wave-based virtual acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1627.
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  688. NEITZEL RL, Smith L, Wang L, Green G, et al
    Toward a better understanding of nonoccupational sound exposures and associated health impacts: Methods of the Apple Hearing Study.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1476.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  689. YUAN B, Liu J, Long H, Cheng Y, et al
    Sound focusing by a broadband acoustic Luneburg lens.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2238.
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  690. LEETE KM, Gee KL, Liu J, Wall AT, et al
    Near-field acoustical holography and acoustic power analysis of a simulated, highly heated supersonic jet.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1989.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  691. ROSSBACH J, Kollmeier B, Meyer BT
    A model of speech recognition for hearing-impaired listeners based on deep learning.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1417.
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  692. HAMAMA I, Yamamoto MY, ElGabry MN, Medhat NI, et al
    Investigation of near-surface chemical explosions effects using seismo-acoustic and synthetic aperture radar analyses.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1575.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  693. LOBATO LC, Paul S, Cordioli JA, Ritto TG, et al
    Stochastic model of the human middle ear using a nonparametric probabilistic approach.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2055.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  694. WEN H, Meaud J
    Link between stimulus otoacoustic emissions fine structure peaks and standing wave resonances in a cochlear model.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1875.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  695. CARR CM, Lane JI, Eckel LJ, Diehn FE, et al
    Evaluation of hearing loss in young adults after exposure to 3.0T MRI with standard hearing protection.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1913.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  696. BEGUM H, Xue Y, Bolton JS, Horoshenkov KV, et al
    The acoustical absorption by air-saturated aerogel powders.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1502.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  697. SUN Q, Wang K
    Underwater single-channel acoustic signal multitarget recognition using convolutional neural networks.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2245.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  698. GANESH M, Hawkins SC
    A numerically stable T-matrix method for acoustic scattering by nonspherical particles with large aspect ratios and size parameters.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1978.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  699. DREISBACH L, Murphy S, Arevalo R, Schlocker C, et al
    Is jet fuel exposure associated with central auditory nervous system difficulties: An exploratory study in military personnel.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2027.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  700. SHI T, Bolton JS, Thor W
    Acoustic far-field prediction based on near-field measurements by using several different holography algorithms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2171.
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  701. SIMMONS AM, Narins PM
    The sound of one frog calling: The bullfrog's reactions to acoustic stimuli.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:R5.
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  702. BURGESS M, Stead M
    Flexible learning program for acoustic consultants.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1672.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  703. TESHIMA Y, Hasegawa Y, Tsuchiya T, Moriyama R, et al
    Reconstruction of echoes reaching bats in flight from arbitrary targets by acoustic simulation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:2127.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2022
  704. PENG YY, Yang ZZ, Zhang ZL, Zou XY, et al
    Tunable acoustic metasurface based on tunable piezoelectric composite structure.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:838.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  705. ATTIA S, King A, Varnet L, Ponsot E, et al
    Erratum: Double-pass consistency for amplitude- and frequency-modulation detection in normal-hearing listeners [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150, 3631-3647 (2021)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1180.

  706. FANG J, Finn A, Wyber R, Brinkworth RSA, et al
    Acoustic detection of unmanned aerial vehicles using biologically inspired vision processing.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:968.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    It is all about pitch: An introductory design project in acoustics for 1st year undergraduate engineering students.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:831.
