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By B. S. Kamps et al.


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Articles published in Am J Otolaryngol

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    January 2025
  1. EOM T, Jeong B, Kim SH, Kim DJ, et al
    Incidence and characteristics of sudden sensorineural hearing loss during pregnancy and the postpartum period: A nationwide population-based study using customized cohort data.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104600.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  2. WANG SY, Fu WT, Yu M, Sun A, et al
    Efficacy analysis of intratympanic injection of dexamethasone at different concentrations for the treatment of unilateral idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104603.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  3. LOU Z
    The treatment of adhesive otitis media using cartilage tympanoplasty with plasma radiofrequency ablation tuboplasty.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104594.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  4. EDALATI S, Sharma S, Guda R, Vasan V, et al
    Assessing adult sinusitis guidelines: A comparative analysis of AAO-HNS and AI Chatbots.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104563.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  5. GALLETTI C, Sireci F, Stilo G, Barbieri MA, et al
    Mepolizumab in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: Real life data in a multicentric Sicilian experience.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104597.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  6. ALAQLA A, Alhasoun M, Asseery M, Altheyabi S, et al
    ENT specialists' knowledge and their skills in detecting maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin, a cross-sectional study.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104587.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  7. MCKEE SP, Liang X, Yao WC, Anderson B, et al
    Predicting sinonasal inverted papilloma attachment using machine learning: Current lessons and future directions.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104549.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  8. KHAN NS, Dhanda AK, Takashima M, Liu R, et al
    What is the robustness of randomized controlled trials supporting rhinosinusitis guidelines?
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104575.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  9. YOPP MA, Tokita E, Dodson K, Rubin BK, et al
    The relationship of nasal mucus properties and symptoms in allergic and acute non-allergic rhinitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104569.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  10. TALUGULA S, Nyenhuis SM, Eldeirawi K, Lee VS, et al
    Proximity to traffic is associated with worse symptom severity in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104580.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  11. WEI R, Liang Y, Geng L, Wang W, et al
    A non-local dual-stream fusion network for laryngoscope recognition.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104565.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  12. CHEN AM, Nabar R, Tjoa T, Haidar Y, et al
    Chemoradiation for human papillomavirus positive oropharyngeal cancer in smokers: A single-institutional experience.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104591.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  13. TUMLIN P, Kais A, Makary CA
    Using fresh frozen cadaveric rib cartilage graft for nasal septal perforation repair.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104590.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  14. PURRINOS JA, Younis R
    Pediatric endoscopic sinus surgery: Revisited 35 years later.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104567.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  15. PASCAL ES, Maes AM, Hawley K
    A retrospective review of infant-inducible laryngeal obstruction a subtype of paradoxical vocal fold motion: Evaluation and management.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104514.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  16. ROITMAN A, Edelstain Y, Katzir C, Ofir H, et al
    Harnessing machine learning in diagnosing complex hoarseness cases.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104533.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  17. CHU F, Bandi F, Pietrobon G, Tagliabue M, et al
    The real prognostic role of laryngeal dysplasia in patients affected by invasive cancer.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104535.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  18. MADDINENI S, Hwang PH, Patel ZM, Nayak JV, et al
    Posterior nasal nerve surgical neurectomy versus ablation for chronic rhinitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104553.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  19. KANAAN Y, Al-Ashqar R, Khalil H, Geronatsios K, et al
    The added value of narrow band imaging in Sinonasal tumour resection and surveillance: Our experience.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104534.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  20. TIE K, Aboueisha MA, Wang M, Caradonna DS, et al
    The impact of primary immunodeficiency on the severity of chronic rhinosinusitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104541.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  21. DUGGAL R, Liu M, Shang T, Ding P, et al
    Risk of nasal septal perforation following nasal packing for epistaxis in the emergency department.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104552.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  22. FUJIMOTO C, Koyama M, Kawahara T, Koda K, et al
    Postural stability in patients with vestibular migraine and probable vestibular migraine in the absence of acute vestibular symptoms.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104551.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  23. STEPHANIAN B, Liu K, Salazar AM, Saba E, et al
    Adverse events of mepolizumab in the treatment of nasal polyps: A FDA database evaluation.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104517.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  24. JUDD RT, Godsell J, Kuhar H, McCrary H, et al
    Revisiting the closed stapler laryngectomy: Technique and review of recent evidence.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104512.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  25. HAZKANI I, Bruss D, Rowland M, Valika T, et al
    Postoperative management of pediatric patients undergoing single-stage laryngotracheal reconstruction in the United States: A survey of ASPO members.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2025;46:104509.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2024
  26. SAKHARKAR M, Spokas G, Berry L, Daniels K, et al
    Non-invasive screening for laryngeal cancer using the oral cavity as a proxy for differentiation of laryngeal cancer versus leukoplakia: A novel application of ESS technology and artificial intelligence supported statistical modeling.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104581.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  27. MCDONALD JP, Farnsworth PJ, Campeau NG, Leng S, et al
    Improved visualization of the inferior tympanic and mastoid canaliculi with photon counting detector CT.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104585.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  28. PATEL EJ, Polite C, Sharon JD
    Rare case of cochlear implant damaged by nearby use of monopolar electrosurgery.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104588.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  29. DENG L, Yang X, Cheng X, Wen C, et al
    Hearing loss trajectory and prediction model for children with enlarged vestibular aqueduct.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104573.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  30. PEARCE AN, Farsi S, Saadi C, Speed O, et al
    Racial and ethnic disparities in Meniere's disease clinical trials: A systematic review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104579.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  31. CHEN SL, Ho CY, Chin SC, Chan KC, et al
    Sudden sensorineural hearing loss in diabetes mellitus patients receiving intra-tympanic steroid injections.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104576.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  32. LORENTE-PIERA J, Terrasa D, Pina M, Leiva J, et al
    Characterization, prognostic factors, and clinical profile of ear infections by Turicella otitidis: Revealing the emerging rise of a controversial pathogen.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104574.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  33. LIN HJ, Jiang JG, Lin PY, Lin YH, et al
    Systemic immune inflammation index combined with Epstein-Barr virus DNA for predicting the prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A retrospective study.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104571.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  34. HONG CQ, Jia QF, Zhu JJ, Lu HJ, et al
    Construction and validation of a prognostic nomogram for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss based on a multicenter retrospective study.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104556.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  35. WOOD K, Hopper S, Murray MC, Alston J, et al
    Feasibility and efficacy of home-based lymphedema exercises for head and neck cancer patients at a safety net hospital.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104560.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  36. DAI X, Xu K, Dai L, Chen X, et al
    Newborn screening for deafness genes with cord blood-based multicolour melting curve analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104530.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  37. HERNANDEZ S, Ospina JC, Tellez PA, Rodriguez-Ruiz MT, et al
    Assessment of TISA "Transcutaneous Implant Skin Anomalies" scale for cutaneous complications related to bone conduction hearing implants.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104554.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  38. COSETTI M, Arie L, Kelly J, Ren J, et al
    Dual task iTUG to investigate increased fall risk among older adults with bilateral hearing loss.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104536.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  39. HU Y, Bing D, Liu A, Zhang S, et al
    A preliminary study of fMRI and the relationship with depression and anxiety in Meniere's patients.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;46:104531.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2024
  40. EMILIO A, De Luca P, Max T, Agnese S, et al
    How reliable is artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of cholesteatoma on CT images?
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024 Nov 28:104519. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2024.104519.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  41. DAHER GS, Thompson ES, Thomason M, Sankar GB, et al
    Outcomes with transcutaneous bone conduction implants in patients with mixed hearing loss.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024 Nov 13:104513. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2024.104513.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  42. TIRELLI G, Zucchini S, D'Alessandro A, Polesel J, et al
    Transoral non-robotic surgery for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104504.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  43. MAQUET C, Evrard M, Laffouilhere TP, Lacassin M, et al
    Comparative analysis of CO2 laser and ultracision harmonic scalpel for endoscopic treatment of Zenker's diverticulum using a propensity score: A retrospective observational study.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104435.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  44. GASCON L, Benyo S, Duggal R, Schmulevich D, et al
    Surgical management of iSGS in pregnant patients: Survey among North American expertise centers.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104459.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  45. WANG J, Cai L, Huang C, Pei J, et al
    Individualized sublingual immunotherapy with dynamic maintenance dose ascending for house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104476.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  46. WERNER MT, Powers LD, Fastenberg JH
    Orbital preservation in the treatment of acute invasive fungal sinusitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104466.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  47. MORTIER J, Van Laer C, Marien S
    Treatment of hyoid bone syndrome with surgical excision: our monocentric experience in the past five years.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104405.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  48. TALUGULA S, Chiu R, Nyenhuis SM, Eldeirawi K, et al
    Sex-based differences in severity of chronic rhinosinusitis as reported by SNOT-22 scores.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104465.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  49. CHEN B, Topf MC, Zitsch RP, Biedermann G, et al
    Non-adherence to recommended adjuvant radiation after total laryngectomy.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104483.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  50. MADGAR O, Shaffer AD, Chi DH
    Risk of immediate postoperative fever in PFAPA patients undergoing tonsillectomy.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104470.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  51. LUO AL, Doshi A, Arnold MA
    Growth rate, impact of smoking and management of incidentally found paranasal sinus osteomas.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104427.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  52. MARRERO-GONZALEZ AR, Chernov ES, Nguyen SA, Keith BA, et al
    Sex and human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104464.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  53. WATSON W, Simmons E, Adebowale A, Banda C, et al
    Manometric Abnormalities in Patients With and Without Chronic Cough.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104445.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  54. SHIRES CB, Boughter JD Jr, Cox S
    Multidisciplinary approach to severe intracranial, intraorbital allergic fungal sinusitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104478.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  55. LI Y, Hu C
    Risk of lymph node metastasis in T1 tonsil squamous cell carcinomas patients according to age stratification at diagnosis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104452.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  56. SVENSTRUP M, Hougaard DD
    Do high-risk head trauma sports athletes have impaired vestibular function?
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104429.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2024
  57. WESTRA JM, Scholman C, Krijnen HK, Zwakenberg MA, et al
    Diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal carcinoma through office-based flexible laryngoscopy as a reliable alternative for biopsies under general anesthesia: Faster diagnostics with equal oncological outcome.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104424.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  58. CHIARI F, Guarino P, Di Martino G, Caporale CD, et al
    Features related to temporary tracheotomy in patients undergoing Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS) for supraglottic squamous cell cancer of the larynx: A systematic review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104436.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  59. ZHANG Y, Li J, Long Y, Ling Z, et al
    Enhancing quality of life with 3-year course of sublingual immunotherapy for house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis: An observational prospective study in real-life settings.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104418.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  60. LIN WJ, Chang CM, Cheng PC, Lo WC, et al
    Real-time surgical simulation training for recurrent laryngeal nerve and facial nerve dissection.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104420.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  61. YEH P, Liao LJ, Fang KM
    Endoscopic resection of primary sinonasal mucosal melanoma with orbital invasion: How I do it.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104407.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  62. HUNT C, Kais A, Ramadan HH, Makary CA, et al
    Burden of obstructive sleep apnea and CPAP use on patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104423.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  63. ZHU Y, Yan L, Cheng N, Xiao Y, et al
    Pre-pubertal sublingual immunotherapy is more effective than immunotherapy during puberty in allergic rhinitis and asthma.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104393.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  64. LEE L, Fitzpatrick TH, Irwin LA, Calder AN, et al
    Making a racket in America's fastest growing sport: Evaluation of noise exposure in pickleball.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104409.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  65. QU RW, Feng M, Stanyer B, Lee SC, et al
    Number of sinus procedures reduces inpatient mortality for invasive fungal rhinosinusitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104392.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  66. WO M, Jiang T, Ge Y
    Commentary on "Impact of facility volume on survival in primary endoscopic surgery for sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma".
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104384.

