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  Anorexia nervosa, May 2023

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  1. KHATRI V, Bauschka M, Foley M, Lundberg C, et al
    A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Managing End-Stage Renal Disease in Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Report.
    Clin Med Insights Case Rep. 2023;16:11795476231169385.
    Abstract available

  2. RAJCSANYI LS, Hoffmann A, Ghosh A, Matrisch-Dinkler B, et al
    Genetic variants in genes involved in creatine biosynthesis in patients with severe obesity or anorexia nervosa.
    Front Genet. 2023;14:1128133.
    Abstract available

  3. STENGEL A, Giel K
    Emerging therapeutic targets for anorexia nervosa.
    Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2023 Apr 28:1-12. doi: 10.1080/14728222.2023.2206954.
    Abstract available

  4. SHARPE SL, Adams M, Smith EK, Urban B, et al
    Inaccessibility of care and inequitable conceptions of suffering: a collective response to the construction of "terminal" anorexia nervosa.
    J Eat Disord. 2023;11:66.
    Abstract available

  5. BLOOMBERG L, Hoscheit M, Hendler S, Abegunde AT, et al
    Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome in an Adolescent Female with Anorexia Nervosa.
    Clin Med Res. 2023;21:46-48.
    Abstract available

  6. MILES S, Nedeljkovic M, Phillipou A
    Investigating differences in cognitive flexibility, clinical perfectionism, and eating disorder-specific rumination across anorexia nervosa illness states.
    Eat Disord. 2023 May 1:1-22. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2023.2206751.
    Abstract available

  7. KAUFMANN LK, Hanggi J, Jancke L, Baur V, et al
    Disrupted longitudinal restoration of brain connectivity during weight normalization in severe anorexia nervosa.
    Transl Psychiatry. 2023;13:136.
    Abstract available

  8. CHIAVARINO F, Pruccoli J, Cecconi I, Vancini N, et al
    Eating disorders in young patients with neurofibromatosis type 1.
    J Paediatr Child Health. 2023;59:723-728.
    Abstract available

  9. ZHANG R, Kuja-Halkola R, Birgegard A, Larsson H, et al
    Association of family history of schizophrenia and clinical outcomes in individuals with eating disorders.
    Psychol Med. 2021 Apr 30:1-8. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721001574.
    Abstract available

  10. CALDWELL B, Catania S, Farrugia M, Ganci M, et al
    Using the experiences of COVID to reposition services for children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa.
    Australas Psychiatry. 2023 May 10:10398562231174693.

    Anorexia nervosa microbiota.
    Nat Neurosci. 2023;26:725.

  12. ZAKERS A, Cimolai V
    Complementary and Integrative Medicine and Eating Disorders in Youth: Traditional Yoga, Virtual Reality, Light Therapy, Neurofeedback, Acupuncture, Energy Psychology Techniques, Art Therapies, and Spirituality.
    Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2023;32:421-450.
    Abstract available

  13. WALLACE JM, Udquim KT, Starnes TA, Radhakrishnan NS, et al
    A Hepatic Manifestation of Anorexia Nervosa.
    Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2023;10:003675.
    Abstract available

  14. MOUBAYED D, Piche-Renaud PP, Provost C, Faure C, et al
    Faecal calprotectin: Marker of intestinal inflammatory process in anorexia nervosa? A preliminary study.
    Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2023 May 16. doi: 10.1002/erv.2983.
    Abstract available

  15. KLEPPE MM, Kessler U, Rekkedal GA, Skjakodegard HF, et al
    Differences in sleep patterns between patients with anorexia nervosa and healthy controls: a cross-sectional study.
    J Eat Disord. 2023;11:76.
    Abstract available

  16. CASSIOLI E, Rossi E, Martelli M, Arganini F, et al
    Longitudinal Coupling between Eating Disorder Psychopathology and Depression in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Treated with Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A One-Year Follow-Up Study.
    Brain Sci. 2023;13:535.
    Abstract available

  17. DELAQUIS CP, Godart NT, Evhan Group, Fatseas M, et al
    Cognitive and Interpersonal Factors in Adolescent Inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa: A Network Analysis.
    Children (Basel). 2023;10:730.
    Abstract available

  18. GRAMMATIKOPOULOU MG, Syrmou V, Lioliopoulou ML, Gkiouras K, et al
    Anorexia Nervosa in Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): A Causality Dilemma.
    Children (Basel). 2023;10:697.
    Abstract available