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  708. ENGLER S, Gaudrain E, de Kleine E, van Dijk P, et al
    Relationship between irregularities in spontaneous otoacoustic emissions suppression and psychophysical tuning curves.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1055.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  709. EMOKPAE LE, Emokpae RN Jr, Bowry E, Bin Saif J, et al
    A wearable multi-modal acoustic system for breathing analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1033.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  710. CHEN R, Shi Y, Sayed SB, Lu M, et al
    On the spurious resonance modes of time domain integral equations for analyzing acoustic scattering from penetrable objects.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1064.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  711. MARTIN IA, Goupell MJ, Huang YT
    Children's syntactic parsing and sentence comprehension with a degraded auditory signal.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:699.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  712. KITA KR, Randeni S, DiBiaso D, Schmidt H, et al
    Passive acoustic tracking of an unmanned underwater vehicle using bearing-Doppler-speed measurements.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1311.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  713. ZHONG J, Zhuang T, Kirby R, Karimi M, et al
    Quiet zone generation in an acoustic free field using multiple parametric array loudspeakers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1235.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  714. GEMBA KL, Vazquez HJ, Sarkar J, Tippman JD, et al
    Moving source ocean acoustic tomography with uncertainty quantification using controlled source-tow observations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:861.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  715. MANCINELLI M, Martini E, Jaunet V, Jordan P, et al
    Including acoustic modes in the vortex-sheet eigenbasis of a jet.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:852.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  716. SU J, Yang D, Morgans AS
    Low-frequency acoustic radiation from a flanged circular pipe at an inclined angle.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1142.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  717. MATTMULLER RM, Thomisch K, Van Opzeeland I, Laidre KL, et al
    Passive acoustic monitoring reveals year-round marine mammal community composition off Tasiilaq, Southeast Greenland.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1380.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  718. SONG X, Loskutova K, Chen H, Shen G, et al
    Erratum: Deriving acoustic properties for perfluoropentane droplets with viscoelastic cellulose nanofiber shell via numerical simulations [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150(3), 1750-1761 (2021)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1006.

  719. DEURVORST FR, Collado Lara G, Matalliotakis A, Vos HJ, et al
    A spatial and temporal characterisation of single proton acoustic waves in proton beam cancer therapy.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1200.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  720. POTEL C, Bruneau M, Gatignol P, Lanceleur P, et al
    Raising students' interest and deepening their training in acoustics through dedicated exercises.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1093.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  721. SABA JN, Hansen JHL
    The effects of Lombard perturbation on speech intelligibility in noise for normal hearing and cochlear implant listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1007.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  722. KELLEY MC, Tucker BV
    Using acoustic distance and acoustic absement to quantify lexical competition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1367.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  723. MCMULLEN K, Wan Y
    A machine learning tutorial for spatial auditory display using head-related transfer functions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:1277.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2022
  724. MORAN E
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:358.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  725. XIE F, Qu Y, Meng G
    Finite-amplitude acoustic responses of large-amplitude vibration objects with complex geometries in an infinite fluid.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:529.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  726. NORGAARD KM, Hajicek JJ
    A systematic study on effects of calibration-waveguide geometry and least-squares formulation on ear-probe source calibrations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:634.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  727. ISLAM MA, Xu Y, Monk T, Afshar S, et al
    Noise-robust text-dependent speaker identification using cochlear models.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:500.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  728. VICKERY B, Fogerty D, Dubno JR
    Phonological and semantic similarity of misperceived words in babble: Effects of sentence context, age, and hearing loss.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:650.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  729. VANDERCREEK C, Avallone F, Ragni D, Snellen M, et al
    Simulating the acoustic response of cavities to improve microphone array measurements in closed test section wind tunnels.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:322.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  730. MERRITT B, Bent T
    Revisiting the acoustics of speaker gender perception: A gender expansive perspective.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:484.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  731. BLANCHARD T, Lecomte P, Melon M, Simon L, et al
    Experimental acoustic scene analysis using One-Eighth spherical fraction microphone array.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:180.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  732. PALMER KJ, Wu GM, Clark C, Klinck H, et al
    Accounting for the Lombard effect in estimating the probability of detection in passive acoustic surveys: Applications for single sensor mitigation and monitoring.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:67.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  733. JOSLYN NJ, Dowling DR
    Recovery of coherent reflection from rough-surface scattered acoustic fields via the frequency-difference autoproduct.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:620.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  734. GUAN S, Brookens T, Miner R
    Acoustic characteristics from an in-water down-the-hole pile drilling activity.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:310.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  735. NAIFY CJ, Matlack KH, Haberman MR
    Introduction to the special issue on Additive Manufacturing and Acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:387.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Erratum: Effective acoustic metamaterial homogenization based on Hamilton's principle with a multiple scales approximation [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147(5), 3584-3593 (2020)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:105.