  67. KAPLAN B
    Reply to the Letter to the Editor concerning "Age at diagnosis, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as prognoticators in pediatric sinonasal rhabdomyosarcoma".
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104389.

  68. BITNER BF, Torabi SJ, Kuan EC
    In response to impact of facility volume on survival in primary endoscopic surgery for sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104385.

  69. XU X, Yuan W, Ge Y
    Commentary on "Age at diagnosis, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as prognoticators in pediatric sinonasal rhabdomyosarcoma".
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104388.

  70. PU J, Zeng Z, Liu X, Zhong Y, et al
    The clinical characteristics of 1894 cases of upper respiratory papillomatosis: A single-center retrospective analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104373.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  71. DONG S, Zhu F, Pan J, Zhou XY, et al
    Immediate Ansa cervicalis-to-recurrent laryngeal nerve low-tension anastomosis: A new technique for phonation recovery and bilateral anastomoses to avoid tracheotomy.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104358.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  72. ROHDE RL, Mace JC, North LM, Melder K, et al
    Development of a novel self-assessment tool following endoscopic sinus surgery in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104365.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2024
  73. MASTROPIERRO J, Sanyal R, Heiser A, Gjini E, et al
    Is video interpretation compromising care for the hearing loss population?
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104499.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  74. YANG J, Shen Y, Zhao C, Lou Z, et al
    Comparative study of endoscopic underlay myringoplasty with or without tucking of the attached perichondrium graft when repairing large central dry perforations.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104471.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  75. LI J, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Xi S, et al
    The influence of tinnitus frequency on patients experiencing subjective tinnitus and the efficacy and prognosis of acoustic therapy.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104498.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  76. COTTON KM, Mangan AR, Gardner JR, Shay A, et al
    Association between blood transfusion and outcomes of free flap head and neck cancer surgery.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104497.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  77. JEONG H, Cleveland C, Otteson T
    The association between amblyopia and the risks of hearing loss: A propensity matched analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104495.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  78. KANG YF, Yang L, Xu K, Hu BB, et al
    A lightweight intelligent laryngeal cancer detection system for rural areas.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104474.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  79. BRAVERMAN I, Elziere M, Komazec Z, Cohen-Vaizer M, et al
    Efficacy and safety of SENS-401 in sudden sensorineural hearing loss: The AUDIBLE-S randomized placebo-controlled phase IIb trial.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104480.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  80. EMILIO A, Max T, Rolf S, Giorgio L, et al
    Local anesthesia vs. general anesthesia in cochlear implant surgery: Impact on surgical duration, postoperative recovery, costs and clinical insights. An extensive meta-analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104462.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  81. FARSI S, Gardner JR, King D, Sunde J, et al
    Head and neck cancer surveillance: The value of computed tomography and clinical exam.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104469.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  82. SPINOS D, Coulson C, Beech T, Mehta N, et al
    Advances in remote otology and rhinology service delivery: A scoping review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104399.

  83. LEE HY, Shin SH, Byun SW
    The tinnitus handicap inventory is a better indicator of the overall status of patients with tinnitus than the numerical rating scale.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104477.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  84. SLATER NN, Farsi S, Rogers AL, Herberger L, et al
    Reirradiation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; prognostic indicators, oncologic and functional outcomes.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104482.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  85. ALFONSO S, Mario C, Pietro L, Salzano G, et al
    Efficacy of tailor-made notched music training for primary tinnitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104467.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  86. SHAREEF Z, Conway RM, Creaman T, Babu SC, et al
    MAUDE database and Eustachian tube balloon dilation: Evaluation of adverse events and sales data.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104481.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  87. NOY R, Fridman E, Eran A, Keywan A, et al
    Predictive nomograms and an algorithm for managing patients with probable Meniere's disease.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104472.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  88. LI D, Wei R, Ding Y, Hu R, et al
    Endoscopic cartilage underlay myringoplasty with or without balloon Eustachian tuboplasty for chronic perforation with Eustachian tube dysfunction.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104475.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2024
  89. BOLANDI M, Javanbakht M, Shaabani M, Bakhshi E, et al
    Effectiveness of bimodal stimulation of the auditory-somatosensory system in the treatment of tonal tinnitus.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104449.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  90. MUKHERJEE A, Cui J, Patel PG, Bhagia P, et al
    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in solid organ transplant recipients - Results from the scientific registry of transplant recipients (SRTR) database.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104444.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  91. KENNEDY DG, Velu P, Carnino JM, Wilson NR, et al
    Understanding pediatric inpatient conductive hearing loss: An analysis of patient demographics.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104447.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  92. YIH WK, Duffy J, Su JR, Bazel S, et al
    Tinnitus after COVID-19 vaccination: Findings from the vaccine adverse event reporting system and the vaccine safety datalink.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104448.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  93. WANG Q, Zhao Z, Ge Y
    Commentary on "Prognostic significance of time trends in treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma".
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104441.

  94. ZHU Z, Zhu Y, Ge Y
    Commentary on "Impact of time-to-surgery on survival and quality of life in oral cancer".
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104443.