  19. PRUCCOLI J, Parmeggiani A
    The Role of Mood Stabilizers in Children and Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: A 1-year Follow-Up, Propensity Score-Matched Study.
    Pharmacopsychiatry. 2023;56:118-125.
    Abstract available

  20. LAUFER S, Herman E, Serfaty D, Latzer Y, et al
    Case report: Anorexia nervosa and unspecified restricting-type eating disorder in Jewish ultra-orthodox religious males, leading to severe physical and psychological morbidity.
    Front Psychiatry. 2023;14:966935.
    Abstract available

  21. GORRELL S, Hail L, Reilly EE
    Predictors of Treatment Outcome in Eating Disorders: A Roadmap to Inform Future Research Efforts.
    Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2023;25:213-222.
    Abstract available

  22. ALCARAZ-IBANEZ M, Paterna A, Griffiths MD
    Social physical anxiety and eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Body Image. 2023;45:133-141.
    Abstract available

  23. MELLES H, Duijvis S, Jansen A
    Inhibitory Learning during Exposure Treatment in Anorexia Nervosa: A Practical Guide.
    Behav Sci (Basel). 2023;13:370.
    Abstract available

  24. CANDIDO ACR, Ferraz SD, Uggioni MLR, Zanevan IR, et al
    Omega-3 as an adjuvant in the treatment eating and psychological symptoms in patients with Anorexia Nervosa: A systematic review and meta-analyses.
    J Hum Nutr Diet. 2023 May 25. doi: 10.1111/jhn.13187.
    Abstract available

  25. YAGER J, Gaudiani JL, Treem J
    Regardless of inequities in care, terminal anorexia nervosa exists: a response to Sharpe et al.
    J Eat Disord. 2023;11:79.
    Abstract available

  26. OMI T
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Severe Anorexia Nervosa With Brain Atrophy.
    J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry. 2023;64:309-312.

  27. KATZMAN DK, McCradden MD
    Capacity for Preferences: Adolescents With AN-PLUS.
    J Adolesc Health. 2023;72:827-828.

  28. SEMINOG O, Thakrar DB, James AC, Goldacre MJ, et al
    Low risk of some common cancers in women with anorexia nervosa: Evidence from a national record-linkage study.
    Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2023 May 16. doi: 10.1111/acps.13566.
    Abstract available

  29. HEALEY N
    To Sir William Gull - poem.
    Br J Psychiatry. 2023;222:229.

  30. KOCSIS-BOGAR K, Ossege M, Aigner M, Wancata J, et al
    Involvement, depressive symptoms, and their associations with problems and unmet needs in caregivers of adult eating disorder patients.
    Eat Weight Disord. 2023;28:45.
    Abstract available

  31. WONG JWS, Skeldon S, Gill E, Taylor E, et al
    The increase in medical admissions with anorexia nervosa during the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Australia.
    Int J Eat Disord. 2023 May 3. doi: 10.1002/eat.23977.
    Abstract available

  32. LOEB KL, Dimitropoulos G
    Extending single-session interventions to target parents as agents of change in adolescent eating disorders.
    Int J Eat Disord. 2023;56:881-884.
    Abstract available

  33. JEWELL T, Apostolidou E, Sadikovic K, Tahta-Wraith K, et al
    Attachment in individuals with eating disorders compared to community controls: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Int J Eat Disord. 2023;56:888-908.
    Abstract available

  34. LETH-MOLLER KB, Hebebrand J, Strandberg-Larsen K, Baker JL, et al
    Childhood body mass index and the subsequent risk of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa among women: A large Danish population-based study.
    Int J Eat Disord. 2023 May 16. doi: 10.1002/eat.23986.
    Abstract available

  35. CHATWIN H, Holde K, Yilmaz Z, Larsen JT, et al
    Risk factors for anorexia nervosa: A population-based investigation of sex differences in polygenic risk and early life exposures.
    Int J Eat Disord. 2023 May 25. doi: 10.1002/eat.23997.
    Abstract available

  36. MURRAY SB, Rokicki J, Sartorius AM, Winterton A, et al
    Brain-based gene expression of putative risk genes for anorexia nervosa.
    Mol Psychiatry. 2023 May 23. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02110.
    Abstract available

  37. SUTTON HICKEY AK, Duane SC, Mickelsen LE, Karolczak EO, et al
    AgRP neurons coordinate the mitigation of activity-based anorexia.
    Mol Psychiatry. 2023;28:1622-1635.
    Abstract available

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