  737. BURAN BN, McMillan GP, Keshishzadeh S, Verhulst S, et al
    Predicting synapse counts in living humans by combining computational models with auditory physiology.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:561.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  738. WIEST T, Seepersad CC, Haberman MR
    Robust design of an asymmetrically absorbing Willis acoustic metasurface subject to manufacturing-induced dimensional variations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:216.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  739. MANSOUR N, Marschall M, Westermann A, May T, et al
    The effect of hearing aid dynamic range compression on speech intelligibility in a realistic virtual sound environment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:232.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  740. LANGLOIS V, Kaddami A, Pitois O, Perrot C, et al
    Erratum: Acoustics of monodisperse open-cell foam: An experimental and numerical parametric study [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148, 1767-1778 (2020)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:321.

  741. GUPTA P, Parey A
    Prediction of sound transmission loss of cylindrical acoustic enclosure using statistical energy analysis and its experimental validation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:544.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  742. RADHIKA B, Pannala V, Singh S, Sundar S, et al
    Time-Frequency analysis of acoustic signals from tyre-pavement interaction.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:370.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  743. BERNSTEIN LR, Trahiotis C
    Erratum: A crew of listeners with no more than "slight" hearing loss who exhibit binaural deficits also exhibit reduced amounts of binaural interference [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150, 2977-2984 (2021)].
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:95.

  744. ALZAMENDI GA, Peterson SD, Erath BD, Hillman RE, et al
    Triangular body-cover model of the vocal folds with coordinated activation of the five intrinsic laryngeal muscles.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2022;151:17.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2021
  745. AMICHETTI NM, Neukam J, Kinney AJ, Capach N, et al
    Adults with cochlear implants can use prosody to determine the clausal structure of spoken sentences.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4315.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  746. THOMPSON C, Chandra K
    Acoustic streaming resulting from compression of the cochlear bony capsule.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4548.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  747. LAI P, Amirkulova F, Gerstoft P
    Conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial networks applied to acoustic metamaterial design.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4362.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  748. FAN Y, Li H, Fuster D
    Time-delayed interactions on acoustically driven bubbly screens.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4219.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  749. SHARMA GS, Marsick A, Maxit L, Skvortsov A, et al
    Acoustic radiation from a cylindrical shell with a voided soft elastic coating.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4308.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  750. DARU V, Weisman C, Baltean-Carles D, Bailliet H, et al
    A numerical study of the coupling between Rayleigh streaming and heat transfer at high acoustic level.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4501.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  751. VALIERE JC, Prax C
    Dependence of the internal geometry for the calculation of the Helmholtz frequency in an axisymmetrical acoustic resonator.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4053.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  752. GALERON G, Amielh M, Mattei PO
    Characterization of acoustic sources in a corrugated pipe flow with linear stochastic estimation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4268.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Use of the auditory brainstem response for assessment of cochlear synaptopathy in humans.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4440.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  754. WEIDNER E, Weber TC
    An acoustic scattering model for stratification interfaces.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4353.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  755. FALK S, Audibert N
    Acoustic signatures of communicative dimensions in codified mother-infant interactions.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4429.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  756. BARRETT ME, Gordon-Salant S, Brungart DS
    The cafeteria study: Effects of facial masks, hearing protection, and real-world noise on speech recognition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4244.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  757. WANG N, Pan J, Matthews D
    Acoustical intensity probe based on a polyvinylidene fluoride bimorph.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4083.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  758. BENOIT-BIRD KJ, Waluk CM
    Remote acoustic detection and characterization of fish schooling behavior.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4329.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  759. CHEN G, Xu J
    Acoustic characteristics of looped-tube thermoacoustic refrigerators with external and in-built acoustic drivers: A comparative study.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4406.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  760. ANDERSON BE, Sommerfeldt SD
    Solving one-dimensional acoustic systems using the impedance translation theorem and equivalent circuits: A graduate level homework assignment.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4155.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  761. SISTO R, Belardinelli D, Moleti A