  95. DIETZ LK, Reece MKJ, Kadakia S
    Review of retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal nodal metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104438.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  96. SAVEGNAGO D, Franz L, Gubernale M, Gallo C, et al
    Learning disabilities in children with hearing loss: A systematic review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104439.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  97. ASAKO A, Hidaka H, Kouda K, Kanemaru SI, et al
    Preliminary investigation of endoscopic surgery for tympanic membrane perforation: Regenerative treatment compared with conventional surgery.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104408.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  98. CHEN Z, Bi Q, Lv Y, Li Y, et al
    Cochlear reimplantation outcomes over 20 years: Expertise in reimplantation surgery and auditory-speech rehabilitation.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104400.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  99. CONWAY RM, Mallany HP, Shareef Z, Anthony N, et al
    Effect of pre-incident antiplatelet therapy on sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104431.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  100. RICHARDS PQ, Chavez M, Patel AA, Ryll LS, et al
    Comparing the educational quality of YouTube and Facebook videos on tympanostomy tubes.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104396.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  101. ISHAK EM, Denham MW, Grewal MR, Golub JS, et al
    Age-based disparities in hearing loss diagnosis and treatment in the United States population.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104403.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  102. GONDI S, Reichl K, Tassone P
    Reirradiation after osteocutaneous free flap reconstruction for locally recurrent head and neck cancer.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104402.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  103. BLUE CM, Wong SJ, Dodson K
    Auditory brainstem response findings in autism spectrum disorder speech delay population.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104417.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  104. HUY PT, Minh LTQ
    Efficacy of cochlear implantation in cochlear nerve deficiency children - A single center study.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104428.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  105. UDDIN S, Kaufman A
    Facial nerve palsy after ethylene vinyl alcohol arterial embolization of glomus tympanicum in a 57 year old female.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104401.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  106. ABDUREHIM Y, Ma L, Huang G, Zhou P, et al
    Outcomes of endoscopic modified cartilage-perichondrium tympanoplasty on different sized perforations.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104394.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  107. ADKINS D, Howard T, Mangino A, Phuong A, et al
    Factors influencing quality of life and functional status in head and neck cancer patients.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104398.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  108. ZHANG L, Huang J, Lei Y, Li X, et al
    Efficiency of ear molding for treating constricted ears of different severity.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2024;45:104397.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  109. CHEN IW, Yu TS, Hung KC
    Comment on "Clinicopathological features and prognostic value of CD276 expression in head and neck cancer: A meta-analysis".
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  110. CHERNOV ES, Taniguchi AN, Nguyen SA, Sutton SR, et al
    Surgical outcomes and revision rates for velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) in syndromic and non-syndromic children: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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  111. TIE K, Brook CD, Caradonna DS
    Preoperative laboratory measurements as a predictor for nasal steroid irrigations after sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
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  112. GILANI S, Bhattacharyya N
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  113. SIMMONS JK, Nadeem W, Hsue VB, Chen HH, et al
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  114. PLUTE T, Abou-Al-Shaar H, Alarifi N, Patel A, et al
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  118. VASAN V, Gilja S, Kapustin D, Yun J, et al
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  119. WANG ML, Tie CW, Wang JH, Zhu JQ, et al
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  120. KORAKAVI G, Sharma A, Cabrera C, Fowler N, et al
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  122. GALLETTI C, Ciodaro F, Barbieri MA, Gambino F, et al
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  123. CHANG TP, Hong YC, Schubert MC
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  128. KONDO M, Seresirikachorn K, Gomes JPMC, Wong E, et al
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  130. SHINNAWI S, Khoury M, Cohen-Vaizer M, Cohen JT, et al
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  138. YOUNG A, Holmes S, Nayak N, Silverstein H, et al
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  139. WANG Y, Zhao J, Wu J, Ren T, et al
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  141. BOHORQUEZ D, Raslan S, Ma R, Pena SA, et al
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  142. LEE YJ, Lee SW
    Ten-year outcomes of recurrent laryngeal nerve reinnervation for thyroidectomy-related unilateral vocal fold paralysis: A single-surgeon, prospective study.
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  143. FRANZ L, Da Canal A, Tuon M, Defilippi R, et al
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  144. JOMAH M, Smith O, Villemure-Poliquin N, Cunningham H, et al
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  146. DI GIOIA S, Lucca F, Venditto L, Sandri G, et al
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  150. LECHIEN JR, Maniaci A, Gengler IM, Barillari MR, et al
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  152. CLER SJ, Ogden MA, Farrell NF, Roland LT, et al
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  154. CLER SJ, Ogden MA, Farrell NF, Roland LT, et al
    When inflammation is not just inflammation-A review of systemic diseases of the nose and sinuses part 2: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
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  156. LI Z, Li T, Zhang P, Wang X, et al
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  157. EWER N, Espahbodi M, Pitt C, Patel NS, et al
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  158. XIANG L, Liu Y, Liu J
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  159. MI T, Qinxiu Z, Jie W
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  161. CHANG KM, Surapaneni SS, Shaikh N, Marston AP, et al
    Pediatric tympanostomy tube assessment via deep learning.
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  162. TOOKER EL, Espahbodi M, Durham AR, Gurgel RK, et al
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  163. BULBUL MG, Kais A, Lawrence J, Lewis J, et al
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  164. DORNHOFFER JR, Lohse CM, Tamati TN, Moberly AC, et al
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  165. KADY W, Sioshansi PC, Wall N, Bojrab I I D, et al
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  166. YANG AW, Pillion EM, Riley CA, Tolisano AM, et al
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  167. CARLSON ML, Carducci V, Deep NL, DeJong MD, et al
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  168. DUBACH P, Michailidou E, Waser M, Friedrich H, et al
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  169. BAKHTARIKIA S, Tavanai E, Rouhbakhsh N, Sayadi AJ, et al
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  173. HOWREN MB, Christensen AJ, Pagedar NA
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  174. VAN SCHAIK JE, van der Vegt B, Slagter-Menkema L, Hanemaaijer SH, et al
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  175. SORRENTINO F, Cazzador D, Gazzola F, Cassara A, et al
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  177. XIANG L, Liu Y, Liu J
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  180. FRANZ L, Pessot N, Gallo C, Tundo I, et al
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  181. JIN Q, Heng Y, Zhu X, Xu C, et al
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  182. HOWREN MB, Christensen AJ, Pagedar NA
    Prevalence and persistence of depressive symptoms during the first year postdiagnosis in a large sample of patients with head and neck cancer.
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  183. PATEL AA, Small JE, Toh EH
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  184. SHI D, Zhao H, Chen G, Jin X, et al
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  185. TANG M, Wang J, Zhang Q
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  186. ROSAMILIA G, Lee KH, Roy S, Hart C, et al
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  187. LECHIEN JR, Maniaci A, Gengler IM, Al Barajraji M, et al
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  193. CWALINA TB, Xu JR, Pham J, Jella TK, et al
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  194. SOUZA SS, Stephens EM, Bourdillon AT, Bhethanabotla R, et al
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  195. DACEY S, Velu PS, Wilson N, Levi JR, et al
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  198. GARVEY EA, Jamil TL, Levi JR, Cohen MB, et al
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  199. GRAS-CABRERIZO JR, Martel-Martin M, Casasayas-Plass M, Kolanczak K, et al
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  200. PATEL S, Mahr G, Deeb R, Craig JR, et al
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  201. YANG J, Zheng J, Zhou Y, Qiu Q, et al
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  202. BAR R, Mattei A, Haddad R, Giovanni A, et al
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  203. ODOM JQ, Mangan AR, Gibson AC, Larson M, et al
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  204. G/TSION MT, Berhanu AB, Mitiku MW, Shumargaw AT, et al
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  205. KIM DH, Kim SW, Kim SW, Stybayeva G, et al
    An indirect comparative analysis of two posterior nasal nerve ablation techniques for treating chronic rhinitis: A systemic review and meta-analysis.
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  206. BITNER BF, Huck NA, Khosravi P, Torabi SJ, et al
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  207. PESIS M, Kordeluk S, Givol N
    Simultaneous management of chronic maxillary sinusitis from dental origin and the relevance of nasal septal deviation: A retrospective evaluation of 65 cases.
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  208. WANG X, Chen Y, Jia D, Teng Y, et al
    The role of adjuvant systemic corticosteroid in pediatric retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess.
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  209. DING S, Chan L, Sillman J, Noonan K, et al
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  210. POPOVYCH VI, Koshel IV, Piletska LI, Orlovska RM, et al
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    February 2024
  211. BARLOW J, Gilja S, Ferrandino RM, Berger MH, et al
    Evaluating human papillomavirus testing, prevalence, and association with prognosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by subsite: A national cancer database study.
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  212. RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN M, Canton-Benito E, Mendez-Legaza JM, Veiga-Alonso A, et al
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  213. LOU Z, Lou Z, Lv T, Chen Z, et al
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  214. HAN C, Wang H, Wang Y, Hang C, et al
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  215. BALAZOVA K, Belakova P, Snehota M, Trneckova M, et al
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  216. ALFONSO S, Mario C, Massimo R, Claudia C, et al
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  217. CHEN IW, Wang WT, Hung KC
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  218. BOUZAHER MH, Wu S, Ramanathan D, Chi DH, et al
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  220. YU S, Wu J, Sun Y, Lyu J, et al
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  221. GAO M, Cheng L, Wang Q, Yang Q, et al
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  222. MUDERRIS T, Sevil E, Gul F
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  223. FRANTS A, Varelas AN, Franco AM, White WM, et al
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  224. DE LUCA P, La Mantia I, Gioacchini FM, Re M, et al
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  225. GALLETTI C, Ragusa M, Sireci F, Ciodaro F, et al
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  226. NOY R, Shkedy Y, Habashi N, Billan S, et al
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  227. FUJIKI RB, Fujiki AE, Thibeault SL
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  228. DUPUCH G, Mailly M, Guillaume J, Daval M, et al
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  229. MERRILL TB, Pool CD, Saadi RA, Patel VA, et al
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  230. AHMADIAN D, Gleadhill CM, Wehbi N, Bixby BA, et al
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  231. BAUDOUIN R, Hans S
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  233. SHI D, Zhao H, Chen G, Jin X, et al
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  234. VALSAMIDIS K, Printza A, Valsamidis N, Constantinidis J, et al
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  235. BAHETHI R, Talmor G, Choudhry H, Lemdani M, et al
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  236. CANNAVICCI A, Lechien JR, Saibene AM, Calvo-Henriquez C, et al
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  237. LANE C, Wright M, Linton J, Goyal N, et al
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  238. EL SHATANOFY M, Youner E, Shaver TB, Chaudhry T, et al
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  239. OROBELLO NC, Crowder HR, Riley PE, Michel M, et al
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  240. KENNEDY DG, Velu P, Carnino JM, Wilson NR, et al
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  241. GURBERG J, Dean M, Kawai K, Toivonen J, et al
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  242. MAHASETH RK, Dutta VB, Karki R, Kc S, et al
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  243. CHEN ZK, Wang XQ, Xiao LL, Sun JD, et al
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  244. WANG Y, Koh KK, Chua E, Kiong KL, et al
    The association between chronic sinonasal inflammation and nasopharyngeal carcinoma - A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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  245. MEADE T, Higgins A, Lin D
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  246. ARIANO M, Sozzi M, Lazzerini F, De Filippis C, et al
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  247. MAZZOLA S, Schreiber A
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  248. LOCATELLO LG, Costantino A, Maniaci A, Fermi M, et al
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  249. JO HJ, Kim SH, Lee HM, Lee IW, et al
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  250. KHANDALAVALA KR, Dornhoffer JR, Farnsworth PJ, Staricha KL, et al
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  251. HOMANS NC, van der Toom HFE, Pauw RJ, Vroegop JL, et al
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  252. PATEL AA, Shehan JN, Mustafa A, Uppalapati AV, et al
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  253. TANIGUCHI AN, Sutton SR, Mills JF, Nguyen SA, et al
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  254. ALIYEVA A, Edizer DT
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  256. WAZEN JJ, Kim CS, Ortega C, King T, et al
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    November 2023
  260. FRANCHELLA S, Concheri S, Di Pasquale Fiasca VM, Brotto D, et al
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  261. ZAND V, Mandegari M, Baradaranfar M, Vaziribozorg S, et al
    The effect of cisplatin-based chemotherapy on hearing loss (the frequency of >8 kHz) in children with cancer.
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  262. LOU Z, Lou Z, Lv T, Chen Z, et al
    Outcomes of perichondrium graft covering the epithelium of the tympanic membrane for large-sized perforations: A 3-5-year follow-up study.
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  263. SCARPA A, Avallone E, Carucci M, Salzano G, et al
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  264. MAMIKOGLU B, Gianoli GJ
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  266. ZORZI S, Pietrobon G, Mossinelli C, Bandi F, et al
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  268. HERRMANN BW, Goff SH, Boguniewicz J, Gitomer SA, et al
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  269. LOU Z, Lou Z, Lv T, Chen Z, et al
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  270. KOVACS M, Uzsaly J, Bodzai G, Pap I, et al
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    October 2023
  271. SCARPA A, Carucci M, Salzano G, Avallone E, et al
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  272. ZHANG X, Wang P, Chai Y, Zhou X, et al
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  273. AU VH, Miller LE, Mitchell MB, Larson AR, et al
    Neck scar perception after neck dissection in HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
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  274. WEI K, Fritz C, Rajasekaran K
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  275. KAUL VF, Brannan Z, Keith J, Hittle B, et al
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  276. BARRERA S, Kerby E, Gonzalez V, Carron J, et al
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  277. CHEN T, Papaioannou V, Liberman G, Gordon KA, et al
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  278. REESE AD, DiNardo LA, Siddiqui A, Powers K, et al
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  279. HE J, Yuan L
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  280. SHADY EFA, El-Mofty IA, Hegazy EA, Abdelhakam RB, et al
    Comparison between classic 'Fisch' and 'corner-tag' meatoplasty techniques after canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy.
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  281. YAM C, McGovern B, Boyajieff E, Maxwell P, et al
    The impact of menopausal status on auditory brainstem responses.
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  282. YOUNG A, Fechtner L, Kim C, Nayak N, et al
    Long-term cognition and speech recognition outcomes after cochlear implantation in the elderly.
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  283. EDWARDS ER, Fei-Zhang DJ, Stein AP, Lott DG, et al
    The impact of digital inequities on laryngeal cancer disparities in the US.
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  284. HISS MM, Kaul VF, Riggs WJ, Chawla M, et al
    Noise-induced hearing loss in the contralateral ear during otologic and neurotologic surgeries.
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  285. COHEN HS, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Sullivan JC, Silver N, et al
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  286. SOLOPERTO D, De Cecco F, Confuorto G, Dallari V, et al
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  287. BEUTE JE, Silberzweig AM, Gold BS, Shaari AL, et al
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  288. PICHARDO PFA, Desiato VM, Hellums RN, Altman KW, et al
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    August 2023
  289. SIMSEK A, Aslan M
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  290. DADGARNIA M, Mandegari M, Zand V, Vaziribozorg S, et al
    The effect of vitamin B12 on idiopathic tinnitus.
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  291. LIN ME, Castellanos CX, Bagrodia N, West JD, et al
    Differences in presentation, treatment, and outcomes among minority head and neck cancer patient groups in Los Angeles County.
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  292. FURUKAWA T, Goto T, Abe Y, Sugiyama M, et al
    The use of basic fibroblast growth factor to treat intractable Bell's palsy administered via transcanal endoscopic ear surgery.
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  293. BABAJANIAN E, Nielson C, Zhang C, Shi K, et al
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    July 2023
  294. MAMIKOGLU B, Gianoli GJ
    The clinical findings to notice mild elevation of intracranial pressure in an otology clinic.
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  295. ISSA PP, Munshi R, Albuck AL, Omar M, et al
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  296. BERNSTEIN IA, Megwalu UC
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  297. FINSTERER J, Scorza FA
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  298. BABU KC, Fritz CG, Choi JS, Casale GG, et al
    Does labyrinthectomy have an impact on hearing in the contralateral ear during long-term follow-up?
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  299. KALMANSON O, Francom C, Darr O, Hamilton S, et al
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  300. NGUYEN HCB, Moldoff EJ, Boreel M, Wong K, et al
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  301. TIRELLI G, Boscolo-Rizzo P, Pelloso L, Gardenal N, et al
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  302. SONG I, Oh KH, Kim HJ, Lee YH, et al
    Audiologic results of total ossicular replacement prosthesis bypassing the stapes suprastructure in canal wall down mastoidectomy.
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  303. MIRANDA N, Tu LJ, Brollier C, Cohen MS, et al
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  304. SU H, Li N, Chen Z, Hao J, et al
    Clinicopathological features and prognostic value of CD276 expression in head and neck cancer: A meta-analysis.
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  305. HUANG S, Xiong C, Tan K
    Neoadjuvant PD-1/PD-L1 axis blockade for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
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  306. BALCHANDER D, Shorbaji K, Cabrera CI, Hoying D, et al
    Prognostic significance of time trends in treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
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  307. STEPHENS EM, Plonowska-Hirschfeld K, Gulati A, Kansara S, et al
    Prospective quality of life outcomes for human papillomavirus associated oropharynx cancer patients after surgery alone.
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  308. SHABANI Q, ShaterzadehYazdi MJ, Soltani M, Behdarvandan A, et al
    The effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on muscle activity pattern in professional voice users with muscle tension dysphonia using surface electromyography data: A pilot study.
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  309. SAKELLARIS NI, Sakellari EI, Kanaan Y, Khalil H, et al
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  310. YASSIN-KASSAB A, Peterson EL, Craig JR
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  311. KAIS A, Chaiban R, Makary AC, Ramadan HH, et al
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  312. VAIRA LA, Saussez S, Maniaci A, Boscolo-Rizzo P, et al
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  313. AHMAD JG, Allen DZ, Erickson S, Hasan S, et al
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  314. CASCIO F, Gazia F, D'Alcontres FS, Felippu AWD, et al
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  315. MERRILL TB, Gardner JR, Kanaan A
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  316. LOU J, Liu Y, Lou Z, Lou Z, et al
    Endoscopic perichondrium-cartilage H type technique for repairing chronic kidney-shaped perforations with 3 years of follow-up.
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  317. KIM GJ, Sun DI
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  318. XU M, Wang C, Fang S, Rui X, et al
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  319. ISMAIL M, Nasr M, Abdelhak B, Awad OG, et al
    Comparing The Effects of Botulinum toxin-A and multiple surgical parasympathectomy on treatment of allergic rhinitis.
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  320. NGO NH, Luong NVC, Le MTQ, Nguyen HMH, et al
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  321. HAZKANI I, Voyles C, Reddy KM, Alazraki A, et al
    The prevalence of Chiari malformation among children with persistent dysphagia.
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  322. HADFORD SP, Ciolek PJ, Genther DJ
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  323. KUMARESAN T, Thomas M, Uppal PA, Setzen S, et al
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  324. KAUR V, Rooney A, Horton BJ
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  325. SHAH HP, Reeder A, Rohrbaugh T, Kohli N, et al
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  326. BEHNKE J, Dundervill C, Bulbul M, Armeni M, et al
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  327. EISCHEN E, Gliksman MF, Segarra D, Murtagh RD, et al
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  328. HAKANEN O, Tolvi M, Torkki P
    Cost analysis of face-to-face visits, virtual visits, and a digital care pathway in the treatment of tonsillitis patients.
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  329. CARMEL NEIDERMAN NN, Caspi I, Eisenberg N, Halevy N, et al
    Quality of life after radio frequency ablation turbinate reduction (RFATR) among patients with rhinitis medicamentosa & withdrawal from decongestant topical spray abuse.
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  330. XIE S, Jiang S, Fan R, Gao K, et al
    Elevated body mass index increased the risk of recurrence in Chinese patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.
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  331. YANILMAZ M, Akduman D
    A comparative study of two adenoidectomy technics for efficacy and safety: Conventional curettage adenoidectomy versus endoscopic microdebrider adenoidectomy.
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    June 2023
  332. HUANG GJ, Luo MS, Lu BQ, Li SH, et al
    Noninvasive prognostic factors and web predictive tools for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  333. DING Y, Wei R, Li D, Li Y, et al
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  334. YOUNG A, Fechtner L, Brennan C, Rende S, et al
    Clinical performance, audiological outcomes, and quality of life of the Cochlear Osia (R) system.
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  335. MANDAVA S, Gutierrez C, Mukherjee S, Hashisaki G, et al
    Traumatic pneumolabyrinth without temporal bone fracture causing sudden hearing loss.
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  336. ALDHAHRI SF, Barakeh MM, Almetary RJ, Alfirm RB, et al
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  337. ABARI J, Heuninck E, Al Saadi M, Topsakal V, et al
    True keyhole cochlear implant surgery.
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  338. SEOL HY, Jo M, Yun H, Park JG, et al
    Comparison of speech recognition performance with and without a face mask between a basic and a premium hearing aid in hearing-impaired listeners.
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  339. APOORVA KV, Vijendra Shenoy S, Athiyamaan MS, Kabekkodu S, et al
    Radiation dose to the cochlea and its association with sensorineural hearing loss in head and neck cancer-A prospective study.
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  340. MUNHALL CC, Warner BK, Nguyen SA, Guldan GJ 3rd, et al
    Use of dexmedetomidine for controlled hypotension in middle ear surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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  341. BENNETT C, Yoon P, Lee MY, Wolfe M, et al
    Newborn hearing screening methodology impacts the timing of diagnosis for auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.
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  342. LECHIEN JR, Chiesa-Estomba CM, Maniaci A, Vaira LA, et al
    Dysphagia after supraglottic laryngeal cancer surgery.
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  343. LIU Y, Wang Y, Yang L, Zhu J, et al
    Bilateral adhesive bone conduction devices in patients with congenital bilateral conductive hearing loss.
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  344. OKLAND TS, Akkina SR, Perrault D, Most SP, et al
    The single-stage melolabial flap for internal lining of full thickness defects of the nasal ala.
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  345. MANIACI A, Cocuzza S, Riela PM, Lechien JR, et al
    The submucosal approach influences long-term outcomes of refractory obstructive rhinitis: A prospective study and a STROBE analysis.
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  346. GILANI S, Bhattacharyya N
    Rethinking the relationships between chronic rhinosinusitis and asthma severity.
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  347. ANGERMAYER ME, Rangwani SM, Anderson SR, Johnson RM, et al
    Forked Paramedian forehead flap combined with nasolabial flap for pre-radiation coverage of exposed maxilla in the Total Rhinectomy patient.
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  348. KIM GJ, Bang J, Shin HI, Kim SY, et al
    Persistent subjective voice symptoms for two years after thyroidectomy.
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  349. FRANCHELLA S, Favaretto N, Frigo A, Franz L, et al
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  350. HAN JK, Palmer JN, Adappa ND, Nachlas NE, et al
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    April 2023
  351. ZENG HH, Huang DH
    Single-port endoscopy-assisted thyroidectomy via cervical gas-insufflation approach for papillary thyroid carcinoma: A pilot retrospective comparative study.
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  352. MERRILL T, Patel V, Dornhoffer J, Saadi RA, et al
    Is there a role for Eustachian tube balloon dilation in pediatric patients with refractory Eustachian tube dysfunction?
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  353. CHRYSOULI K, Kollia P, Papanikolaou V, Chrysovergis A, et al
    The effectiveness of intratympanic steroid injection in addition to systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  354. LU NE, McCoy JL, Shaffer AD, Dohar JE, et al
    Trichloroacetic acid Alloderm Myringoplasty as a novel option for tympanic membrane reconstruction in children.
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  355. LEE NK, Tong S, Tholen K, Boguniewicz J, et al
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    March 2023
  356. LEE YH, Ho PH, Chen PY, Chen XX, et al
    Long-term auditory performance and psychosocial benefits of cochlear implantation in Mandarin-speaking older adults.
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  357. MAXWELL PJ, Ranjbar PA, Winkler D, Kuzy J, et al
    Sex differences in autoimmune inner ear disease treatment and audiological outcomes.
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  358. KIM JH, Kim HJ, Lee YH, Choi H, et al
    Analysis of hearing prognosis risk factors in pediatric unilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  359. NATHAN CO, Asarkar AA, Entezami P, Corry J, et al
    Current management of xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients.
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  360. LIN D, Selleck AM
    Tinnitus cases after COVID-19 vaccine administration, one institution's observations.
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  361. IANNELLA G, Pace A, Greco A, Polimeni A, et al
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  362. MORRIS B, Cosetti M, Kelly J, Yang J, et al
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  363. MCINERNEY NJ, Moran T, O'Duffy F
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  364. CHEN YH, Ho CM, Wu MS, Hsu WH, et al
    Effect of esophageal cancer screening on mortality among patients with oral cancer and second primary esophageal cancer in Taiwan.
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  365. KIRBAC A, Turan Dizdar H, Kaya E, Incesulu SA, et al
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  366. LUU K, Shaffer AD, Chi DH
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  367. CONLON E, Fitzgerald C, Hintze J, Elhassan EAE, et al
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  368. NASSIF SJ, Michel EG, Scott AR, Tracy L, et al
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  369. YANG H, Xiao M, Zheng W, Wang J, et al
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  370. HAZKANI I, Stein E, Ghadersohi S, Ida J, et al
    Epiglottopexy for refractory obstructive sleep apnea in children - A single-institution experience.
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  371. JIJAKLI A, Borders JC, Gottlieb A, Ramirez E, et al
    Absent epiglottic inversion as seen on flexible endoscopic evaluations of swallowing (FEES) is associated with a gestalt reduction in swallowing mechanics.
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  372. VARELAS EA, Kim YJ, Eggerstedt M, Husain I, et al
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  373. WHITE JT, Chandran SK
    The role of patient perceptions and hyperfunctional voice disorders in predicting voice therapy attendance.
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  374. TSELAPEDI-SEKEITTO B, Rocha T, Sowerby LJ, Rotenberg B, et al
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  375. DODSON KM, Indeyeva YA, Ma J, Yopp MA, et al
    The effect of oral guaifenesin on pediatric chronic rhinitis: A pilot study.
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  376. LEE DW, Kim JY, Kwon JH
    Platelet-rich plasma injection for empty nose syndrome: A case report.
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  377. PATEL R, Didzbalis CJ, Tseng CC, Talmor G, et al
    Facility volume and survival: Human papilloma virus positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
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  378. NIEVES-RIVERA A, Benchetrit L, Kan K, Tucker S, et al
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  379. SEO GT, Greenberg L, Xing MH, Su V, et al
    Extratumoral invasion: A unique phenomenon of aggressive recurrent oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
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  380. SHAH HP, Bourdillon AT, Panth N, Ihnat J, et al
    Long-term laryngological sequelae and patient-reported outcomes after COVID-19 infection.
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  381. ZHENG M, Zhou S, Hur K, Chambers T, et al
    Disparities in the prevalence of self-reported dysphagia and treatment among U.S. adults.
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  382. SARASWATHULA A, Yesantharao L, Gourin CG, Rowan NR, et al
    Cost-effectiveness analysis comparing in-office posterior nasal nerve ablation to surgical therapies.
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  383. SALMAN FM, Dasgupta R, Eldeirawi KM, Nyenhuis SM, et al
    Associations of community-level particulate matter with high-acuity visit presentation for sinusitis.
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  384. KONISHI T, Sakata A, Inokuchi H, Kumazawa R, et al
    Treatments and outcomes of adult parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal abscess: 1882 cases from a Japanese nationwide database.
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  385. DI GIOIA S, Cosseron S, Simon F, Couloigner V, et al
    Endoscopic endonasal repair of bilateral choanal atresia in a 1200 g preterm infant: Is it feasible? (With video).
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  386. DE LUCA P, Atturo F, Tombolini M, Colangeli R, et al
    Parapharyngeal space tumors: a twenty-year single-center retrospective analysis on the effectiveness of transcervical and transoral approaches on local control and disease-specific survival.
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  387. BERNKOPF E, Bernkopf G, De Vincentiis GC, Macri F, et al
    Gnatological considerations on "Pediatric temporomandibular joint ankulosis and arthritis: Forgotten complications of acute otitis media".
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  388. LEONG S, Teh BM, Kim AH
    Characterization of otologic symptoms appearing after COVID-19 vaccination.
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  389. YAN HY, Young YH
    Vertigo/dizziness following COVID-19 vaccination.
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  390. PARRINO D, Val M, Lovato A, de Filippis C, et al
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  391. SCARPA A, De Luca P, Marra P, Bisogno A, et al
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  392. GELARDI M, Giancaspro R, Ronca G, Quaranta VN, et al
    Correlation between chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) severity and asthma control.
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  393. JOLINK C, Huijsman A, Dreschler WA, de Wolf MJF, et al
    Surgery for chronic otitis media in the elderly.
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    February 2023
  394. CHEN SM, Fan YT, Martinez RM, Chen C, et al
    Noise-induced hearing loss profile among Taiwan Airforce on duty pilots.
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  395. WU Q, Wang J, Han D, Hu H, et al
    Efficacy and safety of acupuncture and moxibustion for primary tinnitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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    January 2023
  396. HARIPRASAD CP, Vaidyanathan A
    Letter to editor: Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy with or without central neck dissection.
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  398. NGUYEN KA
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  400. ALLEN DZ, Rosamilia GL, Lee KH, Huang Z, et al
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  401. LI N, Yin G, Guo W, Huang Z, et al
    Relationship between dysphagia and surgical treatment for supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma: A meta-analysis.
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  402. KIM DJ, Lee HM, Lee SH, Lee IW, et al
    Transcanal endoscopic myringoplasty with butterfly dermal allograft.
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  403. DUNDAR R, Bayar Muluk N, Vejselova Sezer C, Kaya F, et al
    A safety investigation into topical effects of naproxen sodium on nasal epithelial cells and potential toxicity in local application.
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  404. LECHIEN JR, Saibene AM, Mayo-Yanez M, Maniaci A, et al
    Helicobacter pylori, laryngopharyngeal reflux and chronic tonsillitis.
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  405. RIVA G, Pizzo C, Carraro M, Moresco M, et al
    The importance of follow-up examinations in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis.
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  406. MOFFATT DC, Tucker J, Goldenberg D
    Management of compression symptoms of thyroid goiters: Hemithyroidectomy is equally as successful as total thyroidectomy.
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  407. BRESCIA G, Alessandrini L, Frasconi S, Contro G, et al
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  408. BASAK H, Rehan M, Yucel L, Beton S, et al
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  409. ZONG H, Lou Z, Lou Z, Chen Z, et al
    Low-temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation tuboplasty and myringotomy: A preliminary report.
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  410. PAN Z, Breininger K, Aubreville M, Stelzle F, et al
    Defining a baseline identification of artifacts in confocal laser endomicroscopy in head and neck cancer imaging.
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  411. MAVROMMATIS MA, Kaul VF, Chow K, Fan CJ, et al
    Temporal changes in endolymphatic hydrops on MRI with or without intervention: A systematic review.
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  412. SALEM J, Bakundukize J, Milinis K, Sharma SD, et al
    Mastoid obliteration versus canal wall down or canal wall up mastoidectomy for cholesteatoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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  413. CONWAY RM, Babu SC, Mallany P, Weymon A, et al
    Endolymphatic sac decompression effect on secondary symptoms of Meniere's disease.
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  414. MANDOUR MF, Elsheikh MN, Amer M, Elzayat S, et al
    The impact of adding platelet-rich plasma during fat graft myringoplasty for managing medium-sized tympanic membrane perforations: A prospective randomized case-control study.
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  415. ROBINETTE K, Sims J, Pang B, Babu S, et al
    Transcutaneous versus percutaneous bone-anchored hearing aids: A quality of life comparison.
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  416. MACIELAK RJ, Kull AJ, Carlson ML, Patel NS, et al
    Disease recidivism after subtotal petrosectomy and ear canal closure.
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  417. KIM SY, Kim GJ, Bang JI, Shin HI, et al
    Are second primary head and neck cancers with previous hematological malignancy more aggressive than de novo head and neck cancers?
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  418. RAMANATHAN D, Mahomva C, Goldberg D, Liu YC, et al
    Speech and Language outcomes in Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) children managed with amplification.
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  419. MARGHERITA T, Francesca BN, Fabiola G, Anna C, et al
    Is there a role for tumor volume in prediction of prognosis for oral cancer?
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  420. JABBOUR N, Mur T, Tracy JC, Tracy LF, et al
    Seasonality of head and neck cancers.
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  421. ZHOU L, Qin S, Zhang Q, Xu J, et al
    Clinical characteristics and risk factors of central lymph node and thyroid metastasis in patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
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  422. GHAZI TU, Sioshansi PC, Walsh EM, Brenner MJ, et al
    Malignant transformation of cerebellopontine angle melanocytoma with origin in the inner ear.
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  423. WANG Y, Liu L, Huang Y
    Effect of antenatal dexamethasone therapy on hearing screening in premature infants: A retrospective case-control study.
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  424. ZHOU W, Yuan H, Yang Y, Liu S, et al
    Nomogram for predicting the prognostic role in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  425. LU G, Zhang Q, Kang S, Jia C, et al
    Evaluating hypopharyngeal carcinoma using narrow band imaging and oxygen-injected laryngoscope: New technique.
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  426. WU J, Jiang Z, Huang X, Luo Z, et al
    Association of polymorphisms in the catalase gene with the susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss: A meta-analysis.
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  427. NGUYEN KA, Nguyen ND
    Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy with or without central neck dissection.
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  428. HERVOCHON R, Rivieccio F, Picard D, Even M, et al
    Cochlear implantation and facial nerve anastomosis to rehabilitate a burnt middle ear.
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  429. SHIN SH, Byun SW, Park Y, Lee HY, et al
    The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory is a better indicator of the overall status of patients with tinnitus than the Numerical Rating Scale.
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  430. GARBER BB, Chen J, Beliveau A, Farwell DG, et al
    Using the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 to improve depression screening in head and neck cancer patients.
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  431. YI Q, Cai J, Lin Y, Hu Z, et al
    A prognostic nomogram incorporating tumor size and lymph node size for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
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    November 2022
  432. ADAMS JK, Marinelli JP, Travis, Newberry R, et al
    COVID-19 and transtympanic injections for sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  433. CHOI YM, Jeong SW
    Theory of mind in children with cochlear implants: Comparison with age- and sex-matched children with normal hearing.
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  434. RICHARDS BA, Xie KZ, Bowen AJ, Aden A, et al
    Complications following laser wedge excision for idiopathic subglottic stenosis.
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  435. RANA AK, Sharma S, Upadhyay D, Chamoli P, et al
    Antibiogram guided optimized medical treatment in chronic otitis media: A useful interventional strategy before surgery?
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  436. FERRELI F, Di Bari M, Moya-Plana A, Canzano F, et al
    Association between human papillomavirus infection and malignant transformation of sinonasal inverted papilloma: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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  437. BAUDOUIN R, Lechien JR, Maniaci A, Lisan Q, et al
    Anxiety and depression in patients with nasal septal deviation: What is the clinical impact?
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  438. ALESSANDRI-BONETTI M, Costantino A, Gallo Afflitto G, Carbonaro R, et al
    Reply to "Anxiety and depression in patients with nasal septal deviation: What is the clinical impact?"
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103633.