    Fluid focusing and viscosity allow high gain and stability of the cochlear response.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4283.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  762. SIMEK M, Rusz J
    Validation of cepstral peak prominence in assessing early voice changes of Parkinson's disease: Effect of speaking task and ambient noise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:4522.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2021
  763. KOPONEN J, Lahivaara T, Kaipio J, Vauhkonen M, et al
    Model reduction in acoustic inversion by artificial neural network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3435.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  764. NAGARAJ H, Owen K, Lea MA, Miller BS, et al
    Acoustic analysis of crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga) vocalizations in the Southern Kerguelen Plateau region of East Antarctica.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3353.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  765. STORY BH, Bunton K
    The relation of velopharyngeal coupling area to the identification of stop versus nasal consonants in North American English based on speech generated by acoustically driven vocal tract modulations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3618.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  766. PRIOR MK, Ainslie MA, Halvorsen MB, Hartstra I, et al
    Characterization of the acoustic output of single marine-seismic airguns and clusters: The Svein Vaage dataset.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3675.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  767. ATTIA S, King A, Varnet L, Ponsot E, et al
    Double-pass consistency for amplitude- and frequency-modulation detection in normal-hearing listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3631.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  768. JEROME TS, Hamilton MF
    Born approximation of acoustic radiation force and torque on inhomogeneous objects.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3417.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  769. CLOPPER CG, Mccullough EA
    More than just methods: Data and insights guide vowel acoustics research.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:R9.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  770. VICENTE T, Buchholz JM, Lavandier M
    Modelling binaural unmasking and the intelligibility of speech in noise and reverberation for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3275.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  771. VERED Y, Bucher I
    Nonlinear control of boundary impedance in an acoustic waveguide.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3889.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  772. JI B, Hong L, Lan Y
    Ultra-wide operation band of the high-frequency underwater acoustic transducer realized by two-layer 1-3 piezoelectric composite.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3474.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  773. HLADEK L, Seitz AR, Kopco N
    Auditory-visual interactions in egocentric distance perception: Ventriloquism effect and aftereffect.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3593.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  774. TANG L, Gao N, Xu J, Chen K, et al
    A light-weight periodic plate with embedded acoustic black holes and bandgaps for broadband sound radiation reduction.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3532.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  775. KUMAR S, Shan CW, Aow JW, Lee HP, et al
    Mitigating the toilet flush noise: A psychometric analysis of noise assessment and design of labyrinthine acoustic Meta-absorber for noise mitigation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3747.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  776. ZOU Z, Zhang L
    Enhancing low-frequency water-column acoustic reflections in marine multichannel seismic data for seismic oceanography.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3852.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  777. KIEHBADROUDINEZHAD S, Bruce Martin S, Mills Flemming J
    Estimating minke whale relative abundance in the North Atlantic using passive acoustic sensors.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3569.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  778. SETTIBHAKTINI H, Heinz MG, Chintanpalli A
    Modeling the effects of age and hearing loss on concurrent vowel scores.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3581.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  779. ADAM A, Xiong J, Papamoschou D
    Investigation of vortical and near-acoustic fields in three-stream jets.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3329.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  780. ZHU Q, Qiu X, Coleman P, Burnett I, et al
    An experimental study on transfer function estimation using acoustic modelling and singular value decomposition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3557.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  781. HEALY EW, Taherian H, Johnson EM, Wang D, et al
    A causal and talker-independent speaker separation/dereverberation deep learning algorithm: Cost associated with conversion to real-time capable operation.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3976.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2021
  782. KLIEWER E, Darabi A, Leamy MJ
    Additive manufacturing of channeled acoustic topological insulators.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2461.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  783. FULOP SA
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2303.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  784. MONTENEGRO C, Sahu PK, Sturdy CB
    Individual acoustic differences in female black-capped chickadee (poecile atricapillus) fee-bee songs.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3038.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  785. RYCYK AM, Factheu C, Ramos EA, Brady BA, et al