  439. ALDAJANI A, Alroqi A, Alromaih S, Aloulah MO, et al
    Adverse events of biological therapy in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: A systematic review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103615.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  440. KOHLI N, Lerner M, Rashty J, Kirke D, et al
    IncobotulinimtoxinA (Xeomin) for the treatment of adductor laryngeal dystonia: A prospective, open-label clinical trial.
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  441. GONG H, Huang Q, Shi Y, Gao C, et al
    Oncologic outcomes of transoral laser microsurgery versus open partial laryngectomies in the management of early stage glottic carcinoma.
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  442. MAHOMVA CR, Hoying D, Sbeih F, Chaaban MR, et al
    A diagnostic algorithm for early diagnosis and management of acute invasive fungal sinusitis.
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  443. CHEN W, Zhu P, Xu M, Chen S, et al
    Diagnosis of infantile subglottic hemangioma and the effect of oral propranolol.
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  444. BALIKCI H, Yenigun A, Aksoy F, Dogan R, et al
    Supratip suture and skin scoring technique in the patient with thick skin in rhinoplasty.
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    October 2022
  445. AL SAADI M, Heuninck E, De Raeve L, Van de Heyning P, et al
    Robotic cochlear implantation in post-meningitis ossified cochlea.
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  446. LAW RH, Rizzi MD
    EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer presenting as a nasopharyngeal tumor in an immune suppressed patient.
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  447. CANNON ST, Gabbard J, Walsh RC, Statler TM, et al
    Concordant palliative care delivery in advanced head and neck cancer.
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  448. ALDE M, Di Berardino F, Ambrosetti U, Barozzi S, et al
    Audiological and vestibular symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5-11 years.
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  449. COSTA JR, Sousa F, Costa S, Soares T, et al
    Role of mastoid pneumatization in predicting tympanoplasty results: Will it have the same importance in different age groups?
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  450. BOZSOY MI, Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, et al
    Evaluation of the non-auditory responses in individuals with auditory brainstem implant.
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  451. AKSIT AM
    Another response to the article "Comparison of pure tone audiometry thresholds and transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) in patients with and without Covid-19 pneumonia".
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  452. LI Y, Ding Y, Li D, Xin Y, et al
    With and without exogenous biological scaffolds for repairing traumatic perforations of tympanic membrane: Randomized clinical trials.
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    September 2022
  453. TROPEANO MP, Bono BC, Lasio GB, Rossini Z, et al
    Surgical treatment for vestibular schwannoma in patients aged >/=65-years: A retrospective multi-centric study.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103631.

  454. JEONG SW
    Trans-tympanic insertion of an angiocatheter with a stopper for treatment of patulous Eustachian tube.
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  455. SCHOSTAG K, Lynch PT, Leavitt T, Sumer BD, et al
    Smoking and other patient factors in HPV-mediated oropharynx cancer: A retrospective cohort study.
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  456. PARRINO D, Val M, Lovato A, de Filippis C, et al
    Pediatric temporomandibular joint ankylosis and arthritis: Forgotten complications of acute otitis media.
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  457. SPEKTOR Z, Hussain I, Van Leeuwen RN, Goudy S, et al
    Pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin and fluocinolone acetonide otic solution in pediatric patients.
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  458. GUY K, Lelegren M, Shomaker K, Han J, et al
    Management of complicated acute sinusitis in the setting of concurrent COVID-19.
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  459. DU Z, Li P, Bing D
    Presence of diabetes mellitus affects vertigo outcome in vestibular migraine.
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  460. ELIASHAR R, Cohen SM, Hirshoren N
    Tranexamic acid administration practice in otolaryngology head & neck surgery; international survey.
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  461. BAUDOUIN R, Rigal T, Circiu M, Lechien JR, et al
    Feasibility and safety of THRIVE in transoral laser microsurgery.
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  462. RAHMAN N, Hehir J, Stidham KR, Muldoon A, et al
    Differences in vestibulo-ocular reflex time constants in patients with vestibular migraine versus vestibular neuritis/labyrinthitis.
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  463. ZHANG Z, Liu J, Xie L, Cao W, et al
    Tissue eosinophils and mucous inflammatory cytokines for the evaluation of olfactory recovery after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with nasal polyposis.
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  464. ATILLA MH, Kesici GG
    Dynamic visual acuity test findings of migraine patients: Observational case-control study.
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  465. SAGALOW ES, Kumar AT, Banoub RG, Xiao KB, et al
    Recurrence of premalignant oral cavity and oropharynx lesions after pulsed diode laser treatment.
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  466. TAJIMA S, Nakamura M, Ito S, Matsumoto F, et al
    Presence of anaerobic bacteria and symptoms supports diagnosis of odontogenic sinusitis.
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  467. DAVIS L, Hwa TP, Eliades SJ, Bigelow DC, et al
    Pure tone audiometry as assessed by a commercially-available mobile phone application compared to formal audiometry.
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  468. PAI KK, Omiunu AO, Llerena PA, Shave SM, et al
    Localized laryngeal amyloidosis: A systematic review.
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  469. MANTSOPOULOS K, Thimsen V, Karkos P, Sievert M, et al
    Silent sinus syndrome: Reduction of surgical invasiveness in an underdiagnosed clinical entity.
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  470. EDWARDS S, Kumar S, Lee S, Pali BL, et al
    Epidemiology and variability in management of acute mastoiditis in children.
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  471. ALLEN DZ, Challapalli S, Lee KH, Bell CS, et al
    Impact of COVID-19 on nationwide pediatric otolaryngology practice: Adenotonsillectomies (TA) and tonsil-related diagnoses trends.
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  472. ACHENA A, Placentino A, Mevio N, Pilolli F, et al
    VITOM-3D assisted paramedian forehead flap for nasal reconstruction.
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  473. ALESSANDRI-BONETTI M, Costantino A, Gallo Afflitto G, Carbonaro R, et al
    Anxiety and depression mood disorder in patients with nasal septal deviation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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  474. MEHER R, Kathuria S, Wadhwa V, Ali MR, et al
    Preoperative emobilisation of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
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  475. ROHDE RL, North LM, Murray M, Khalili S, et al
    Pott's puffy tumor: A comprehensive review of the literature.
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  476. VASUDEVAN A, Achu R, Perry A, Yarrington C, et al
    Impact of pregnancy on airway complications after intubation for COVID-19 infection: A case series.
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  477. LLERENA P, Wang K, Puram SV, Pipkorn PJ, et al
    National analysis of positive surgical margins in oropharyngeal salivary gland malignancies.
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  478. WU X, Wang W, Fang L, Shi L, et al
    Is Helicobacter pylori colonization associated with chronic tonsillitis? - A meta-analysis and systematic review.
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  479. BALIKCI H, Yenigun A, Celik I, Aksoy F, et al
    Key stone plasty and asymmetric hump resection in crooked nose deformity.
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    August 2022
  480. OMAR M, Qatanani AM, Douglas NO, Nawash BS, et al
    Sociodemographic disparities in pediatric cochlear implantation outcomes: A systematic review.
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  481. DENG W, Lin X, Su Y, Cai Y, et al
    Comparison between 3D-FLAIR and 3D-real IR MRI sequences with visual classification method in the imaging of endolymphatic hydrops in Meniere's disease.
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  482. FRITZ C, De Ravin E, Suresh N, Romeo D, et al
    Clinical practice guidelines for management of medullary thyroid carcinoma: An AGREE II appraisal.
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  483. WANG M, Yuan X, Chen Y, Wu J, et al
    Management and prevention of brachial plexus injury caused by surgical suture of neck dissection induced chylous fistula.
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  484. PAI KK, Omiunu AO, Peddu DK, Au VH, et al
    Tuberculosis of the middle ear: A systematic review.
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  485. MCMANUS B, Townsend W, Stuart K, Paul O, et al
    Oxymetazoline vs ofloxacin vs ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone- effects of drops on tympanostomy tube postoperative otorrhea.
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  486. WU SS, Cabrera CI, Kominsky RA, Richardson CM, et al
    Impact of body mass index in patulous Eustachian tube: Does rapid weight loss influence symptom improvement?
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  487. BALOUCH B, Meehan R, Suresh A, Zaheer HA, et al
    Use of biologics for treatment of autoimmune inner ear disease.
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  488. DEGEN CV, Mikuteit M, Niewolik J, Joosten T, et al
    Audiological profile of adult Long COVID patients.
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  489. TANG L, Shu X, Hu D, Deng C, et al
    Clinical significance of multi-genic assay in identifying aggressive papillary thyroid carcinoma.
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  490. JANG HB, Lee JM, Kim DJ, Lee SH, et al
    Treatment results for congenital cholesteatoma using transcanal endoscopic ear surgery.
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  491. DOVA S, Psillas G, Tsaligopoulos M, Nikolaidis V, et al
    The effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the final outcome of patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  492. TOMIOKA R, Kawano A, Nishiyama N, Shirai K, et al
    The actual state of and factors for speech perception ability in adult cochlear implant wearers.
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  493. DE RAVIN E, Venkatesh S, Harmsen S, Delikatny EJ, et al
    Indocyanine green fluorescence-guided surgery in head and neck cancer: A systematic review.
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  494. LAHIJI MR, Akbarpour M, Soleimani R, Asli RH, et al
    Prevalence of anxiety and depression in Meniere's disease; a comparative analytical study.
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    July 2022
  495. BENYO S, Saadi RA, Dornhoffer JL
    Head trauma and Cochlear implant displacement - A systematic review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103553.
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  496. HANNAN A, Zaidi F, Taylor S, Sharma A, et al
    Contribution of surgery in management of T4b head and neck cancers: A retrospective review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103543.