    First characterization of vocalizations and passive acoustic monitoring of the vulnerable African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3028.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  786. BOLYANATZ M, Brogan FD
    Acoustic differences between Chilean and Salvadoran Spanish /s/.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2446.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Fast time-domain solution of a nonlinear three-dimensional cochlear model using the fast Fourier transform.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2589.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  788. KOTHINTI SR, Huang N, Elhilali M
    Auditory salience using natural scenes: An online study.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2952.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  789. HE T, Mo S, Fang E, Wang M, et al
    Modeling three-dimensional underwater acoustic propagation over multi-layered fluid seabeds using the equivalent source method.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2854.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  790. SAGI E, Azadpour M, Neukam J, Capach NH, et al
    Reducing interaural tonotopic mismatch preserves binaural unmasking in cochlear implant simulations of single-sided deafness.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2316.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  791. MICHALOPOULOU ZH, Gerstoft P, Kostek B, Roch MA, et al
    Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3204.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  792. VON BERG M, Steffens J, Weinzierl S, Mullensiefen D, et al
    Assessing room acoustic listening expertise.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2539.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  793. HEFFNER CC, Jaekel BN, Newman RS, Goupell MJ, et al
    Accuracy and cue use in word segmentation for cochlear-implant listeners and normal-hearing listeners presented vocoded speech.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2936.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  794. HIRAYAMA Y, Biwa T, Delage R
    Periodic acoustic pulse generation by mode locked thermoacoustic oscillator.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2310.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  795. NADERYAN V, Raspet R, Hickey C
    Analytical, computational, and experimental study of thermoviscous acoustic damping in perforated micro-electro-mechanical systems with flexible diaphragm.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2749.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  796. YOST WA
    Do I have a hearing loss?
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:R7.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  797. BERNSTEIN LR, Trahiotis C
    A crew of listeners with no more than "slight" hearing loss who exhibit binaural deficits also exhibit reduced amounts of binaural interference.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2977.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  798. LEIGHTON TG, Dogan H, Fox P, Mantouka A, et al
    Acoustic propagation in gassy intertidal marine sediments: An experimental study.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2705.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  799. MACKEY C, Tarabillo A, Ramachandran R
    Three psychophysical metrics of auditory temporal integration in macaques.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3176.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  800. RAMAMOORTHY VT, Ozcan E, Parkes AJ, Sreekumar A, et al
    Comparison of heuristics and metaheuristics for topology optimisation in acoustic porous materials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3164.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  801. ROVERUD E, Dubno JR, Richards VM, Kidd G Jr, et al
    Cross-frequency weights in normal and impaired hearing: Stimulus factors, stimulus dimensions, and associations with speech recognition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2327.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  802. HANCOCK KE, O'Brien B, Santarelli R, Liberman MC, et al
    The summating potential in human electrocochleography: Gaussian models and Fourier analysis.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2492.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  803. TAN TW, Godin OA
    Passive acoustic characterization of sub-seasonal sound speed variations in a coastal ocean.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2717.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  804. BLAIR-DELEON NA, Struck CJ
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3023.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  805. SHALEV E, Cohen I, Lvov D
    Indoors audio classification with structure image method for simulating multi-room acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:3059.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  806. HEALY EW, Johnson EM, Delfarah M, Krishnagiri DS, et al
    Deep learning based speaker separation and dereverberation can generalize across different languages to improve intelligibility.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2526.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  807. BOTTALICO P, Murgia S, Puglisi GE, Astolfi A, et al
    Intelligibility of dysphonic speech in auralized classrooms.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2912.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2021
  808. KANG H, Macherey O, Roman S, Pressnitzer D, et al
    Auditory memory for random time patterns in cochlear implant listeners.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1934.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  809. MORAN E
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2204.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  810. BONO S, Kimura SS, Kuit SH, Ng JE, et al
    Description of the first acoustic recording of spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) from the northern straits of Malacca, Malaysia (L).