  497. WANG Y, Tian Q, Huang Y
    Is antenatal corticosteroids exposure associated with hearing loss in preterm infants? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;44:103548.
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  498. EDUARDO DG, Gloria IP
    Letter to editor: New onset tinnitus in the absence of hearing changes following COVID-19 infection.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;44:103545.

  499. XU H, Zhang Y, Gu M, Shan Y, et al
    A prospective study on the difference of clinical outcomes between elderly and adult patients with allergic rhinitis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103509.
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  500. AI D, Dou Y, Ma C, Nan Z, et al
    Peri-tumoral infiltrate associates with postoperative prognosis of patients with OSCC: Stronger association in HPV negative patients.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103503.
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  501. CHEN J, Solis RN, Mehrzad M, Gill A, et al
    Total laryngectomy negatively impacts sinonasal and olfactory-specific quality of life.
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  502. PAN Y, Li J, Zhang J, Wang X, et al
    Thyroarytenoid botulinum toxin injection for refractory laryngeal contact granuloma.
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  503. PATEL TR, Lee S, Tajudeen BA, Stenson K, et al
    Association of HPV status with survival after surgical salvage of oropharyngeal cancers.
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  504. KOMINSKY E, Liu KY, Ninan S, Arrighi-Allisan A, et al
    Seeking an optimal dose of preoperative corticosteroids in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis: A randomized controlled trial.
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  505. MARTELLUCCI S, Castellucci A, Malara P, Ralli G, et al
    Is it possible to diagnose Posterior Semicircular Canal BPPV from the sitting position? The role of the Head Pitch Test and the upright tests along the RALP and LARP planes.
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  506. NEMATI S, Jafarinezhad A, Alavi Foumani A, Kazemnezhad Leili E, et al
    The effects of functional endoscopic sinus surgery on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma: A comparative study.
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  507. MAINA G, Ooi E
    A retrospective review of spontaneous epistaxis outcomes for patients on novel oral anticoagulants compared to antiplatelets and warfarin.
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  508. SAINIO S, Lundberg M, Hammaren-Malmi S, Pietarinen P, et al
    Effect of alar nasal valve stent on nasal breathing.
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    June 2022
  509. HU L, Miao Z, Sun C
    Diagnostic performance of NBI in post-treatment follow up for laryngeal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103530.
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  510. FERMO S, Frosolini A, Parrino D, Chiappetta A, et al
    Corrigendum to "Eustachian tube insufflation with thermal water: Effectiveness in the treatment of pediatric otitis media with effusion" [Am J Otolaryngol 43 (2022) 103504].
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022 Jun 22:103540. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2022.103540.

  511. AYDOGAN Z, Cinar Satekin M, Uyar MS, Yilmaz ST, et al
    Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in chronic subjective tinnitus.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103521.
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  512. CHEN SL, Hu CY, Chan KC, Chin SC, et al
    Prognostic factors in elderly patients after an intra-tympanic steroid injection for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103528.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  513. PARK HJ, Kim JA, Choi SW, Kong SK, et al
    Patulous eustachian tube after balloon eustachian tuboplasty in a post-radiation patient.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022 Jun 2:103524. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2022.103524.
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  514. MENG X, Zhu K, Wang J, Liu P, et al
    Can SARS-CoV-2 positive pregnant women affect the hearing of their newborns: A systematic review.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103523.
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  515. MIRSALEHI M, Ghajarzadeh M, Farhadi M, Akbarnejad Z, et al
    Intratympanic corticosteroid injection as a first-line treatment of the patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss compared to systemic steroid: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103505.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  516. CONWAY RM, Sioshansi PC, Babu SC, Tu NC, et al
    Audiologic comparison of classification systems of advanced otosclerosis.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103516.
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    May 2022
  517. DECHAPHUNKUL T, Soonthornrak P, Geater SL, Dechaphunkul A, et al
    Utility of prophylactic percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube in head and neck cancer patients undergoing concurrent chemoradiation: A prospective observational cohort.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103512.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  518. FERMO S, Frosolini A, Parrino D, Chiappetta A, et al
    Eustachian tube insufflation with thermal water: Effectiveness in the treatment of pediatric otitis media with effusion.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103504.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  519. KALIL G, Barrera S, Elkins A, Grillis A, et al
    Cochlear implantation in a 16-month-old with Chudley-McCullough Syndrome.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103487.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  520. MARCHIONI D, Caiazza N, Dallari V, Sacchetto A, et al
    Expanded transcanal transpromontorial approach for vestibular schwannoma.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022 May 6:103486. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2022.103486.

  521. DISPENZA F, Immordino A, De Stefano A, Sireci F, et al
    The prognostic value of subjective nasal symptoms and SNOT-22 score in middle ear surgery.
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  522. VEERANNA SA, Youngblood PL, Bradshaw L, Marx CG, et al
    COVID-19 during pregnancy and its impact on the developing auditory system.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103484.
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  523. DANG S, McCoy JL, Shaffer AD, Tobey ABJ, et al
    Initiation of acid suppression therapy for laryngomalacia.
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  524. ZHAO L, Yang Y, Zang YR, Zhang QQ, et al
    Risk factors for asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis in eastern China.
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  525. GELARDI M, Giancaspro R, Cassano M
    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps recurrence: Not only eosinophils and neutrophils.
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  526. RIVA G, Pecorari G
    Commentary to the Letter to the Editor on "Long-term evaluation of nasal polyposis recurrence: A focus on multiple relapses and nasal cytology".
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103449.