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2189.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  811. GUMEROV NA, Duraiswami R
    Fast multipole accelerated boundary element methods for room acoustics.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1707.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Understanding Acoustics: An Experimentalist's View of Sound and Vibration, Second Edition.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1733.

  813. GOUGH C
    Acoustic characterisation of string instruments by internal cavity measurements.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1922.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  814. AGUS TR, Pressnitzer D
    Repetition detection and rapid auditory learning for stochastic tone clouds.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1735.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  815. BICER A, Korozlu N, Kaya OA, Cicek A, et al
    Broad omnidirectional acoustic band gaps in a three-dimensional phononic crystal composed of face-centered cubic Helmholtz resonator network.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1591.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  816. JIANG C, Li X, Xiao W, Zhang B, et al
    Acoustic characteristics of microperforated plate with variable cross-sectional holes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1652.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  817. ULRICH N, Allassonniere-Tang M, Pellegrino F, Dediu D, et al
    Identifying the Russian voiceless non-palatalized fricatives /f/, /s/, and // from acoustic cues using machine learning.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1806.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  818. XIONG Y, Smith EC, Conlon SC
    Transmission loss of plates with embedded multi-scale and tuned acoustic black holes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2282.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  819. KONE TC, Lopez M, Ghinet S, Dupont T, et al
    Thermoviscous-acoustic metamaterials to damp acoustic modes in complex shape geometries at low frequencies.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2272.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  820. BONNEL J, Flamant J, Dall'Osto DR, Le Bihan N, et al
    Polarization of ocean acoustic normal modes.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1897.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  821. CALLANAN J, Iqbal R, Adlakha R, Behjat A, et al
    Large-aperture experimental characterization of the acoustic field generated by a hovering unmanned aerial vehicle.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2046.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Coupled numerical simulations of the structure and acoustics of a violin body.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2058.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  823. SHANKAR N, Bhat GS, Panahi IMS, Tittle S, et al
    Smartphone-based single-channel speech enhancement application for hearing aids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1663.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  824. FOGERTY D, Ahlstrom JB, Dubno JR
    Glimpsing keywords across sentences in noise: A microstructural analysis of acoustic, lexical, and listener factors.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1979.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  825. ALEXANDER JM, Schmig S, Wagner RP, Armstrong S, et al
    The peak height insertion gain (PHIG) method for quantifying acoustic feedback in hearing aids.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1635.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  826. YVES S, Alu A
    Extreme anisotropy and dispersion engineering in locally resonant acoustic metamaterials.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2040.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  827. KOELEWIJN T, Gaudrain E, Tamati T, Baskent D, et al
    The effects of lexical content, acoustic and linguistic variability, and vocoding on voice cue perception.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1620.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  828. NITTROUER S, Lowenstein JH, Sinex DG
    The contribution of spectral processing to the acquisition of phonological sensitivity by adolescent cochlear implant users and normal-hearing controls.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2116.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  829. CYCHOSZ M, Munson B, Newman RS, Edwards JR, et al
    Auditory feedback experience in the development of phonetic production: Evidence from preschoolers with cochlear implants and their normal-hearing peers.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:2256.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  830. SONG X, Loskutova K, Chen H, Shen G, et al
    Deriving acoustic properties for perfluoropentane droplets with viscoelastic cellulose nanofiber shell via numerical simulations.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1750.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  831. VAHEDIAN-AZIMI A, Keramatfar A, Asiaee M, Atashi SS, et al
    Do you have COVID-19? An artificial intelligence-based screening tool for COVID-19 using acoustic parameters.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1945.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  832. AKAMINE M, Okamoto K, Teramoto S, Tsutsumi S, et al
    Experimental study on effects of plate angle on acoustic waves from supersonic impinging jets.
    J Acoust Soc Am. 2021;150:1856.
    PubMed     Abstract available

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