  527. SAUER AB, Dowling EM, Bauman MMJ, Moore EJ, et al
    Does surgical management still play a role in the management of ectopic lingual thyroid: Institutional experience and systematic review of the literature.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103461.
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  528. KAUFMAN M, Shearer J, Cabrera CI, Terry M, et al
    Critical analysis of the evaluation of postoperative dysphagia following an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
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  529. MUDERRIS T, Aysel A, Yis R, Muderris T, et al
    Is adenotonsillectomy safe in covid-19 era? Investigation of sars-cov2 in adenoid and tonsil tissues.
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  530. CASANUEVA R, Villanueva E, Llorente JL, Coca-Pelaz A, et al
    Management options for orbital complications of acute rhinosinusitis in pediatric patients.
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  531. FISCHER JL, Shih RY, Tolisano AM
    Disambiguating concurrent superior and posterior canal dehiscence syndrome.
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  532. SIDDIQUI AA, Favre NM, Powers K, Reese A, et al
    Laryngeal surgery for congenital laryngomalacia: NSQIP-P analysis of complications.
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  533. SINGH GB, Nair M, Kaur R
    Is there fungal infestation in paediatric chronic otitis media - Mucosal disease?
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  534. WESTERHOUT SF, Straatman LV, Dankbaar JW, Thomeer HGXM, et al
    Labyrinthine fistulas: Surgical outcomes and an additional diagnostic strategy.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103441.
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  535. WANG L, Wang X, Ba Y
    Clinical analysis of delayed epistaxis following endoscopic sinus surgery.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103406.
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  536. GONG H, Wu J, Sun J, Hsueh CY, et al
    Preoperative tracheotomy in the treatment of upper airway obstruction of patients with advanced stage supraglottic carcinoma.
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103381.
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  537. ZHAO X, Yan S, Yang H, Li L, et al
    Endoscopic percutaneous suture lateralization with syringe needles for neonatal bilateral vocal cord paralysis.
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  538. WALDMAN S, Shimonov M, Yang N, Spielman D, et al
    Benign bony tumors of the paranasal sinuses, orbit, and skull base.
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  539. FORMEISTER EJ, Baum RT, Sharon JD
    Supervised machine learning models for classifying common causes of dizziness.
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  540. FELLER CN, Adams JA, Friedland DR, Poetker DM, et al
    Duration of effectiveness of coblation for recurrent epistaxis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
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  541. LONG NP, Thuan ND, Huong DL, Van Minh V, et al
    Efficiency of a biodegradable gel containing hyaluronic acid and berberine hydrochloride in endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS): A prospective comparative study.
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  542. PATEL SD, Daher GS, Engle L, Zhu J, et al
    Adult tonsillectomy: An evaluation of indications and complications.
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  543. CELIK T, Koca CF, Gul O, Erdur O, et al
    Reply to the Letter to the Editor regarding 'The long-term effectiveness of coblation cryptolysis treatment for tonsillar-induced halitosis'.
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  544. SOFOKLEOUS V, Papadopoulou AM, Drogkoulas M, Psarommatis I, et al
    Surgical repair of choanal atresia: Retropalatal endoscopic versus endonasal endoscopic technique.
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  545. LICCARDI G, Martini M, Bilo MB, Milanese M, et al
    Use of face masks and allergic nasal symptoms: Why not mention pollen count and air pollution data?
    Am J Otolaryngol. 2022;43:103363.
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  546. LEE WS
    Extraocular muscle contraction as a tool for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo diagnosis.
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  547. GIOMBI F, Di Santo D, Spriano G, Mercante G, et al
    Applications of Co2 laser in endoscopic surgery for sinonasal neoplasms.
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    April 2022
  548. YILDIZ E
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  549. DURAISWAMY S, Rubin SJ, Kim Y, Mur T, et al
    Limited English proficiency and head and neck cancer outcomes.
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  550. KALCIOGLU MT, Mutlu B, Celik S
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  551. NARAYANAN SS, Murali M, Lucas JC, Sykes KJ, et al
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  552. OZTURK B, Kavruk H, Aykul A
    Audiological findings in individuals diagnosed with COVID-19.
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  553. CHO Y, Kim J, Oh SJ, Kong SK, et al
    Clinical features and prognosis of severe-to-profound sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
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  554. LAM CM, Qureshi MM, Patel PN, Park JJ, et al
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  555. LENZE NR, Bensen JT, Yarbrough WG, Shuman AG, et al
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  556. DAI Z, Feng Y, Gao M, Pan Y, et al
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  557. AKIN R, Gilley D, Tassone P
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  558. JIANG M, Cai X, Jiang L, Wu X, et al
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  559. DIMON EL, Simmons JK, Ziegler A, Bollman M, et al
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    March 2022
  560. CHANDA A, Krisciunas GP, Grillone GA
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  561. CHEN H, Wu C, Zhang Z, Liu J, et al
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  562. UZUN S, Keskin S, Kavvasoglu C
    A new approach for crooked nose: Separated spreader graft "puzzle graft".
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  563. LIU H, Yang H, Zhao JJ
    The therapeutic effects of basic fibroblast growth factor in nasal vestibulitis.
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  564. MIASKIEWICZ B, Panasiewicz-Wosik A, Nikiel K, Gos E, et al
    Injection laryngoplasty as an effective treatment method for glottal insufficiency in aged patients.
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  565. HASSANZADEH T, Mastacouris NC, Sie KCY, Vecchiotti MA, et al
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  566. DECHAPHUNKUL T, Ngamphaiboon N, Danchaivijitr P, Jiratrachu R, et al
    Benefits of prophylactic percutaneous gastrostomy in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy: A multicenter analysis.
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  567. SOLOPERTO D, Sacchetto A, Dallari V, Pinter P, et al
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  568. SCHWAM ZG, Schettino A, Bojrab DI, Babu SC, et al
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  569. BRESCIA G, Contro G, Ruaro A, Barion U, et al
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  570. KWIATKOWSKA MA, Szczygielski K, Chloupek A, Szczupak P, et al
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  571. ABDELHAMID MA, El-Badrawy A, Eldin OA, Hady AFA, et al
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  572. DING J, Jiang Z, Lou Z
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  573. ENGLHARD AS, Ledderose C, Volgger V, Ledderose GJ, et al
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  574. RIVA G, Tavassoli M, Cravero E, Moresco M, et al
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  575. REID J, Parmar P, Lund T, Aalto DK, et al
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  576. SAMBHU M, Goh T, Golan H, Pisegna J, et al
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    February 2022
  578. EROGLU O, Eroglu Y, Yildirim M, Karlidag T, et al
    Is it useful to use computerized tomography image-based artificial intelligence modelling in the differential diagnosis of chronic otitis media with and without cholesteatoma?
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  579. LIU Y, Wei R, Ding Y, Xin Y, et al
    Modified inlay butterfly cartilage myringoplasty: An outpatient minimally invasive procedure for closure of central perforation-graft success rate and hearing outcome.
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  580. LEELASAWATSUK P, Prapaisit U, Chaiyarukjirakun V, Plodpai Y, et al
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  581. ZHAO X, Zhang J, Tian P, Cui X, et al
    The latest progress of tympanic membrane repair materials.
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  582. GHISELLI S, Laborai A, Biasucci G, Carvelli M, et al
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  583. WU L, Liu Q, Gao B, Huang S, et al
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  584. ALIZADEH Y, Jalali MM, Sehati A
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  585. LEE SY, Jeon H, Kim Y, Choi HY, et al
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    January 2022
  586. YILDIZ E
    Comparison of pure tone audiometry thresholds and transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) of patients with and without Covid-19 pneumonia.
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  587. ALLEN DZ, Challapalli S, McKee S, Lee KH, et al
    Impact of COVID-19 on nationwide pediatric otolaryngology: Otitis media and myringotomy tube trends.
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  588. MASSIMILLA EA, Nunziata M, Cimmino E, Magaldi M, et al
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  589. AL-ANI RM, Rashid RA
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  591. MENGI E, Kara CO, Alpturk U, Topuz B, et al
    The effect of face mask usage on the allergic rhinitis symptoms in patients with pollen allergy during the covid-19 pandemic.
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  592. TAN M, Cengiz DU, Demir I, Demirel S, et al
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  593. MENG X
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  596. JAISWAL AS, Tanwar P, Irugu DVK, Sikka K, et al
    Human papilloma virus in the etiopathogenesis of allergic nasal polyposis: A prospective study.
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  597. JIANG RS, Liang KL
    Effect of hypochlorous acid nasal spray as an adjuvant therapy after functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
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  598. GROYSMAN M, Yi SK, Robbins JR, Hsu CC, et al
    The impact of socioeconomic and geographic factors on access to transoral robotic/endoscopic surgery for early stage oropharyngeal malignancy.
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  599. MAKARY CA, Holmes T, Unsal A, Munjal A, et al
    Long-term role of zileuton in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease.
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  600. KALAMBE GHATE S, Kalambe A, Maldhure S
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  601. PIERSIALA K, Weinreb SF, Akst LM, Hillel AT, et al
    Laryngeal disorders in people living with HIV.
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  602. DUNDAR R, Iynen I, Buyruk A
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  603. LIU Y, Ding Y, Li Y, Xin Y, et al
    Endoscopic modified perichondrium-cartilage sandwich graft for repairing chronic subtotal and total perforations.
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  604. LEE JW, Choi SW, Oh SJ, Kong SK, et al
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  605. BERGMAN JE, Casiano RR, Perez AB, Mantero AM, et al
    Opiate vs non-opiate prescription medication for pain control after endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis.
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  606. MIASKIEWICZ B, Panasiewicz A, Nikiel K, Wlodarczyk E, et al
    Comparison of 24-month voice outcomes after injection laryngoplasty with calcium hydroxylapatite or hyaluronic acid in patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis.
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  607. LEE JJ, Deutsch BC, Kallogjeri D, Pipkorn P, et al
    Chronic rhinosinusitis as a risk factor for intracranial and extracranial complications after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery.
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  608. MANTSOPOULOS K, Thimsen V, Taha L, Eisenhut F, et al
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  609. PHILIPS R, Topf MC, Vimawala S, Luginbuhl A, et al
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  610. SAWAF T, Quereshy HA, Cabrera CI, Abrol A, et al
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  611. KARIMI E, Rouhi T, Saeedi N, Golparvaran S, et al
    Occult nodal metastasis in head and neck carcinoma patients treated with chemoradiotherapy.
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  612. MELACHURI S, Melachuri M, Vallapil B, Kim S, et al
    The incidence of stroke post neck dissection surgery and perioperative management.
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  613. WIESER ME, Dooley LM, Galloway TL, Zitsch RP, et al
    Safety of the "incidental" neck dissection or exploration during free tissue transfer after head and neck irradiation.
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  614. WONG WK, Lee M, Ong CW
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  615. AKBARI M, Motiee-Langroudi M, Heidari F, Beheshti A, et al
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  616. THAI NLB, Mai NY, Vuong NL, Tin NM, et al
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  617. CHEN K, Sun J, Huang B, Liang Y, et al
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  618. CHEN L, Mo DC, Hu M, Zhao SJ, et al
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  619. MAZAREI A, Khamushian P, Sadeghi Ivraghi M, Heidari F, et al
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  622. MCMANUS B, Harbarger C, Grillis A, Prewitt MG, et al
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  623. WAN M, Zhao D, Liu W, Xu X, et al
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  624. JELLA TK, Cwalina TB, Sachdev RR, Otteson T, et al
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    November 2021
  625. KACIN AJ, Jabbour N, Ford MD, Losee JE, et al
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  626. FEINMESSER G, Feinmesser R, Alon EE, Avior G, et al
    Is molecular testing in patients with low risk papillary thyroid carcinoma justified? A Markovian model.
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  627. ISMAIEL WF, Abdelazim MH, Eldsoky I, Ibrahim AA, et al
    The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the incidence of acute invasive fungal rhinosinusitis.
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  628. TOKAT T, Muderris T, Aysel A, Sari E, et al
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  629. KARPISHCHENKO S, Ulupov M, Gindryuk capital A, Cyrillic, Kaplun D, et al
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  630. HERNANDEZ DJ, Alam B, Kemnade JO, Huang AT, et al
    Consistent multimodality approach to oral cavity and high-risk oropharyngeal cancer in veterans.
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  631. TREVINO-GONZALEZ JL, Maldonado-Chapa F, Gonzalez-Cantu A, Soto-Galindo GA, et al
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  632. HAN WW, Wu YQ, Fan ZY, Yang XY, et al
    Characteristics of bone metabolism in postmenopausal female patients with different types of idiopathic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: A single-centre retrospective study.
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  633. BERNICHI JV, Rizzo VL, Villa JF, Santos RF, et al
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  634. NASSIRI AM, Benson JC, Doerfer KW, Perkins EL, et al
    Absent pyramidal eminence and stapedial tendon associated with congenital stapes footplate fixation: Intraoperative and radiographic findings.
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  635. TUGRUL S, Senturk E, Dogan R, Yenigun A, et al
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  636. OLSON MD, Barrera JE
    A comparison of an absorbable nasal implant versus functional rhinoplasty for nasal obstruction.
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  637. ELMOURSY MM, Abbas AS
    The role of low levels of vitamin D as a co-factor in the relapse of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
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  638. LYUTENSKI S, James P, Bloching M
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  639. RAMPINELLI V, Ferrari M, Poli P, Lancini D, et al
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  640. DIN-LOVINESCU C, Talmor G, Gravina A, Kaye R, et al
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  641. VAID P, Farrell E, Donnelly M
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  642. KIM SD, Jung DW, Lee JW, Park JH, et al
    Relationship between allergic rhinitis and nasal surgery success in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
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  643. KAFFENBERGER TM, Eichar BW, McCoy JL, Yang TS, et al
    Cystic fibrosis mutation classes in pediatric otitis media - Fickle or faulty?
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  644. ERDUR O, Celik T, Gul O, Koca CF, et al
    Coblation cryptolysis method in treatment of tonsil caseum-induced halitosis.
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  645. LELEGREN M, Bhat K, Sheehan B, Lamichhane R, et al
    Variations in utilization and clinical outcomes for endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation and endovascular arterial embolization in a single multi-hospital network.
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  646. IKEDA K, Harashima T, Koike T
    Effects of endoscopic sinus surgery on nasal spray deposition using dye-based methods for humans and a human silicone sinonasal cavity model.
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  647. SAXON S, Johnson R, Spiegel JH
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  648. ABT NB, Miller LE, Mokhtari TE, Lin DT, et al
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    October 2021
  649. HO CY, Chin SC, Hu CY, Chen SL, et al
    The necessity and effect of prophylactic quinolone ear drops after ventilation tube insertion for otitis media with effusion.
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  650. MOOSSAVI A, Mehrkian S, Najafi S, Bakhshi E, et al
    The effectiveness of the combined transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and tailor-made notched music training (TMNMT) on psychoacoustic, psychometric, and cognitive indices of tinnitus patients.
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  651. ZORZI SF, Lazio MS, Pietrobon G, Chu F, et al
    Upfront surgical organ-preservation strategy in advanced-stage laryngeal cancer.
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  652. THOMAS RJ, Whittaker J, Pollock J
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  653. WU MJ, Barber SR, Chari DA, Knoll RM, et al
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    September 2021
  654. LYLE W, Sajjad A, Yoon P, Anne S, et al
    Resolution of auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder after shunt placement in a patient with hydrocephalus: A case report.
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